How to Clean Clogged Fuel Injectors

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BG works I just had it done it makes a world of a My vehicle roars now. It is pricey but worth every penny.


pressurized concentrated cleaning very nice job on the video I wouldn't known of that tool if it hadn't been for your video thanks


I can confirm that you should be the least intrusive. I have a 1995 Eldorado and things become quite fragile. Great video 👍


That's a decent quick solution to clean the injectors but at the same time it can also create some issues too.
The best way is to always take them out and clean them out of the engine due to contamination to the cylinders, O2 sensors and catalytic also the engine oil will be affected.
But it's a quick fix that will eventually end up in a nitemare one day.


Excellent Sir!! my 3.3 litre 2006 toyota highander (with 375 thousand Kilometers on the well maintained engine, ) needs this done as it is putting up a code for # 5 misfires when its started up cold only, otherwise that its fine when it runs for 3-5 seconds after morning or first startup and no problems after complete warmup. . i was thinking of just running fuel injector cleaner directly into it ( the same product that you put in your vehicles tank (Gumout) or STP. is it good if i use it full strength ...wondering... ty excellent video and good explanation.Canada ty for sharing your experiment and knowledge/experience


I've been driving with the check engine light on for 5 thousand miles.... Car runs great


so u disable the fuel pump relay and close off the fuel return line? And basically u use the 38psi tool to inject the fuel mixed w/ the cleaner?


Oh I've also checked the cap and rotor as a possible culprit to the sputter. Though now i believe its the holes in the muffler.


Nice video. I am going to order that tool. If you had to replace the injectors and only had two choices - OEM re manufactured or Chinese new - which one would you choose?


Thanks for sharing! Very informative 🙂


John, whats your take on using Seafoam? Have you ever used this product to clean carbon deposits via the brake booster vacuum line?
Recently I bought an 88 Toyota 4Runner 4cyl. with a 22r (EFI) engine. It runs pretty well but it has two issues that I believe are unrelated.
The funny thing is these symptoms were not present when I inspected the truck prior to the purchase.
1. After warm up, The idle begins to surge. The surge is somewhat mild and random as it doesnt always do this. . When it does happen I can get it to idle normal after a quick stab of the throttle.
2. I noticed a sputter (hiccup) while driving at 40mph & at 55MPH. As of yesterday I think I found the cause for the sputter. I noticed a couple small holes in the original muffler that seem to be causing it to sputter at higher RPM's.
So far ive checked all the vacuum lines, cleaned the MAFS, cleaned the air intake, replaced the air filter, checked the spark plg cables. Continued...


Brake cleaner can be deadly to use for unintended purposes. I would not use it with open flames.There is an article online about a welder who used it before welding, and it nearly killed him. He was badly damaged internally. Read the warning label carefully. Just wanted to let people know. Thanks


wouldn't those fuel additives you buy like seafoam, gum out and techron do the same as this?


Im in the process of replacing the fuel filter and want to clean the throttle body using Seafoam as seen on many youtube videos.
What are your thoughts?


Yeah thank you John for taking the time to help me out. Yeah it's definitely a learning lesson I know not to trust back yard mechanics lol. But yeah that's the best option to take it to the shop.


does it hook up through a schaeder valve or do you need to use hose clamps??


Hello John, nice video. Just have one question, for how long you let the car running with this product? Thanks.


good job john, , may i ask you what is the name of this tool ??


You could also remove the fuel pump fuse..correct? also i am not sure my blazer has a fuel injector issue... it idles great, but under load it hesitates and bucks ... i keep getting po101... i replaced maf and connector and even added another ground to existing black ground wire on the 3 wire plug... red wire show 12volts... not sure signal wire is working to specs...even if it is not i don't know how to fix that...any suggestions are appreciated... thanks


Hey John just out of curiosity. How did you bypass the mass airflow meter because I saw you taken off the whole intake hose assembly just fore of the butterfly?
