How to Prep for a Colonoscopy - The Best Way - Gatorade & Miralax - Over the Counter

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Always follow your doctors specific instructions but this is my opinion after doing it several times of how to prep for a colonoscopy without having to suffer unnecessarily.
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I’m prepping tomorrow with this mixture ! Thanks for making it not so scary sounding. I even got a good laugh. 🤣


Just had my first today. I took the big jug of the commercial stuff. I can't say it was horrible. It was basically PEG laxative and electrolyte solution with lemon lime flavor. You definitely want to mix it up and chill it well first. It was 12 glasses the night before and three or four early the morning of the procedure. I didn't mind the flavor or texture so much. The thing is when you're starving, the liquid can be your favorite flavor in the world, but by glass nine or 10 every 20 minutes, you're going to get tired of it. I also had some 7-up, ginger ale and white tic-tacs to keep my blood sugar from crashing and also half a cup of hot beef broth every hour or so until I had to leave off everything by midnight prior.

The worst part for me wasn't drinking the stuff, or getting purged, or even feeling hunger, though there was that. It was a persistent headache from no food or caffeine and low blood sugar to the point of having difficulty walking going into the procedure. The peace of mind of getting it done is well worth it all though. I won't ever look forward to it, but if they tell me to come back every three years or whatever, I'll turn up on time. I've seen what advanced colon cancer can do to people and so far as I and medical technology can prevent it, I'll do my utmost.


I got my first one coming up and they gave me that giant gallon, I was panicking but you made it seem not bad, thanks man!


I've been trying to find an alternative to taking the prescribed gallon of "embalming fluid" and I came across your video and it is by far the best video. Thank you!


I was told the lemon-lime Gatorade is the preferred flavor for this. In fact at one site, it's the recommended flavor. Anyway, doing my prep now and have to get mine early in the morning. Thanks for the vid!


I was told that yellow Gatorade was fine.


My favorite part is when you sit down on the toilet and it sounds like someone is squeezing a giant ketchup container full-force into the water 😂


This video made me laugh! I need to get my 2nd procedure done and not looking forward to the prep. This recommendation is perfect. I will also be using desitin as well.


Great vid. Just wanted to clarify the part about the Dulcolax. Alex mentioned "stool softener" and that's actually not what you want to buy. The gastro doctors all specify Dulcolax LAXATIVE. The stool softener and the laxative are actually two different products. Make sure you get the one that says "Bisacodyl STIMULANT" that will contain 5 mg tablets. The Dulcolax Stool Softener is in a blue box and is a non-stimulant. Alex was showing the correct box but described it incorrectly.


Be sure to avoid a beverage color that looks like residual blood in the bowel.


Thanks Mr Alex Hamberger ! And for the toilet flush, always a sport ! Good luck !


you were supposed to take dulcolax laxative tablets not dulcolax stool softener tablets before starting the miralax Gatorade.


My doctor gave me the Gatorade method. I only have to fast the day before. So funny about the 32 oz bottle.


I love your video bro, very simple and hilarious!


This helped a lot I threw up 4 times trying to get that nasty ass lemonade down


My prep instructions are: two (64 oz) Gatorade (not red, purple, or blue). Ugh!!!


I hate this. Im having a colonoscopy tomorrow morning but sadly i have vomited the prep twice now. Its aweful. I did miralax with orange Gatorade. Ill never drink orange gatorade again.


I came down with Ulcerative Colitis back in early 2016, followed by many colonoscopies and a two part colectomy surgery and reversal (I’m pretty good now though)

The prep *is* in fact the worst part but the procedure itself isn’t bad at all.

Cool video stil


Im gonna try this. Im only doing it for a cleanse tho, due to my constipation. I have had extreme constipation for the past 2 years snd the doctors are of no help. I used to go once a day now im lucky if I go once a week, even then its not much and its super hard. Hopefully this gives me a good flush. And yes, my diet is great with great fiber and vitamins intake. I have tried altering my diet like taking out certain things or adding in but still no help. So hopefully this cleanses me out. I find a new doctor and I go see him monday. The last 3 doctors wouldnt do anything so im not too hopeful


My instructions said no red or purple colors have 64 oz mix with 1 bottle of Miralax 238g that evening and 32 oz day of with 1 bottle of Miralax 238g
