When Narcissists Fake Being Sick To Manipulate You #narcissist

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My mother. In and out of the hospital almost every year. Finally had enough and refused to take care of her the last time she was confined.


he faked seizures but I had real pain and panic attacks that went down my chest to my feet


I did not know this, and how the narcissist can fake things. But now it makes sense. Thank you Danish


I've still got the suicide letter from my x husband. He also faked a heart attack and an overdose. Even though the hospital said he hadn't had a heart attack, he still insisted he had!! WEIRDO!!


Each time I'm more intrigued by how incredibly toxic and fake these people are!


Totally on spot. My father kept faking diagnoses on the fly, just to remain the "suffering" victim, he always was. Eventually he became soo predictable, i no longer gave a sh*t about his "medical problems".
He once claimed to not feel his leg, which left me wondering: "How the hell are you walking around without an issue, then?"

Their pretending may eventually backfire. When the real deal finally happens, nobody will believe them, until it´ll be too late.


Or they say you're mean for holding them accountable to their behaviors, also to indices guilt. They really love emotional blackmail.


you are so right, I was told never to bring up the past because it could cause my parents a stroke or heart attack


Wow, this guy is spot on every single time!!!


Every day his sinuses and knees were the topic of conversation. Even on vacation trips, he always had an issue. The bad back in Italy took us to 2 hospitals…they were NOT part of the itinerary !
There was a legitimate issue, however, he milked it for all the drama he could.


You are exactly right. I experienced the same.


After 4 days of him just holing away in his room, he finally makes an appearance—he proceeds to complain about helping me, as I’m so tired I can’t keep my eyes open, and while I’m trying to get some much needed sleep he keeps urgently talking about how his hands are changing color… which, I wasn’t able to observe.


No, we definitely can’t all get along. I used to think we should be able to and blamed myself when all attempts failed. Now I see toxic is toxic and the self sacrifice of being the bigger person to make things work is soul crushing. Looking out for your self isn’t selfish, it’s necessary for your survival.


The first time we communicated after I left him he said he felt like he was having a heart attack and the only thing he could think of to do was call me. (Not an ambulance?) Oh, please. 😏


Spot on again Danish. My ex was always dying of something for 40 years. Especially when I was hurt or ill. No empathy for me just nasty or humiliating comments. Pretend test results for all sorts of illnesses. When that didn't work it was depression and I was told he needed more of my support. Even said he died twice a night from sleep apnoea. Was always alive and kickingl the next day. Crazy making....


There was a Narc in my life that would always complain about some sickness after a fight and towards the end I would ignore it so hard that his pain will magically go away.


My ex would go into " skitzophrenic" episodes all to avoid being accountable for cheating on me. Its called munchausen . Same way killers will pretend to be insane. All to avoid being accountable


Yes, absolutely! You’re not allowed to be sick, not sicker than they are anyway. When I was going through cancer treatment over 10 years ago, I was not allowed to feel bad. He has feigned cancer symptoms, heart symptoms, Alzheimer’s, and the latest ( because those didn’t work) was “pre- diabetes.” The doctor told him he was perfectly healthy. Sigh. Oh well.


abuser faked cancer that he said he got while serving in desert storm. He was in the USMC all right, but only served three of his four year enlistment because he was caught doing something. So he was fired from the USMC and never served in combat. He did have a back injury in high school but faked his recovery. He faked having surgery. He even went so far as to fake having a shoulder injury from all of his work being a sniper in the USMC; which he wasn’t. I even went with him to get cortisone shots which he didn’t need (I did not know that at the time). He faked high blood pressure. He faked insomnia. He even faked mini strokes. He faked headaches so I would rub his head. He faked bad feet so I would rub his feet. He lied and faked about everything!


You are such a beautiful man, inside and out ❤
