Use These Ship Building SECRETS in Starfield

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Make any issue in Starfield ship building a non-issue - Fix unattached module errors - recall your custom colors - how to double your landing gear without adding more landing gear - run 6 big engines to make cargo hauling a breeze, and many more!

I spent hours banging my head against the wall, frustrated at first with the limitations in ship building, only to realize that if you progress in level and use these tips and know where to look for unique parts, anything is possible! This ship moves 10k cargo capped at 100 mobility without even breaking a sweat. Ships get massive and expensive. Picking engines with the right required power will expand your ship's capabilities beyond what you thought possible! These ship building secrets in this guide are all things that once figured out will bring so much more to the table.

0:00 Intro
0:15 Misconceptions of Ship Building
1:38 Connecting Cockpits
5:50 Landing Bays
8:24 Dockers Don't Limit Your Ship!
13:33 Unique Ship Parts
17:20 Why Landing Gear is Crucial
20:27 How to Re-use Custom Colors
22:26 Storage is Not an Issue
26:14 Fixing Unattached Modules
27:54 Engine Power is Not an Issue
32:00 Almost Anything is Possible

#starfield #starfieldgame
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The game NEEDS the option to walk inside the ship in the builder mode, so you can see how the interior layout looks.


To touch on your very first statement, "dont let your first attempt at ship building turn you off, " I'm over 200 hours in at level 78 and I just now built my first fully custom ship. So yes, come back to it and keep trying. It's fantastic.


Lander Thrust is 200:1 ratio. 1 thrust for 200 mass.

As you level up, I found not so much more powerful engines got unlocks, as you got smaller engines with the same power. When I got to level 57, I was able to retool my massive 9000+ cargo ship from class C to class B and gains mobility cause of the weight savings of the lighter parts. It's like at early level you NEED class C to have a powerful ship, but in later levels you can build class A and B ships that shred.


I sincerely believe Bethesda purposely do not explain most of this stuff in game specifically to spur the community to create videos like this themselves. I appreciate all the insight and very detailed yet simplified explanation of shipbuilding. You just explained how everything worked and tips for building without saying "tHiS iS tHe BeSt DeSiGn EvEr. FiGhT mE!" Kudos


This is such a good video for new players. As someone with about 450 hours in the game, I wish a video with this simple explanation of shipbuilding would have been available way back when I was first starting. Most of the videos I saw went into very complex ways of min-maxing instead of just a simple explanation of some of the basics of the process like this one does. Great video! You get a like and subscribe from me.


For the flat dock on bottom thing, you get a like.


I saved this video and delayed watching it for way too long. Wow, I have over 950 hours into this game and with your help I now learned about the connection point arrows on habs and how to copy my existing ship colors when adding a new component!
Besides modifying/upgrading the Frontier and Razorleaf I have modified (3) captured ships of each class A, B, & C by exchanging habs and buying the best components and weapons for each class, watching your simple easy to understand explanations would of saved me countless hours of frustrating head banging difficulty had I watched this vid sooner! Thank you very much for your dedication and efforts in schooling us!


Definitely appreciate your hard work and study, also for posting and explaining everything in vivid detail.


Very helpful vid! Someone has probably already pointed this out, but Port is left (red navigation light) and Starboard is right (green navigation light). The U.S.M.C. Taught us a very easy way to remember; “the Captain drank all the port and left”.


Quick PSA: the lander thrust to mass ratio needs to be at least 1:200 to pass the flight check.

Glad you mentioned the Nova landers with 4 thrust (supports up to 800 mass per lander) - when I found them, they made building smaller footprint yet high mass ships so much easier!


The way it fills your cargo to max capacity with misc junk everytime you even say…change the color of your ship, I find absolutely infuriating


I just started looking into my ship, I have been stealing them but realized that very few allows upgrade and it is easier to grab one you like and upgrade it like you explained.
I am still on level 27 96h and knowing that I will never see some parts until I reach 30s, saved me big time.
Thank you


One way to get early access to some of the higher end parts is to purchase the customized ships in a staryard. These ships can usually be spotted by the unusual paint scheme they carry. Some examples for each class: A - Warhorse from Neon, B - Shieldbreaker from New Atlantis, C - Narwhal from Neon. A lot of people will recommend the Narwhal as a purchase because it has a reactor with 36 points of power.


Seriously, thank God for YouTubers. Because if it wasn't for all of you, I would never have been able to play this game to the extent that I have. I honestly do not understand how Bethesda puts out a game like this and then expects players to just figure it all out. It's a real testament to the gaming community and their passion that these creators are able to guide us when those who've made the game have failed.


HEY BUDDY!! I owe you a TON of thanks: for weeks(!!!) I was frustrated with Ship Building; in fact I couldn't even figure out even the most basic parts of how to operate that screen... until, after watching your video, I sat down for a day and FORCED myself to learn it; now it is my absolute favorite part of playing Starfield; I have made ships with completely different styles (cargo transport; military fighter, Mantis and Frontier retrofits and an Outpost Supply and Construction vessel, that has a CRANE included!!) - if it wasn't for learning all the lessons learned here, I would have given up! Thanks for the highly detailed video and great ideas!


This has been one of the most helpful tips and tricks videos I've seen for shipbuilding, good job! I will also point out that the power requirements for the engines also apply to weapons; there's some with a max power of 2 that you can have 6 of!


WoW! Thank You so much! Head is Bruised from all the Banging against the walls i was doing. I stopped Building because i would SPEND HOURS being FRUSTRATED just to scrap it all and turn off my XBOX. I set a Goal to get to Level 60 when All Ship Parts are available and then Try Again. Interestingly, I just hit Level 60 this morning and stumbled onto your Video while eating Lunch just now. My half-Hour is Over & I've Learned so much! I also Appreciate the Frustration you speak of as I've experienced it but gave up in the end. There's so much to do in this game so I just moved on... Now I'm Ready again and so Much Thanks to You for your Inspiration. So many Great Tips... Custom Colors & the Non-Attached Fix...Brilliant. I can't Thank You Enough for the Time You've Invested. You are the Pioneer!


Thank you so much for the information!
I learned a lot from this inspiring video alone. That one tip of finding what's not connected will be very helpful. Had that problem last night and after a while I gave up on it because I couldn't find one piece. Lol

I'm still trying to figure out how placemat of the ladders and doors of the interior work.
I'm sure I'll figure it out.
I'm still in class B. I learned that parts of the ship are throughout the 11 places. I was wondering why one thing showed up at one place but not another.

I truly recommend this video to anyone who is shipbuilding even if they are in class A or B. This video covers a lot which will be less stressful while building.

Thank you for the inspiration and the knowledge.


I haven't read all the comments but 2 things. 1. Thanks for this video it's great, man :) 2. For your ship colors, if you select one that has the colors you want and then select the piece you want to change you can then do the "slider shimmy" and it will change them both. This also works with select all as long as the piece you are starting with has the colors you want to apply. Thanks again for the great video :)


Loved ur video. Just reached lvl 25, saved half a million credits and now ready to build my 1st ship. Can't wait. This video is definitely going save me some headaches!
