Starfield Tips | Stop making this Ship building Mistake!!

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Starfield gameplay with DeLindsay. Many people don't even realize they are editing the interior of the Habs they're adding to the Ships they build when connecting them together and/or adding Porthole glass. Today we're going to showcase all the Armories as they are without any connections then once again with ALL connections.




00:00 - Intro
02:11 - Deimos
03:25 - HopeTech (Brig)
04:54 - Nova Galactic (Mannequins)
06:11 - Stroud Ekland
06:49 - Taiyo Astroneeing (Brig)
08:01 - Deimos_connected
09:24 - HopeTech_connected
10:26 - Nova_connected
11:39 - Stroud_connected
12:28 - Taiyo_connected

#starfield #bethesda #microsoft
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Thank you for making this, it's so baffling that they don't let you see the interior before finalizing your ship


Having actually worked in a shipboard armory in the Navy, the Stroud is actually the most true to form. An actual armory isn't going to have display stands sitting around to show off the gear. In fact the Stroud could only be made more realistic by turning the weapon racks into lockable weapon cabinets, course then you'd think it was really boring. And from an armorers perspective the large open area in the middle with the small but somewhat decent amount of desk space, especially compared to the others, is nice since I'm well aware of how difficult is is to maneuver around some of the larger caliber weapons in a cramped space, and having the space to disassemble, inspect, clean etc. is always welcome, could actually make that desk there a bit larger realistically, more flat space to lay a weapon out on.


You might already know this, but it should probably be mentioned. There are only 3 sets of interiors, those being Deimos/Stroud, Taiyo/Hopetech, and then Nova. The only difference between the pairs (Deimos/Stroud and Taiyo/Hopetech) are the color and lighting.


The portholes came in handy for my docking room. Feels better empty than having clutter everywhere. Imagine inviting some vip onboard and the first thing they see is luggage and gear strewn about! Also felt proper to have a view outside from that room.


You were absolutely correct, I love my portholes, being able to see outside the ship is a great aesthetic and something I like to do on all my builds that I use for rp'ing passenger transports. I had no idea though they would change the layout of the hab so much, thank you for this, I will definitely be using portholes more sparingly from now on. Subbed.


FINALLY a video showcasing interiors and accounting for all doors/windows possibilities. Bravo.


Its a dangerous idea to keep your brig in the armory! Seems like the captain would be asking for trouble.


Genuinely, thank you, for taking the time and going to the trouble of making this for other people.


"Haha, who's putting portholes all around their Habs?" Me. That would be me. Putting my captain's quarters alone on the top floor so I can have 360 windows.


I love this series of videos. Saves me from having to make my own versions of these ships to see the differences. Helps me plan my little home ship.

Also, I'm fairly certain the thing you called a vacuum cleaner is actually supposed to be a carry case for a boost pack, at least, that's what I've always seen them as.


For those who are attracted to the Nova Galactic mannequins. If you are a player who changed ships often (or hijack enemy ships) each time you switch ships, everything on the mannequins gets put into your cargo.


I really like the Nova Galactic mannequins, but the HopeTech Brig makes more sense for my Pirate/Undercover playthrough. Much love to whoever designed all these interiors, they could have made certain stuff a little better but they're really good.

Really hoping they release more of these hab interiors as DLC including interior customization (cough cough modders cough cough)


I love the HopeTech´s idea of placing brig right next to a armory.


You see "plain" I see "open layout" for Stroud. :)


I wish brigs would let us transport convicts for cash like living spaces let us transport passengers for cash.

Would also be cool if we could knock out bounty targets with EM weapons, handcuff them, and take them alive by sticking them in the brig. Get bigger payouts for live delivery as a bounty hunter.


Never played Starfield but great vid, I keep getting focused on the happy shark face backpack 😄


I love that you set all of these up where you enter through a ladder! It makes it so much easier to see the FULL interior. Other videos I've watched enter via a door and I've noticed it can change the set up a lot, especially for Taiyo/HopeTech habs. Thank you for these videos!


I wish there was a mod that lets us view the inside while we're in the ship builder, because sometimes it's a hassle to have to put all the required parts in to complete it and just to view how it ended up with the doors and windows.


I absolutely add windows every chance I get. I'll definetely be giving it more thought in the future. Here's hoping they add an observation deck soon!
