What Attracts a Narcissist? Why did they pick me?

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There are different kinds and types of narcissism, and many look for different people to play different roles and act as a supply for them. In this video Darren Magee explains what attracts them to certain people and how they choose their victims / targets

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A narcissist doesn't break your heart, they break your spirit. That's why it takes so long to heal.”


A narcissist likes someone who will argue in good faith, someone who believes in truth and integrity and wants to see it in them and finds it hard to accept that it's not there.


My marriage was death by paper cuts…. He would say things that were so unnecessary. I ate too fast, I didn’t dry off correctly, there was always something wrong with the dinners I cooked, I didn’t pronounce words correctly, I did hang his cloths up right. I didn’t fold his socks the way he told me to…etc!!! Guess what, I left his ass after 10 years of this abuse. He never saw it coming!!! I was scared to death, but I did it, and my divorce was final last week!!! Best day♥️


If you are an empath, you have a "kick me" sign on your rear end for narcissists to see. The empath is the hot fudge sundae on the narcissistic menu. I sometimes think that destroying an empath's ability to love and trust is their highest life goal.


“ most narcissists are highly accomplished actors “. So very true. Don’t beat yourself up for falling for their tricks, they are very, VERY good at what they do.


omg, omg, omg that is so true." when you first met you were confident, ambitious, had felt good about yourself, things you could do, good idea about the future", then it all went down the drain. This is so true. They do suck the life out of us. It took me 22 years, of lies, gaslighting, depression, and anxiety to wake up.


In my experience they target people who they think might be better than them and might usurp them. So they do their best to undermine them in ways that seem ridiculous to a normal person. But they mean business and will fight to the death to overcome their rival.


Narcessists are every where, and Im responsible of me, letting them, in to my life.
Practise self love, having boundaries and stop
being so naive and giving people chance after chance.
Forgive yourself and let go of the anger towards your own self!
Love from Norway ❤


As a child of a narcissistic mother, it was my “duty “ to be her punch bag in order to help her with her problems. She was too complicated to see her own errors or to ever apologize for anything and for that reason, it was my duty to make excuses for her toxic behavior. Later, in life, I have realized that I was falling in the same patterns with other people, made excuses for their rudeness, cruelty or negligent behavior. That’s why I made a golden rule and let people explain themselves instead of me doing that, and that’s where they true nature comes out. Not all of those circumstances will end up bad. Normal person would explain itself, but narcissist would go in attacking mode, and that’s my cue to leave


My mother was a narcissist and a bully. She was verbally, mentally, and physically abusive. My first memory of her was she was beating me to make me fear her, I was 2 years old, and I did fear her much of my life. She was also violent towards my father. She was very scary. I have no memories of her being kind to me or interested in what was best for me. The opposite was true, I was set up to fail.
Narcissists have a favorite child, the golden child. I was not the favorite, I was often the scapegoat. To avoid abuse I became invisible and I was neglected, I was left outside alone at age 2. I didn't develop a sense of confidence and self-esteem.
My sister was openly favored, showered with material things and opportunities. My sister hated our mother but sucked up to her to get the benefits of being the favorite. My mother promoted conflict and division between us, we never really became friends, there was always competition and my sister felt entitled to take advantage of me like she did when we were children.
My sister and I were brainwashed into believing we needed to be doormats to get and keep a husband. Most of my life I was a magnet attracting narcissistic people. I kept repeating the victim/martyr relationship with narcissistic people. Unfortunately I found relationships with normal people boring. For those in a dysfunctional family with a narcissistic parent, run, do not walk, get away from them and don't look back. They will use you, offer a few crumbs of love but don't be fooled. Narcissists only care about themselves.


The narc thought I had money. When he found out I didn't, he discarded me right away.


“WTF did I ever see in him?” BOTH my parents were narcissists; I was conditioned & indoctrinated to believe that was the norm… even though instinctively I FELT differently. So GRATEFUL these videos are available to the public & am a tad wistful that they weren’t around 50 years ago. THANK YOU.


You get only one life to live, choose the people around you very carefully. You deserve to have a great life. Make it worthwhile by ditching all narcissists and creating a healthy environment for yourself and loved ones.


...they're also looking for someone who'll pay their way through life. When the money dries up, they'll leave you bankrupt, sick and consequently unemployed. Then it's on to the next victim. And on and on and on...


If you were NOT picked by a narcissist, it's probably because you set boundaries & called them on their BS at the very beginning... so they disengaged & looked for better supply.


My mother, the narc, raised me to believe I had no inherent worth and the best I could hope for was to be of service. This set me up perfectly for my ex-husband the narc who said he needed me. I didn't think I had a choice.


Say no, ignore them, no attention and they move on. Lesson learned


As a daughter of a narcissist father, I was under his spell for 53 years. I confronted him several times in an attempt to redeem a relationship with my father. He will never budge. Don't give them too many chances. Accept it and move forward in your life.


Finally someone said what I’ve been thinking. I am sure that some are hunters seeking out a very particular kind of prey, but I think in most cases we were just in the wrong place at the wrong time and too damn “nice” to call bullshit. And we were desperate to be loved… by anybody! Just like them. We just had different ways of trying to fill that same bottomless pit in our hearts.
