Physicist DEBUNKS Big Bang! Abhay Ashtekar's Quantum Loops
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Theoretical Physicist Prof. Ashtekar (creator Loop Quantum Gravity / Loop Quantum Cosmology) expounds on consciousness and the myth of the singularity.
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:00 Inner World (conscious experience) vs. Outer World (physics)
00:05:35 Buddha's Parable of the Poison Arrow
00:11:05 Philosophy and Physics should be merged
00:13:33 No one wants to say that the Buddha was wrong
00:19:30 Scientifically studying "enlightenment"
00:23:29 When to stop taking psychedelics ("when you get the call, hang up!")
00:25:17 What is Loop Quantum Gravity?
00:36:39 Wheeler DeWitt equation
00:44:48 Self Dual and Anti Self Dual
00:48:16 Hodge Dual and the Metric
00:52:06 Linearized Gravity
00:55:32 Quantum Gravity
01:03:22 Einstein vs. Schrödinger (the behind the scenes scuffle)
01:09:24 Technical details of quantizing geometry
01:13:41 What is Yang Mills theory?
01:20:52 Tetrads and Vierbeins
01:24:26 Roger Penrose's approach to quantum gravity (Twistor Theory)
01:26:44 Einstein's "Hole argument"
01:40:48 Mach's Principle
01:49:04 Singularities and Black Holes
02:12:18 Quantum Bounce (the "Ashtekar Bounce")
02:23:07 Pure and Mixed Quantum Mechanical States
02:26:38 Black Holes and Event Horizons
02:42:09 ADM Decomposition
02:43:55 The Gödel Universe, Time Travel, and Closed Timelike Curves
02:52:38 Salvatore Pais asks about the Superforce
02:56:13 The universe before the Big Bang
03:01:44 String Theory vs. Loop Quantum Gravity
03:17:31 Ed Witten disses Loop Quantum Gravity and Ashtekar responds
03:21:14 Duality between String theory and LQG?
03:25:20 The Philosopher and the Monk
Aug 27, 2023
00:00:00 Introduction
00:00:00 Inner World (conscious experience) vs. Outer World (physics)
00:05:35 Buddha's Parable of the Poison Arrow
00:11:05 Philosophy and Physics should be merged
00:13:33 No one wants to say that the Buddha was wrong
00:19:30 Scientifically studying "enlightenment"
00:23:29 When to stop taking psychedelics ("when you get the call, hang up!")
00:25:17 What is Loop Quantum Gravity?
00:36:39 Wheeler DeWitt equation
00:44:48 Self Dual and Anti Self Dual
00:48:16 Hodge Dual and the Metric
00:52:06 Linearized Gravity
00:55:32 Quantum Gravity
01:03:22 Einstein vs. Schrödinger (the behind the scenes scuffle)
01:09:24 Technical details of quantizing geometry
01:13:41 What is Yang Mills theory?
01:20:52 Tetrads and Vierbeins
01:24:26 Roger Penrose's approach to quantum gravity (Twistor Theory)
01:26:44 Einstein's "Hole argument"
01:40:48 Mach's Principle
01:49:04 Singularities and Black Holes
02:12:18 Quantum Bounce (the "Ashtekar Bounce")
02:23:07 Pure and Mixed Quantum Mechanical States
02:26:38 Black Holes and Event Horizons
02:42:09 ADM Decomposition
02:43:55 The Gödel Universe, Time Travel, and Closed Timelike Curves
02:52:38 Salvatore Pais asks about the Superforce
02:56:13 The universe before the Big Bang
03:01:44 String Theory vs. Loop Quantum Gravity
03:17:31 Ed Witten disses Loop Quantum Gravity and Ashtekar responds
03:21:14 Duality between String theory and LQG?
03:25:20 The Philosopher and the Monk
Aug 27, 2023