The Cure for Burnout

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Thank goodness the CEO was there
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"Bill murdered the CEO?"
"The coroner said it was the most brutal beating with a laptop he's ever seen."
"How's Bill in prison?"
"Feels better than he did at the hospital."


Let us all take a moment to appreciate that primary care is "easy and boring" until specialists run into an undifferentiated patient. Family Med FTW!


The focus on “burnout’s” cure being “resiliency” is like saying a victim of abuse needs to get over it.


I remember doing paediatrics years ago. I would be one of two doctors covering the entire hospital at nights and weekends. I worked 36 hours on, 12 off, for 2 months straight because we were short staffed.At the end of a 36 hour shift, I was in the emergency room, trying to write up notes, I hadn’t done any neonatal checks or discharges, and a SHO came in and looked at my face (this is unusual, people just fire questions and complaints at you, but forget you’re a person and don’t even look you in the eye), and just asked “are you ok?”
I burst into tears. Proper, inconsolable ugly crying. She called our consultant, and he actually came in ON THE WEEKEND to help. Apparently they were all amazed I hadn’t broken sooner.
Which begs the question, why wasn’t I offered help sooner? I quit paediatrics within a year. loved the specialty, but it was killing me.


The zoom on Bill's face at the end made me both laugh out loud and then let out a small single sob at the end for my impending medical career 😭


For me the best part was the CEO proudly mouthing the lines of his treasured publicity stunt. Truly captured the level of entitlement and ignorance that has to be present for anyone to look at our system and think they still deserve million dollar bonuses...


Like I know we should be worried about Bill, but the CEO had to take a 10 minute break from his 3 hr lunch. Admin does care! /s


"you, and you alone..." is truly the nail in the coffin.

Healthy Gamer has an excellent breakdown of burnout without too much of the "you're SOL" feels


Hey at least the "anti burnout" courses are for free and online so you can comfortably watch them from your work place during the 5 minutes breaks in between 24 hours shifts


This’s me a few months ago. Currently on sick leave from work. It took my brain 4 months just to even begin to recover. Burnout is a nightmare I wouldn’t wish on anyone. I want healthcare to do better. Also, all hospital CEOs should be forced to do every resiliency module that has ever been created while burned out so they can understand just how insulting it truly is, as a concept.


This man has done more to address burnout than the entire U.S. health system. He’s probably saved more resident lives than we can count


At one point during the first COVID wave, after I’d spent 20 minutes in the closet crying, I returned to the ward only to find my friend and colleague sitting at the computer watching cute puppy videos on YouTube. I sat down next to him and we watched the puppers be silly and adorable for the next half hour. That was the high point of that day. Bill needs puppy videos..atleast a temporary solution for burnout 🙃


When I saw the CEO sprinting with his laptop, I thought he was going to fire off a hospital-wide email on how well we have all done during these pressing times, signed by all the upper executives who no one has ever heard of.


Portugal, basically the whole health system is burned out (personally my weeks are 62 to 80h) and the Health Minister just said "resiliency" should be a higher priority when contracting medics, and is as or even more important than clinical knowledge.
A week later she cried on television because some people (guess who) didn't appreciate those kind of comments.
The sweet irony...


Literally my entire department right now....

Thank you for your work. These videos are way more therapeutic than that 10 part resiliency course I'm behind on.


Months ago when our hospitals and ambulances were overloaded due to the Delta variant, doctors and paramedics and nurses were all crying out for help, something, anything... our politicians here in Australia told the public the health system was coping. I will never get over it.


A first year Internal Medicine resident here, with a big unchecked Post-rounds list sitting in 4th floor short stay unit. Never related to a video more


It's so scary how accurate this even Jonathan could save him!


I both mourn and love the way Family Medicine says "I recognize burnout because I'm waist-deep in it myself" without saying it.


Bill is lucky some other drs showed concern. In some hospitals you're not even allowed to look burned out and you get tagged as "difficult"if you can't smile or look happy to be working there.
