How to build your ship I Star Citizen 3.24.2 #starcitizen #starcitizengameplay #gaming

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In this video I go through a step by step star citizen guide using a ship calculator called Erkul. This guide will help you pick and choose each part for your ship and help you customize it to the best options for your playstyle. If you have any questions about your ships and what you are looking for hit us up in the comment section. Also check us out on twitch as well!

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This was exactly the video I have been looking for!! Now I understand how to properly use that website :)
And about the signatures of your ship and the stealth/detection range, foxyloxy did some videos on it recently going into depth on the math behind it. Maybe those videos can help you understand it.

Keep it up.


On another note. Any How to vids anyone is looking for let us know in the comments


Ckicked on video because of incorrect patch number. Stayed because it was a pretty good video.


How would you fit the F7C Mk II for PvE? Great video


the problem is that power supplies when you have 2 only show to be about 60% effective. so it is not 40 power but 24 power. not sure if that is how it is supposed to be, but it is dumb that a larger ship will have worse power even with multiple power units.


You did not talk about the QD. Isn't it beneficial to use stealth ones now? Speed is the same but you disappear earlier from radar.


I thought the whole point of giving turrets their own capacitor pool for energy ammo was to give them a purpose so that bringing another person to man your turret meant more fire power, otherwise they were pretty useless and ignored, but now we're going back to turrets leeching power away from the main guns?

Does this mean we're back to "Forget manning my turrets bring your own ship." again?


Damn, we're 42 patches in and still there's no 4.0 😅
