HOW to Massively Improve your KIMURA POWER!

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• The Blue Belt Super Series
• The Kimura Attack System
• The Trap Door Series
• 14 Days to Better BJJ



‘Started hitting the moves laid out in these courses the very next class...extremely uplifting to have such a quick improvement in my game’ - Houston, TX

‘I’m the only white belt in the academy doing these moves…I’m suddenly competing at a blue belt and above level…thanks Coach Tom’ - LA, California

‘Some of the best strategies you are going to see for control and submission’ - London, UK

‘The detailed way Prof Tom breaks down his moves into the absolute essentials is just next level for me. This is absolute gold‘ - Sydney, Australia

‘Most of the guys at my Academy, have about 60lbs on me, but since purchasing your ‘Kimura Attack system’ and ’14 days’ everything has changed. I feel much more confident, roll better and the guys on the mat have commented on the same. Thanks, Coach Tom’ – Dallas, TX

‘I know you have your names for your courses, but I’ve renamed them the ‘Zero to hero’ courses, I went from getting constantly owned, to now being completely dominant on the mat in no time at all’ - San Diego, California

‘I use the course material heaps, and just recently put it into action at a local comp, walked away with double gold. No one was more surprised than me! - Miami, Florida

‘As a new white belt, these classes have helped me so much, Prof Tom’s technique, the details, and his attitude. I love how Prof. Tom shows the ‘mistakes people make’ and then shows the correct way of doing things. The only one I have ever seen do this’ – New York, New York

Great videos, great instruction. I just watch them for hours…Melbourne, Australia

‘The instructional saved me big time at a recent comp, my opponent was def more experienced, but that was ok, coz I had Prof Tom’s video in my brain. Nailed it and scored gold’ - Colorado, Denver

‘All of it. Everything you show in your awesome videos are now my ‘go to techniques’. Thanks for your vids Prof, Tom’ - Houston, TX

‘You really have to watch every second of the video because Prof, Tom drops these little nuggets of gold throughout the course. And they make ALL the difference. The only one doing this. Keep them coming Professor’ - NY, New York

‘If I could only be taught from one person, Prof Tom would be it. I can’t wait to train in person one day’ – Dallas, TX

‘Went to a recent competition with these videos fresh in my mind. I knew I had an edge and the confidence this gave me was unreal. Got the gold. All submission wins! – LA, California
Рекомендации по теме

legend says: If you stand in front of a mirror and say "bend the stick" 3 times coach Tom appears and footlocks you...


Coach Tom, these self-training techniques are amazing. I love the one where I can do RNC’s on my leg etc. I’ll add this to the training regime!


I have been out of the game for a few years but training hard these past 2 months to be ready to release into the wild. The beautiful thing is only 6.5K people will know how i am breaking arms on my first day on the mat.

I am kidding! I am more of a kneecapper.


even millions of thanks would not enough to express my appreciation to you, professor! However, I have a little problem. As i drill (i train around 5-6 days per week) i constantly have a sore in my ribs both sides. Could you please recommend me anything to avoid this pain and actually to cure myself. Thanks a lot!


Got to make this. Goal, snap the stick in two =)


As an Eskrimador I know how badly these sticks can bruise lol nice alternative useage for the sticks!


Sorry for the dumb question. I live in oz as well. Where can I buy the foam that you used to wrap around the arnis stick? Cheers!


hi, I have a question and no one has been able to answer it. I've seen guys tuck their chin and still get tapped (rnc) even if their chin is down. are they hurting the jaw, neck crack, choke ? what's going on.


Bro this is amazing I prayed and stumbled across this haha...
Can I just use a dumb-bell steel pole? And wrap it in like many shirts or something and take pain killers and try keep on snapping it? Will it have the same effect?

I know I'd never snap the steel (Well probably not) but will this do the same thing or does the stick need to be long?


cool drill! btw, do you also train filipino stick fighting?


Can I just use a dumb-bell steel pole? And wrap it in like many shirts or something and take pain killers and try keep on snapping it? Will it have the same effect?


Can I just use a dumb-bell steel pole? And wrap it in like many shirts or something and take pain killers and try keep on snapping it? Will it have the same effect?


Can I just use a dumb-bell steel pole? And wrap it in like many shirts or something and take pain killers and try keep on snapping it? Will it have the same effect?
