Radical Acceptance (it will change your life + set you free)

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Exploring the topic of radical acceptance and how we can use this to release suffering from our lives. There's a fine line between having goals vs getting attached to expectations. You can still set goals but release your expectations for the outcome. Also note that radical acceptance doesn't mean you have to stay in bad circumstances or with bad people; it just means that you accept them as they are, without expecting them to change. From there, you can choose how you want to act: to set your own boundaries, leave the situation, etc.

Ultimately radical acceptance is learning to release expectations for everything outside of your control and learning to accept reality as it is. With practice, radical acceptance can change your life & set you free.

What do you think about this concept? How can you practice this more in your daily life?

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I’m Aileen, a lifestyle creator sharing knowledge and inspiration on creating your dream life.

Lavendaire is a resource for personal growth & lifestyle design. Follow along and learn how you can create a beautiful and meaningful life.


Disclaimer: This is NOT a sponsored video. All opinions expressed are wholly my own.
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A secret to happiness is letting every situation be what it is, instead of what you think it should be.


*“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending...”*
*―C. S. Lewis*


“I expected the world to be better” This is so me!! I have to remind myself every so often that not everyone has the same heart that I do. And that there’re things that I just can’t change. I can only do my part and be the change I’d like to see in the world.


I always tell myself I want to go through life like a child, being amazed by everything and not expecting anything.. it's so hard to implement though


I accept myself
I accept others
I accept reality
I am free!!!


I am an idealist too and get disappointed when people don't do better but I also don't want to be judging people and imposing my expectations on others, I respect free will so much. It's such a struggle and sometimes acceptance feels like giving up.


I get disappointed and the whole day goes me worrying about it... expecting too much is something i should let go of... i should accept what is and be grateful for what is there with me and eventually more greater things will happen! 💛


I feel like you are my therapist sometimes 😩😂 you give the best advice 🌸


The sunshine falling on her hand is looking soo divine 🥰🥰🥰


This is exactly what I needed. Now that I am pregnant I’m trying to learn to love myself and accept that I cannot control everything.


this made me realise that i should rather give my best in my studies rather than expecting myself to be perfect at it.
tysm :)


oof i struggle a lot with having expectations of other people. i think it's because i tend to be more on the giving side and just expect everyone else to be the same way. something i heard recently was "stop expecting you from other people" and it really changed my perspective. thank you for sharing Aileen! this is such an important message 💖


Hi I am here's from India🇮🇳🇮🇳.... Pls all pray for us.. To get soon recover 🙏🙏🙏.


Aileen has such a healing energy. I always find myself coming back to her videos bc her words are like medicine anytime I go through emotional turbulence 🥺


Acceptance is what helped me sooth my depression I don't add up unnecessary burn outs of don't doing things on top and that's good


Radical acceptance is about accepting the life circumstances you find yourself in. You can’t change the current situation so you have to accept it. My husband just died and so dealing with this trauma has been so difficult especially with two kids. I kept thinking why me? Why him? What if? Once I accepted that I can’t bring him back and no matter what happened I cannot bring him back. Even if I had started CPR sooner or had clued into the fact that he was dying it won’t bring him back. He was perfectly healthy and then dead and nothing can change that. No amount of worry can change it. That is radical acceptance of the situation as it is. This will save your life and it is certainly saving mine.


💕✨A little journaling to do after the video:

1. What are your expectations about yourself? Are they realistic? Where do they come from?
2. What are the expectations you have about others? Make examples. Were you hurt in the past because of your expectations?
3. What are your expectations about the world? Can you really change it or is it easier to accept?


I completely agree that suffering and getting hurt is partly due to individuals in our families did something that we didn’t expect or didn’t want. But let’s not disregard these people did things that they are never suppose to e.g abuse of any form. As kids, we wouldn’t have a clue what to expect or want, apart from basic needs. As adults, we may be able to articulate the reasons and purposes for any of the events that had caused us pain but remember these things took place when we were kids and the trauma have already affected us. I believe that while radical acceptance helps tremendously in our wellbeing and mental health, we must also be mindful not to accept the responsibility and actions of those people who have hurt us. I often find people who have experienced abuse of any form to simply “be okay” and “it’s in the past” however their lives are in shambles because the past trauma.


Accept things for what they are. Expectations is a way of being in control (wanting things to come out your way). We don’t have control of anything that happens outside of us. Relieve yourself from the pressure of expectations!

From a self love content creator to another; this video is beautiful and so relatable! ❤️


I definitely was brought up to perform. My parents had expectations for me and I realized that my entire life I didnt know what I wanted for myself because my parents were always the ones making decisions for me. I had no sense of self and it has taken a LOT of self discovery and therapy to figure out what was best for me and truly discover who I was
