The Current Job Market in Germany 2024 (The Reality)

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How is the current job market in Germany? Is there are shortage of workers? And what are high-demand jobs with their salaries? In this video, I'll answer all these questions.

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The labour shortage in Germany is sadly a long-established myth based on companies pushing for deregulation and an affordable workforce. The inflation-adjusted wages in Germany have been falling for a long time. However, a labour shortage will likely approach during the coming years as baby boomers are retiring. But currently there for sure is no labour shortage and more job seekers than available jobs.


There are two problems, not enough workers, and companies don't want to train young people.


I think the shortage of workers is not really just a shortage. It's a shortage of workers willing to work in bad jobs under bad leadership under bad conditions with bad pay.


Actually the official numbers like e.b. 150000 free IT-jobs are doubted by many. For example there were many reports, that the VDI (Verein deutscher Ingenieur, the main association of engineers in germany) counted certain jobs up to 7 times (1 jobs lead to a count of 7), because often one job is not only advertised by the company itself, but also by a bunch of engineering services. And this is only a example. In general, the companies try to display their situation as dramatic to lower the ristrictions e.g. for engineers from other countries. Think about this: How can the wages stagnate since many years, if there is SUCH a shortage of employees?


The TLDR is that you wont have a hard time finding a job in Germany if you are a professional, with experience that is decently fluent in German. If you lack any of the three you are up to luck that a company is desperate enough to want to hire you. :P


You're wrong. Big German companies want a 25 year old with the experience of a 50 year old for an intern salary.

They're not willing to train people or look at the actual skill of the person. If the certificates aren't right and you don't have relatives at the company, good luck.


Another insightful video. I love how you address both the benefits and challenges in matters relating to Germany.


Thanks man your channel is a hidden gem always looking forward to your next video


I think the video is a bit over-optimistic
I am a fresh grad civil engineer with proper german and I keeo getting rejected without even being interviewed! I reached the point where i feel that all these job advertisments are fake and all these HRs are just publishing them to show their companies that they are working! I apply for jobs that match my profile and I do not even get the chance to show my skills!


Sorry but I don't see any acute shortage of IT jobs. I work for a big company and we are receiving hundreds of applications on every single job. Real job shortage is in low paying and stressful jobs like nursing, hospitality, cleaning and shift based factory jobs. Almost all Germans are vying for high paid jobs. Germany does not have a skills problem. It has a wage problem (as companies are not willing to pay good salary to skilled people and so younger Germans are not applying to low paid jobs).


Thank u, your vidéos are extremely helpful 😊


can tell you as a highly qualified individual with MSc and and MBA from most reputed business School with over a decade of work experience, Job market in Germany is really really bad. Companies dont want to hire. Not everyone is a developer!. Plues companies dont want to pay, they want to hire qualified people on very shitty salaries.


I see a rather bleak future. The shortage of skilled workers is an invented problem to get more cheap labor. And when we look at who is retiring, we quickly realize that the jobs are not being filled because they could have been rationalized away decades ago. Digitalization is progressing and will rationalize a lot of jobs in Germany....


Very well-structured and well-founded content. Keep up the good and detailed work 👍


Hi Max Yoko, thanks for the video. Please make a video about finance jobs in germany next time.


Awesome. Brilliant content. Excellent video. Well said.


I have a master degree in CS in germany with 3 years of work experience. Still I can not find a new job since over 4 month since my old employer had to solve for insolvency. These statistics about free IT jobs are complete bs. They just look for people with 6+ years of experience that are also willing to go for entry level pay.


It is not about shortage of talents. It is shortage of cheap talents.


The labour shortage is so critical that companies put their young professional engineers on a production line instead of developing their engineering skills


Hey bro,
can you share your german Resume / CV and do's and don't (if possible).
btw love your production quality and content.
found it by chance ( algorithm ) and binged all of it.
