Don't Make These SHIP BUILDING Mistakes In Starfield! - Starfield Ship Builder Guide, Starfield Tips

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Starfield's ship builder is a massive complex system. In this beginner's guide, I'll break down the ship builder, ship upgrading, talk about the best ship parts, and give you several tips and tricks for ship building in Starfield, including how to rename your ship, select multiple parts and more!

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0:00 - Ship Building Guide
00:18 - Ship Manufacturers
01:58 - Must Have Skills
03:10 - Ship Overview
04:18 - Ship Upgrading
04:54 - Ship Building
06:54 - Building Checklist
07:11 - Landing Bay
07:42 - Landing Gear
08:22 - Reactors
09:44 - Hab Modules
11:24 - Dockers
11:58 - Cockpits
12:32 - Cargo Hold
13:26 - Grav Drive
14:22 - Engines
15:49 - Fuel Tanks
16:15 - Shields
16:55 - Weapons
18:51 - Structural
19:44 - Flight Check, Colours and Renaming

(Additional Description Tags): starfield ship building guide,starfield ship builder guide,starfield ship guide,starfield ship builder,starfield ship design,starfield best ship build,starfield ship designs,starfield best ship design,starfield ship builds,starfield ship tutorial,starfield ship ideas,starfield ship building,starfield,starfield gameplay,starfield mistakes to avoid,starfield mistakes, starfield tips,starfield guide,starfield beginner tips,starfield starter guide,norzza

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What's the name of your ship?

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Mine is the unsinkable 2, We dont talk about the unsinkable 1


one thing not to sleep on is that a couple of the "slimline" dockers can be put on the BOTTOM of the ship, which can really give you more options for your ship's top and sides without worrying about docker errors


Here’s a tip I found out that helps when you get the unattached module error… the key or button “select all” option. If a module is not highlighted in red, then that’s the one not attached to your ship


I just wish there was a way in the ship builder to preview the interior so you can get the correct habs in place to make getting to the bridge easily accessible.


The Ranger ship, Star Eagle is very op for an early class A pilot. The secret sauce is in the reactor and engines. They are some of the best class A parts in the game, and you just get them for free. So even if you redesign the whole boat, you can use these high level parts which would otherwise require big points in Starship Design.


Also, you can power through the piloting and targeting system skill by using the UC vanguard recruitment quest and spamming the simulator over and over to get the kills needed to get to higher tiers. I recommend stockpiling a few points before powering through.


My main ship is Rocinante. I finally, after 70 plus hours, have it looking exactly how I want, with the XL Deimos bridge.


For half of the game I flew the Frontier but upgraded as I went. Once I had enough money, Piloting 4, and Design 4, I turned it into a huge ship with every available module type and renamed it the Constellation. Built it of the Frontier because the Hab module it starts with is unique.


Well done sir. This is hands down the best ship building explanation video on YT! I honestly haven’t found a better one. How you explain every aspect is just spot on


Im just going to say this. If you get to class B ships you really need to capture a crimson fleet cargo ship. I dont remember the name it has when they have it, but its actually a UC Navy Cargo ship. The key 3400 cargo space, easy to modify. Upgrade the reactor, shields, and then just toss on some turrets. It might seem stupid, but having that crazy cargo space will vastly reduce your inventory issues. Go do missions, get on ship, dump it all, just keep the minimum on you. It will take you a long time to get anywhere near the cargo capacity provided you regularly sell excess gear off whenever you see a vendor with credits.

You will know you are looking at the right ship if in targeting modes you see a bunch of cargo containers in the hull.


As I say in every ship building video I come across that mentions dockers: the slim docker is the best docker since it is the only docker I know of that fits on the underside of the ship no matter the landing gear used.


I put six Vanguard Obliterator Autoprojectors in a single bank. (Join Vanguard to get access. Warning, they are expensive.) They each only require two power. Those six rip through ships like they were butter. I have no other weapons. Don't need them.

I modded the Mantis quest ship, put those particle cannons on it, kept the two ultra high tech OP engines and dropped the other two low tech engines, as they were completely unnecessary. Each of those two engines use only two power, so four power for engines. I am still fairly early game and the best class A shield I have found thus far uses only four power. So weapons, engines and shield all together use only 20 power. I put a 20 power powerplant on the ship. In a fight, all the combat systems are 100% powered, I don't ever have to shift power, all I do is aim my 100 mobility ship at the bad guys and watch them blow up.

The only downside is I have only ~450 cargo (half of it shielded. It's a fighter and I am not going to sacrifice my ability to keep bad guys in its crosshairs. Oh yea, the jump range is 28.


small tip for cargo haulers, since a hauler is so slow ... you dont have the maneuverability to position enemies in front of you, so like he mentions above in the vid, use turrets, and primarily with side face canons and rear facing canons, because the majority of your threats from smaller more maneuverable pirates will always position themselves on your rear to attack from behind, or if you get in a situation where your face on with a pirate in a shootout, you can always hard bank left or right and avoid his fire while shooting from your side and rear turrets...


I'm about 30 hours into the first playthru so I haven't put much into my ship. However, I did grab the Mantis and heavily modified it (I think the cargo and loading bay are the only two og parts left). Cool part is that the Spacers will still see it as a Mantis ship and run terrified when they see you. Kind of like Tiger Fear of World War 2. :)


I named my ship the Rocinante. If anyone gets that reference, I love you and you're awesome


Everyone is making ship building vids. This is the best I've seen so far. Thank you!


I wish there were more sorting options
Like "sort by: Value - Mass - weapon type - manufacture - etc."


this is the best, quickest, and most comprehensive rundown of the ship building system. nice job, thanks for the pointers.


Saved and Favorited. Probably the most concise yet thorough explanation of the ship builder I've seen yet. Thank you!
