How To Clean Your Dirty Or Clogged Fuel Injectors

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In this video I am going to show you how to diagnose a dirty or faulty fuel injector. Fuel injectors could be very expensive and also a lot of times hard to get to which makes being able to accurately diagnose a dirty fuel injector very crucial. I will also show you a trick you can use to rig up a cheap fuel injector cleaner that could help you clean your fuel injectors. Whether you are having lean codes (P0171, P0174) or missfire codes and you've ruled out an ignition missfire, you need to watch this video so you can diagnose fuel injector faults if any.

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Рекомендации по теме

You are the only mechanic YouTuber I know that not only shows how to fix problems, but also show the basics of how the system works. That is great! And it helped me out so much when you explained how AC systems work. I ran into some problems, but I made sense of the diagram I made from your explanation and fixed the problem!


I figured it out after 7hrs lol 😅. Had a Cylinder #6 Injector “A” circuit” and Did the stethoscope test and couldn’t hear a pulse on #6. Made sure it was well connected and still nothing. But I took a look at the 2 pins of the connector and the ground wire was loose!!!!, just re-pinned the connector and no more misfire!!!!





Lot of diff between someone fixing cars on a Saturday, and a guy who pays his mortgage with
wrenches and hands.
Keep bringin' it young fella.


This is a great video and really covers theory and practice well. Quite thorough.
However, I have an issue:
# Running the injectors in situ in this manner injects raw petrol to the cylinders which will wash the bores and find it's way into the sump oil and contaminate it. For this reason I would suggest carrying out this test on a warm engine, running it for a few minutes when done and carrying out an oil change after. So try to do this test at service time, rather than between services.


As an electrician, I'm impressed with your electrical knowledge.


Thanks for helping us find an alternative method to doing a Fuel Injection Balance Test. I thought we were going to have to buy a bi directional scan tool to perform the test. You just saved us: ($3000.00) This is a brilliant video to help out those of us who are not billionaires.


Excellent. Just the right balance between theory of operation and the nuts & bolts. A true teacher.


One of the best value per unit time channel on youtube, this guy only gets better at production and editing but even his oldest videos are fully comprehensive and concise


I knew I liked you! I've been using your videos as a reference while making repairs to a 2014 Chevy Cruze I bought as a graduation gift for my daughter. (I want everything to be running PERFECTLY before giving it to her. Last thing I want is for her to end up stranded somewhere!)

Anyway, I happen to be of the female persuasion and took no offense to your stethoscope reference whatsoever. Matter of fact, that was the first good "belly" laugh I've had in a while! But, then you followed it up with the D.T. comment! Then I had TWO! STILL ROFLOL!!! Thank you! That brief comedic relief moment was very much needed & very much appreciated!


This dude is a fine mechanic, not a shade tree mechanic, but a real ASE certified garage mechanic who knows his stuff. Unfortunately he missed his true calling in life, - He should have been a Gynecologist.😄


I loved the gynecology joke! Not offended at all! But than again I work in a maintenance shop full of men so my jokes are way worse most of the time!...Great videos! Always informative. I love that you give technical explainations as to why you do what you are doing. You know your stuff!


Thanks for the video. I love a thorough test and this classifies as such. Those testers are only around $34 right now which isn’t as bad as it could be, I love being able to save on labor and spend part of that money on tools then still come out ahead/cheaper than paying a mechanic. The saying about teach a man to fish applies for both labor and buying tools, you can pay someone for fish or you can buy a pole and fish for life for free.


Your humor is great. Your knowledge and expertise are wonderful. Your ability to combine the two are superb. Nice, easy to understand, video.


Ive seen a few of your videos, and they are amazing man. Very educational, and the way you explain the diagnosis process and systems is truly great. No other person on youtube makes videos with as much effort or feedback, keep it up!


If I have an award i can give this video 📹 and the teacher. Simple, entertaining, clear and content is superb. Keep it up!


He literally threw parts at the problem…🤣🤣🤣..I appreciate his humor. I love your videos…always helpful for me cause explanations are what what get things to “click” for me


A few things I've noticed about this cleaning procedure:
- always wear eye protection and a mouth breathing mask: the hoses attaching the injector to the bottle spray break loose very easy and you'll get a shot right on your face. These carburetor cleaners are actually quite toxic with volatile components that once they get into your lungs, will stay in there and damage the tissue.
- while spraying from the bottle has good enough pressure, it doesn't last long enough (the bottle will empty quite quickly). It is better to recover the fluid and build up a pressurized system (maybe use a bicycle tire pump) to reuse the fluid and keep cleaning the injectors.
- always have the injector basket filter in place when cleaning the injector, so no debris get inside the injector. Rubber hoses easily will have tiny rubber particles dislodged by the chemical cleaner
- I found out the injector gets cleaned better when back flushing it
- no real need for an injector tester, just make sure to pulse-activate the injector while cleaning it by tapping on the battery connection
- always install the cleaned injector right away in the car, don't leave it with the carburetor cleaner inside or at least flush it with distilled water
- never use acetone or lacquer thinner, it will damage the injector
- one or two small 9V batteries is plenty enough to activate the injectors. Use with an injector electrical plug from the junk yard
- always smear some Vaseline over the seals (o-rings) before installing the injector, keep everything perfectly clean with no dust or dirt specs
- the injectors should be cleaned at least every 60K miles or so, you will get improved engine torque and mpg


As with ALL your video tutorials, this was EXCELLENT. If most mechanics possessed only half the knowledge that you do, it might be a more reputable profession! Thanks, AGAIN


Just throwing an easier way to rig this up thats way faster.. 10mm fuel hose, take a tire valve cap, drill small hole in it and poke the carb clean hose through said hole in valve cap. Epoxy or Jb weld it so the carb clean hose is sealed in the valve cap, then jam the valve cap with hose through it into the rubber fuel line. Push other end of hose over the injector. Takes 5 mins to make and 20 mins for epoxy to dry. Works mint. May need a small hose clamp at the injector end if it comes off under pressure. Dosent require smaller and smaller hose and heat shrink either.
