How Nice Guys Always Attract Narcissistic Females

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I was raised by females primarily and taught to be nice to women and to basically put them on a pedestal. Alot of us nice guys didn't have proper male role models growing up. So our beliefs stick with us growing up thinking that we have to be "nice" to get a woman to like us. This video is spot on.


1). Constantly say yes! Fear of conflict!
2) Not enough self love, thirsty for love makes you an easy target
3) Too agreeable, for fear of rejection
4). Not being assertive and internalizing things you don’t like
5). Not taking the lead and when things go wrong getting blamed for such


I was married for 5 years with a narcisistic sociopath. She humiliated me, insulted me, cursed me 24 / 7. I was so stupid to think that she had just a horrible temper but she was nevertheless a good person. When I left her she was chasing me . She told me she loved me since I had the balls to leave her. I always had balls. She did not notice them because I was too kind. I am still kind, but only with people who deserve it. Thank you for this excellent video. As far as my ex wife is concerned, she got impregnated by a Chad and now she is struggling as a single mother.


I ended a 27-year marriage 2 years ago to a narcissist, this video kind of freaked me out, it's like you were hiding in the closet and watching my life unfold


"Anytime they were assertive, they were made to feel like they did something extremely wrong" 🙌


Narcissists are VERY good at highlighting our weaknesses, our unresolved issues. Be perceptive, gentlemen. Learn from her after she breaks your heart.


This is spot on.... having low self esteem will allow you to accept "crumbs of love", so true!


Just coming out of a relationship w a female narcissist. Trying to just survive the damage right now. Your videos are helpful. Thank you.


Excellent presentation. It's worth adding that the opposite man to the 'nice' guy described here is NOT someone who is nasty to women, mean, selfish, unkind to them etc. What's being described very well here is people pleasing; being nice motivated by lack of self worth, having poor boundaries, being insecure. If you can replace these traits with self acceptance, confidence, self worth, good boundaries etc you can still be kind, thoughtful, generous, loving to women, but from a place of strength within yourself, not weakness.


I was married to a narcissistic women for 18 years. Over time I started to work on myself. I worked on my codependency and self-worth. I started to set boundaries and limits. Once I became healthy she left. It hurt when she left, but I understand the dynamic we were in. She fit every trait and attraction you mentioned on here. Spot on.


I really like the fact that your doing videos on female helps men gain a better perspective.. Keep it going and thank u


It's easy to believe that if you're nice and submissive, people will think you're a good person. But what we don't realise is that it has to be a Give & Recieve relationship. You have a right to expect good treatment back.


Some men are attracted to Narcissistic women, because they have, the "Knight In Shining Armor Syndrome." They grew up in an era that told them that men are suppose to SAVE/FIX damaged women. These damaged women generally have played victim all of her lives and never took responsible for her actions. These men make excuses for these women. They think that supporting this behavior is what love is and what being a man is about.


I was in a relationship with narc and tried to control everything and if she didn't she would freak out. 5 yrs was enough. There was so little love and it was fake what I did get.


I need to listen to this over and over again because you literally described how I think in relationships. Time to reprogram. It's no wonder I've attracted several toxic women.

Thank you for this :)


What's interesting is that these same people show up down the line begging to come back. We're in a twisted world where kindness is mistaken for weakness. The biggest power anyone has is walking away.


That was me untill I woke up and smelled the coffee. I'm not that guy anymore. Brilliant video and you are so gorgeous x


Yes yes and more yes!!!! I’ve been with 3 and grew up with narcissistic siblings. I’m a caretaker and these heifers zero in on me until I have nothing left to give then like you said I explode. I went on my own for a year or so, found God and built my foundation upon Jesus Christ. I am able to see right through these types of people now. They are horribly afraid of truth and honesty.


People say "be assertive" or "don't be a pushover" and a few things about that:

1) It's not the best wording to help someone who really doesn't know much. They need to know in an actual moment, or situation to look out for, when they are being "steam rolled" so they can practice resistance.
2) Not only is part of it detecting when there is an issue and practicing resistance, but further a person has to understand how to not be manipulated or gaslit by the narcissist. Undoubtedly, if you're already dealing with a narcissist, and you assert yourself, they will gaslight you suggesting you are doing something else problematic or bad that you should be minding. "Stand up for yourself" isn't such a helpful phrase when there is a limit to even that -- one has to have an intellectual preparation for some of the emotional gaslighting that will occur. Understand that even in a relationship, if you are made unhappy by something, the counter to this isn't your partner simply stating that it is something they need for thier happiness to be fulfilled. That's gaslighting.

Dating example -- when trying to engage women to go on early dates, they can be extremely uncooperative with their availability. This is a red flag and is likely a tactic to see if you'll bend over on their behalf. I've asked a woman if she was available between 2 days of the week. She said no for both, and asked me about a third, I said that day worked fine, before she remembered she had something and jumped to a 4th -- do you see the pattern there? She's literally seeing if there's something I have going on in the week I won't move over for her. There are actually two separate outcomes here and both are bad: 1) this is a woman who won't like you, and even worse she won't tell you with clear language, maybe even wasting your time by going on one date with you before ghosting you. She'll force _you_ to realize she's not interested rather than use any direct language. 2) She's a narcissist and this is what she wants. Ending up in a relationship with her will damage and erase you substantially. Both are really bad places to end up.

Early relationship example -- I asked my partner for more space. We were not even 2 months into dating and she was establishing a standard for coming and going from my place whenever she pleased, being over 5 days a week with the premise being that she was taking care of me (I had a severe accident, but was mobile). Aside from the most revealing emotional blow up (which should have ended things right then and there), she "logiced" the whole thing by gaslighting that she was sacrificing by coming over to take care for me. She further pushed that "she had needs and won't wait forever." Notice in the whole interaction, she won't even acknowledge for a single moment the one ask. A normal-ish or healthy-ish woman who may want to spend more time and is confronted with this and wants to still push (rare) will at least ask why you need space so she can understand. A narcissist will NOT ever do this. They see you not satisfying their needs, and instantly their purpose is to make you overturn your decision and steam roll your boundary, not to even ask about.


During a 19-year marriage to a narc wife... I would lead, but no one was following!
