You're building ships WRONG in Space Engineers

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Building in Space Engineers takes a long time and that puts a lot of people off the game.
But what if I told you, you're building ships wrong and there's a much easier way to do it! Watch my new video to find out!

Mods I mentioned in the video:

0:00 Start
0:04 Explanation
0:23 Hand Welding
1:37 Welding Ships
3:01 The Best Method
3:41 Symmetry
4:09 Blueprints
4:47 Projectors
6:21 Welding Arrays
7:46 Other scenarios
8:05 Why this is better
8:39 Helpful mods
9:22 Why you're wrong


Space Engineers is a voxel-based sandbox game set in space and on planets, developed and published by Czech independent developer Keen Software House. In 2013, the initial developmental release of the game joined the Steam early access program. During the following years of active development, Space Engineers sold over one million units. In total as of 2019 the game has sold over 3.5 million copies In May 2015, for approximately a year and a half, the game's source code was officially available and maintained by KSH to assist the modding community. On December 15, 2016, the game entered Beta and was later officially released on February 28, 2019.
The game is a sandbox game about engineering, construction, exploration and survival in space and on planets. Players build space ships, space stations, planetary outposts of various sizes and uses, pilot ships and travel through space to explore planets and gather resources to survive.


Title: You're building ships WRONG in Space Engineers


#SpaceEngineers #Warfare #Update
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another tip is incorporate a projector on your ship and then line the BP up with the ship so when parts go missing you can weld them back with ease.


That glass is not just to stop you crashing into it, it's vital to stop blocks greater than 1x1 being created behind the spinning welder, that are inside the path of swinging arm.


As a matter of fact, you can use build planner with block tools. Simply press RMB with selected welder tool (eg: if you have a grinder and a welder in a builder ship) and it will be placed to build planner queue. Just with the hand welder. And you can even build from cockpit with CTRL-G so you can build and design ships in no jetpack worlds. Once you docked to a connector simple use the dedicated pull all components button to fill the ship cargo based on the build planner queue. Otherwise nice tutorial :)


You know what I'd _love?_

a Space Engineers 2, with a far more user friendly everything, with many lessons learned from the greatness and horribleness of this first game.


So you don't have to have your ship being moved on a piston array causing Klang. You can instead have your WELDERS being withdrawn via piston. And also nope for the rotor welders, I get the PCU thing but a weld wall is so much better and quicker.

Another thing you can do is build a rail and use wheels to pull your build back, making in effect a 3d printer. Just some ideas for you.


A tip I once watched with Luca was to make two versions of your ship as a BP. One with and without armour blocks.
Print and build the one without first, which means no conveyors get missed. Then print the armour blocks on top.

There are various mods or tools (SE Toolbox) that can allow you to remove armour blocks.


Building in creative first was the one of the first lessons I learned in SE. You can spend forever building a design only for it to not work, then you'll need to disassemble and reassemble a ton. Build the ship in creative, troubleshoot it, then go back to survival and either load the blueprint into a projector or build from memory


When it comes to placing your projection: You can turn down your menu opacity in the options. You can enter the terminal from third person. If you can orient your camera somewhere you can see your vessel through the UI, while also accessing a terminal, you can very quickly put down a projection.


The best easy welding setup I have even seen used the projector on a piston that moves away from the welders making the ship as it passes thru the front of them, this way you don't have to do any movements at all and the ship gets made. Just recently made a small rover/ship so I have something cheap and easy to print this way. This method works best with smaller ships tho, but could be scaled up for larger ones if limits allow or you could get creative with the pistons movements to make it work.


You could probably solve that imbalance problem by trading the rotor in for a bar, then have a piston sweep that print head bar up and down as a second piston incrementally pulls the unfinished ship away from the welders. A skeleton of support scaffolds should be plenty to keep things aligned.


My method involved creating a series of conveyors with hinges made of advanced rotors set to have a weak but constant braking force attached to a small ship via a docking port and that small ship was basically a welder + cockpit + hydrogen thrusters that were attached to my main base for power/hydrogen. This allowed the tube to follow me around like a giant umbilical so I never ran out of materials while mining because I never had localized storage.


