Starfield - Ship Building Tips & Tricks! 10 Things You Need To Know When Building Your Ship

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In this video, we'll be discussing the game Starfield and all of the tips and tricks you need to know when building your ship. So if your a beginner to spaceship building in starfield or have already tried it yourself, we hope we help you learn something new!

We're going to be covering things like ship building tips and tricks, how to upgrade your ship, and more. If you're a fan of the game, or if you're just looking for some tips and tricks on how to build your own ship, then this video is for you! We'll be covering everything you need to know to get started, from the foundation to the finish line!

#starfield #gaming #guide #walkthrough

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I would LOVE to see a save option form when youre half way through a build and have to leave so you dont lose 2 hours of design. Ask me how I know. Id also like to see filters to select parts by brand and class to make it easier to find parts and match them. They put a lot into this ship builder and then didnt add pretty obvious basic comforts lol


Can't wait to see what modders are going to do with the ship building system.


FYI there are docking modules you can flip upside-down to put at the bottom of your ship instead of the top


Tip 11: 2x1 habs got crafting and research tables.
It's kind of hidden due to inconsistent ui, but habs got variations you can toggle trough.

Look for Workshop, Research and living quarters. (the cooking station might be a bit buggy, targeted off center)


I spent hours last night making a ship only to realise the bit I needed to make it all work I have not yet unlocked lol. So srlcrapped it and will make again in another hundred hours or so


Hey, there’s some glitches that allow you to place habs inside of each other, I combined my reactor and grav drive into one unit instead of 2 separate pieces, and I crammed 2 cargos, my shield, and my fuel inside of it too, all in a 1x1 space.

You have to have something on the outside tho, just hit “select all” and drag the ship away to see what’s not connected, then hit “undo” and slap a weapon mount or piece of siding on the thing.

If you select multiple pieces and duplicate, sometimes they will snap into place inside of each other and that’s how you combine your reactor with grav drive. Other times you can just flip something, place it while it’s inside of another thing, then tack siding onto the base of it.

I’m gonna try to make the most compact ship ever.


took Galileo as base model, got 1400 shield, 140 top speed, 84 mobility, 1000 cargo, crazy what you can do with B class reactor compared to normal game ships


There needs to be a way of swapping parts between ships... I permanently borrowed an Ecliptic ship, and want to use the EMP weapons on my ship. On top of that, registering price makes permanently borrowing pointless when it's like 90% of the ships worth.


I’m really enjoying the shipbuilding in Starfield, but I’m having a lot of trouble with ladders all over my ship and rooms connecting in strange ways. Any tips on how to get rooms to connect at specific points?


Note this: the other planets or cities have more modifications which other cities dont have! Just want to throw that out


I wish there was a way to select where the doors and ladders spawn. Some of the auto setups make no sense and sometimes they’re not symmetrical which annoys me


Thank you, triple thank you for making this very easy follow step by step guides for dummies like me. I love the game but I am really slow when it comes to reading the tutorials, you slowly pointing out and showing me this has made my life easier I now understand what all the red and errors mean this was so helpful and you don’t ramble on forever like some tutorials, that I can’t pay attention thank you so much ❤❤❤❤❤


The ship building has some truly terrible controls I hope they overhaul it in an update


Need to be able to build a ship from scratch, seems odd you cant


I can’t even figure out how to make my ship larger I can’t find the parts list to expand the space or just add new items?


_"You can't slap on multiple reactors.."_ - Thanks to the wonders of modding, yes you can 😁Not only that, now you can even put on multiple shields too. No more juggling limited powers in combat


Thanks for this video, I was searching for long to get infos about what things you actually CANNOT do in the ship building and you mostly got me covered here. I have 2 questions: a) Can you just remove modules / weapons of your ship and get some money back? b) Can you remove modules from a ship and use it on another registered ship or store them somewhere? I'm asking these 2 mainly for knowing if I can do something different with boarded ships I took over than just registering and selling these ships if I don't want to keep them. Thanks very much to feedback, cheers!


The two best early on Class A ships... and they're Free!

The Razorleaf & The Star Eagle

The Space Eagle gives you a nice amount of crew space.


Well after quite a bit of time messing around this is one of the most frustrating unfriendly UI designs ive come across with very little in the way of explenation and the balence for one big space battle you will know when you find it is ridiculous


prolly a good mention, when you steal a ship from bandits or whatnot, it will have shipparts you havent unlocked yet.
But when you want an extra landing gear or engine you can just duplicate by holding down options and select duplicate.
