How To Clean Clogged Carburetor Jets

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This is how i unclog tough jets on my carburetors.
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I like your way to show video...short and clear (I mean there is videos for approx 20 minutes to explain the same thing you did in seconds). Good work!


Thank you for this video. Saved me time and money. Great job.


High e guitar string works pretty good too


This is a great idea, used it today, but haven't got it cleared yet, it's a bad one. Thanks.


I remember the good old days when U could work on a carburetor, clean or rebuild it, put back on and U were good 2 go. Now with electronics. fuel injection U have 2 go 2 Harvard 2 work on them. OR MAYBE, I'm just 2 old & contrary 2 learn ! My 1st mechanical exploration was on a 72 Ford, pick em up truck, 351 Cleveland with a 2 barrel Holly & I want 2 say an FMX Transmission. I ran that thing so hot it quit but I waited til it cooled off, filled her full of water. cranked her up and went on down the road ! back N the day, that was a tough one 2 beat ! Don't think my dad ever found out about it. Oh well. SORRY ! I digress ! That is a good way 2 clean them ! !


Any suggestion for cleaning out a jet that I broke 2 or 3 drill bits off in.


Well, set off to work this morning, and can't get above 16mph ( around 20 on the clock). Just juddering like a b$"^%$£d.

Checked plugs, checked filter, that's as much as I do.

Fires up though and ticks over fine, engine revs its balls off fine when on stand but something (belt slipping?, carb???) is wrong.