It should also be noted that you should design your ships with construction in mind. Ships built from the center out work a lot better when welding them together and ships built from one side to the other.


*Wait until this guy finds out about Nanites and Build and Repair smh*

EDIT: If one more person tells me that "you can use the build planner on ships", I know you can, what I meant is that it's not the same and no where near as easy to use as it is with a hand welder.


The most common method I used in multiplayer (with 3 to 4 players), was a mix of hand weld and weld ships, working on a blueprint. They tend to complement each other well. I would have a number of colour coded weld ships, and each would be assigned to automatically pull only a specific category of components from the base. No need to manually manage their inventory, just dock and undock, and they're ready to go again.

One player would act as the construction foreman for the build, and move around in person inspecting blocks and informing the team of what was needed where, making sure that areas were done in the correct order to avoid blocking anything off. He would also monitor component supply and reassign assemblers as needed. He would assist in hand welding slow components whilst inspecting.

Most of the weld ships wouldn't waste time fully welding most blocks. Their main job was to deliver the components. The one performing bulk work like hull plating was the exception, and would be a variant with a 2x3 array of welders, that could rapidly weld up large sheets of armour due to it's overlapping weld area, much faster than by hand. The other weld ships had their welders on extended prongs, to ensure they could deliver to narrow areas of the ship. Once bulk work was done, most players would dismount and use high tier hand welders to quickly finish up blocks. Any additional components needed could be grabbed from the weld ships parked near the work site.

For the larger builds that I designed, I also made multi stage blueprints. Basically I would complete the ship in creative mode and blueprint it in it's final form, but would then strip out sections that block easy access, and remove most of the exterior hull, leaving just a skeletal frame of the ship. It was quick and easy to simply delete segments, and I would blueprint the ship in increasingly cutdown variations. This meant that when it came to construction in survival mode, we could start with a frame work and minimal internals, and gradually add layers as each was completed. This considerably improved the effectiveness of the weld ships, being able to get right inside the ship and work on areas that would otherwise become a nightmare of half welded blocks and confusing hologram.

This design process was also used when we did our "Mothership" play through. Using both staged and modular blueprints of the same ship, we were able to quickly build a very large but bare minimum mothership, and travel through the game gradually adding and upgrading systems as needed and when possible. Eg, systems such as thrusters, refinery, or cargo holds, were blueprinted separately in approximately five "levels", from the minimal required to survive, up to a fully completed ship.


Here's another one: Building those welders on a diagonal line with conveyor tubes connecting at the corners will maximise the range of each individual welder, and allow for less of them over the same length.


"I want to build a welding array for making ships so I don't have to waste time hand welding everything, but I need to make the welding array. To do that quickly I'm going to make a welding array, but to do that I need to make a welding array." (Continues forever)


You use a hand welder instead of a big one because you like the experience. I use a hand welder instead of a big one because I don't know how to use a big one. We are not the same. 💀


Something I like to include in many of my builds, especially fighters with guided missiles, are projectors onboard for easy repairs and rearming.
Need destroyed armor and thrusters added? Turn on the projector and fly up to welders. Same with replenishing spent guided missiles. If you aren't using the multigrid projector mod, you can just add a second projector that casts a BP of the missiles linked as one BP, the linking blocks being concealed inside the ship, so it only welds the missiles.


Zer0 you can use the build planner with ship welders. You can change the inventory on the left to be the whole grid and withdraw build planner components.


tip for welder arm: place em diagonal as in welder, curve conveyor, repeat.
or like a staircase if that makes more sense.
that way they reach further with same amount of welders.

tbh. the pistons for me at least dont klang, share inertia and make multiple move slowly, for easement, make a timer block turn them on/off every time welders have rotated and build blocks, lets say it does it in 2 rpm, so to make sure make timer turn on/off every 3 rpm.
easy :)
