What To Do If Dishwasher Is Not Drying Dishes

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What You’ll See:
0:00 Intro
0:19 Use a Heat Dry Cycle
0:29 Use Rinse Aid
0:40 Check Water Heater Setting
0:50 How to Load Dishwasher Properly

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I just had my Frigidaire dishwasher installed two weeks ago and it NEVER dries. I've tried everything listed in the video and in these comments. They don't work. Very disappointed. I'm going to try to return it. Total waste of time and $.


My new Frigidaire Gallery dishwasher DOES NOT dry dishes either … really missing my old one!!! Not sure why it has a "heat dry" option. My old dishwasher billowed out steam when opening door at any time. There is a little trickle of steam when opening my new one. Unhappy customer.


None of these will help me. My Frigidaire is still a swamp after drying


frigidaire maybe I should have repaired the whirlpool


Already doing all this. The drying cycle isn't else can I troubleshoot before I call the manufacturer?


It worked! I'm in a soft water area and changing the detergent (switched from no-name to Cascade "plastic pockets") + adding rinse agent made the difference. Dishes are now dry.


Purchased 2 months ago--from day one the dishes seem to dry okay but the interior walls and door of the dishwasher NEVER dry! It's always damp with droplets even with our super hot water temp and the rinse aid. Try to call for repair but recording says too busy now call back another time.


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ugh;. I'm having the same problem. Have only had the dishwasher for a week; the installer ran it to make sure it was hooked up correctly, and there were water beads all over the inside that never, ever dried. I figured it was just cause he put it on a rinse only. I ran it 4 days ago, the dishes were fairly dry, not completely, but the entire inside was wet and STILL IS! My model has a button for air dry (which i did not use) but nothing to indicate that it has a heated dry! The inside smells stale because of being wet. Frigidaire - please respond. I want to exchange this if it is truly a standard issue, which by the looks of the comments here, it must be.


How can I find the drying fan. Mine doesn’t dry on any settings even with only a few dishes. It is new. Also, soap always left on dishes. This thing sucks


Literally the most unhelpful video I’ve ever seen in my life


Same problem on my Frigidaire Gallery, doesn't dry even on heat dry cycle. I was told that their instructions for the clothes dryers are to place damp clothes loosely in the dry, tumble them for an hour and then hang them on the clothesline in the yard!


You're kidding me right fridegaire? Your'e telling us we're not loading our dishes correctly? Big mistake selling these dishwashers like this. Mine was from a new house build, but I'll never order one of your products again. In fact, this one will get replaced by LG and your product will goto the trash. Its not worth selling to anyone else.


I did some more research. 120 degree water is easier to turn to vapor . The best solution I've found from a frigidaire tech manually press the drying button again after the drying cycle is finished. WoW . Also, if your tire has a leak, just keep putting more air in it.


The solution at the bottom of page shouldn't affect the drying of the dishes. water temp and preasure?
but sure ill check it out yup 122 degrees and 60 psi .


This dishwasher is ridiculous. Frigidaire wanted us to go through all those unnecessary steps to just dry dishes and keep the inside of the dishwasher dry? What a joke! The whirlpool dishwasher I used to use has the simplest mechanical panel, however, dries everything nicely regardless how you use it! You can also do dry cycle only on the whirlpool dishwasher, which was not even an option on this ridiculous one.


My new frigidaire dishwasher disks ball nothing is dry with additive


Model # GDSH4715AF, Where are those buttons for dry and Sahara? I only see an air dry option that does absolutely nothing to dry my dishes.


Agreed CRYBABY, I just bought a Frigidaire DW a month ago. I had a Whirlpool for 15 years that never ever needed this, so now I can spend more $$$ on pollutants? I thought Frigidaire was always a reputable company, just another that has gone down the drain as far as I'm concerned!...


This video was far from helpful. Should’ve stated “buy a better brand”
