WARDEN: Everything To Know | Minecraft's New Terror of the Deep

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Minecraft Warden Guide! THE WARDEN ⚔ The Warden is Minecraft's new unbeatable mob that lurks the ancient city - if you make it. In this episode of the everything series we talk how to spawn the warden, where to find the warden, warden fights, warden strategies, and more!

-=| SECTIONS |=-
0:00 - History of the Warden
1:10 - Warden Stats
2:09 - How To Find The Warden
4:42 - Warden Sensing Mechanics
6:14 - Angry Points
9:25 - Warden Calming and Despawning
10:30 - Warden Melee
11:29 - Warden Sonic Boom
13:54 - Warden Variants
14:37 - Warden Survival Tips
17:05 - Your Questions
18:22 - Warden Fun Facts


Minecraft warden dimension Minecraft warden fight Minecraft warden Minecraft warden reaction Minecraft warden portal Minecraft warden farm Minecraft warden trailer how to find the warden how to beat the warden Minecraft warden tips and tricks Minecraft

if you read this comment "wardles"
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The most terrifying thing that has ever happened to me while I was playing in the snapshots was when I accidentally summoned the warden and ran 70-80 blk away before the summoning animation ended, I had no line of sight so I was throwing snowballs randomly, until one hit the warden, first I just laughed but after 10 seconds, I saw the warden sprinting towards me and then the darkness crept in and then I died, apparently if you hit them they can track you from very far away.


Eggs might be really good for avoiding these dudes. The chance of spawning a chicken means they can act as both an instant deterrent & a lasting distraction.


The Warden is literally a physical manifestation of the cave noises.


The warden is another great reason to add a new enchantment that i feel would fit well in the game. Magic Protection. Its like the other protections, but for magic. So you take less damage from the sonic boom, instant damage potions, dragons breath, and other magic realated damage, such as attacks from the evoker or witch. I think this would be a good time to add such and enchantment because it would feel neccesary for exploring the deep dark if you get spotted.


Bro, the warden scared me mostly to death, I went in wanting to kill it. I was completely endgame fully enchanted everything. And I did the pillaring up thing, but not high enough it knocked me down, started chasing me, I was just running and trying to escape but I couldn't see anything, eventually I ran into a wall decided to dig a 2x1 into the wall and then just turn around and bow him and it ended up working and I killed him. But when I fell off that pillar and was super low I swear my heart rate was really close to 200 bpm


If you were to try and kill the warden from fall damage, it takes 319 blocks, the full world height, to kill it
Edit: I just remembered that it also has to land on a stalagmite


16:30 The fact that I went in here early game with nothing but a map and a stone pickaxe, looted the place and hot out and survived really makes me rethink all my negative thoughts about myself


People fear what they do not understand and thus we no longer fear the Warden after all of Wattles' info/news and the developers talking about.
However, I really feel bad for new players in Minecraft who don't know about the Warden and accidentally summons one for the first time; it would be utterly terrifying for them.


The devs are really successful on creating a mob that should be avoided. I remember to be skeptical when they said it, but now I cant wait to try it


I’m pretty much a newb and I was in the middle of grinding iron. I started wandering on the cave floor instead of wandering around the walls, went deep, found myself in the nightmaresville of the deep dark. So I find out my torches suck in the deep dark, find out that the bush things light up when you make noise, so I made a bunch of noise and got fricking jumpscared by this boy. I think imma wait a bit before I trek through their.


I think you should talk more about WOOL block usage: Seal 6 sides of the shrieker, Run on carpet without
They are the counter to Ancient City for REAL.
Once you doing the "Wool Way", you don't need armor anymore, just need Strong Shears, Hoe, Night Vision and Ignoring the Warden


the warden also proves that complex “boss-type” mobs can be added to MC, now to update those vanilla dungeons … 🧐


I think you should make a video like this about the Allay. They are a cute mob, but i still don’t understand their purpose in the game


Genuine question: If the Warden can keep smelling you, how can you possibly allow it to calm down enough to despawn?


I attempted to cheese a warden by digging 20 blocks forward at the end and near the shrieker, 3 blocks high, 1 block wide, and fill in the remaining gaps using the blocks I've mined. I'd activate the shrieker and quickly go at the start of where I dug, and lure him to my trap and hit him with my bow. Right after I anger the warden and does his roar, I quickly used the water bucket at the right placement and run to the end of the area I dug. This should not only leave warden stuck, but will not attack you/affect you with darkness. Then I'd use an infinity bow to take him down. I accidentally made a second warden appear, but I killed him too.

In short, you can kill a warden by using very basic, oldest tricks in the book


The lack of loot after killing the Warden is kinda disappointing. But I'm sure once someone theorizes a good lore, I'd be satisfied with the reason there's no reward for killing it.


Me and my friends raided the ancient city with only iron armor. We just had one person run around to make as much noise as possible and to destroy as many shriekers as possible. Then the others just looted the chests that were "safe". Its pretty if u have like 3-5 ppl


It feels like I’ve been waiting for ever for the implementation of the warden, but even now that it’s here I still feel like I’m waiting.


I made a house for the warden and I trapped it there. I had to use like 4 totems of undying and a lot of splash potions of healing. Quite a thrilling experience.


I would say I'm afraid to go mining, but "WE DO NOT FEAR WHAT LIES BENEATH, WE CAN NEVER DIG TOO DEEP!"
