Mankind's Problems Originate in Thought Itself

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Philosopher Krishnamurti and physicist David Bohm spent years engaged in dialogue with each other which both found deeply satisfying.

Panelists include: filmmaker Paul Howard and special guests—author David Moody, clinical psychologist/mind-body medicine researcher Cassie Vieten, and Tim Boyd, International Theosophy Society. Moderated by Sandra de Castro Buffington.
(Come at noon PT to watch the documentary INFINITE POTENTIAL again and engage in the lively chat.)

Bohm felt that, at the heart of Krishnamurti's thinking, was his realization that the confusion and suffering we experience as human beings are rooted in the fact that "we are ignorant of the general nature of our own processes of thought. Or to put it differently it may be said that we do not see what is actually happening, when we are engaged in the activity of thinking."
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The problems of mankind originate in the problems of the individual. No bureaucratic body can solve problems that the individual refuses to resolve. Individual problems originate in the individual ignoring its intuition and conscience. The individual is being directed by these latter subtle notions, but the creative power of Consciousness offers the individual freedom of choice, to accept these directions or not. A bureaucracy makes rules et cetera that will be invariably contradicted by individual conscience. That is seen in most Indian wise men hating Ashrams, even though they establish them. Is there a paradox there or is it merely a contradiction that makes the problems of groups and societies inevitable? The individual wants the society to agree with him and the society kills individuals who follow their conscience. I refer to the example of the great German holy woman of the Nazi period, Sophie Scholl. They put her beautiful neck under the blade and separated her head from her body. That is a problem of society. It was not a problem for Sophie. She gladly admitted to the authorities her activities that they considered to be crimes. She was looking at her people that were being massacred by that society and brought her individuality to bear. She was right and they were wrong. It reminds me of Socrates, Jesus, Mansur Mastana and millions of other individuals. Societies throughout the ages have killed and will continue to kill them. Interesting that the individual rebel knows it and does it anyway, because following Conscience is a higher value than living in the body in a corrupt society.


David might have been premature about the possibility that science would save us. Or reduce and finally eliminate poverty. This clip is taken out of context, I'm sure, but I wouldn't be smiling or smug while explaining to the poor about their chances of materially improving their circumstances without science.


Great, dealt with that problem in 50 seconds. Brilliant!


*Thank you! Fascinating stuff! Namaste! L♥VELiGHT!*


If individuals followed heir conscience there would be no societies. Societies establish themselves on the backs and heads of cowards who ignore their intuition and conscience.
