What type of person is a narcissist attracted to? Do narcissists go after empaths

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What type of person is a narcissist attracted to? Do narcissists go after empath

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My ex-boyfriend told me he didn't want me to work, and that my job was to take care of him. This was 5 years ago and it's been 8 months since I left. I can't even begin to describe the mental abuse I went through. I'm healing now. 😔


As the saying goes, opposites attract. The narcissist is drawn to the opposite of themselves. They are attracted to what they're not, and the empathetic person is attracted to someone they feel they can help. At the end of the day, it's two broken people getting together who shouldn't.


I had no boundaries, I do NOW for sure!


they are attracted who are vulnerable, and trauma bonded. People they can run over easily


They are attracted to hard working people, people are have confidence in themselves people are have dreams, high aims for themselves, people who put in the work for what they want then they get jealous and tear you down.


Why would a narcissist say to someone “don’t give up on me” to allow them to do what they want I assume an get away with it.


This makes sense. I’m sure they approach other people that aren’t necessarily considered empaths. But the relationships with empaths probably last the longest because we’re steady trying to give them more chances and see the best in them. Meanwhile they’re steady using that as a green light to manipulate. It’s like hitting the jackpot for them.


They go after emotional codependents. They go after people with big hearts that will suffer in the slightest way. They are like social sharks looking for open cuts. The more you speak and bleed to them, the more they "connect" with you and gain control over your business.


Facts. Like the realistic view of this subject


The narcissist told me I was an empath before I even knew what an empath was.


I love that you made content while getting gas lol. Good video.


I used to be easy to manipulate and I believed what I was being told. I thought that bc I was being honest they were being honest. Not only is my mother a crazy narcissist but every man I've had a relationship with turned out to be a narcissist. I was married 3 times to 3 different types and levels of narcissism.. I learned the hard way.
I left my last husband 19 yrs ago and have dated here and there had a couple of "serious" relationships that only last 2 to 3 months. In 19 yrs thats about all a man can keep the lie going and stay some what interested. I'm 50 and men in my age range where I live all have some addiction and I think it's not bad bc they say it's not an issue. I fall for everytime... until 2 yrs ago. I focus on me and my business and therapy .. I put the past in the past and every guy that comes back crying saying I'm sorry I was stupid to do you that way. And I would fall for it.. Not anymore I can see em from a mile away. 😂
Thanks Lee lots of love ❤️


Good Morning and thank you 👍I was in a relationship with a narcisist for 15 years and I didn't even realise it. He got sick of me about 5 months ago and and replaced me with a new model literaly over night, not a smalest sign or change from him until I found out. Just realise now that he might be a narcisist because I have lived 5 months in a state of shock until now because I didn't have a clue why and what II had done wrong to make him feel that way. I have listened to all your videos and also other coaches videos and now I am starting to understand the signs, the love bombing in the begining etc but he has done well keeping his real self under control for so long. I went no contact for my own sanity but we work together and it is inevitable to bump into each other at times. 5 months down the line he is being a lot nicer to me but I don't give him to much familiarity, Im just polite to him and listen to his shit like he has been to America with his male friends and had a great time etc. No idea what happened to his new model because I never asked and Im never going to ask him. I'm seeing someone else now anyway but it's funny when he sends me picks of the places where he is or when he goes out of his friends or for no reason goes out of his way to help me at work I dont need his help!!!. No idea what he wants next but Im going to waite and see He gets no information from me about what I'm doing or where I'm going but he tries. I really liked him and nearly had a break down because I could not understand what I had done wrong, I felt totally shit about myself and torally lost whithout him Thank you for all your insites and advice, well needed by me. God Bless you and Amor Paz Luz e Tranquilidade para todos nos 🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤


Totally agree. Someone with proper boundaries never fell for my Narc ex.


It was her slapping cheeks that got me twisted. 😅


I need to learn how to be more assertive and think about what boundaries I should have


The highly intelligent covert narcissist just wants to react differently sometimes. They often find it no problem when you tell them you want to separate. They are often so convinced of their ego that they let you go without mercy. It is extra difficult because you think "Huh but the narcissist normally gets angry when you threaten to leave?" No, the highly intelligent covert narcissist even holds the door open for you!


They go after anybody they can get a free ride from😂


Thanks for this gentle reminder. We are also in charge of where the relationship goes based upon our boundaries.


I would compare it to children playing on the playground, or a flock of sheep in the valley. The narcissist is like a lion/ wolf in sheep's clothing, waiting they know some how there's that 1 person in the group that stands out from all the rest . They will approach that 1 person cause their vulnerabilities are leaking out .they are ripe for a narcissist IDK how but I've experienced this .
