You being sick is an inconvenience to a lot of narcissists and toxic people #toxicpeople

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Funny thing is they’re always sick or injuring themselves, then we have to stop everything and cue the violin


Sadly I’ve been here. Was in the hospital and everything and my husband was angry that he was there. I didn’t understand anything about narcissists then. I’m just glad I’m out of that. Choose YOU everyone.


He accused me of getting sick on purpose for ruining his day


I hate when they always “pop-up” next to me when I’m on the phone.


I can honestly say, my now narcissistic x husband, did not EVER help me when sick. Notcw kids, he always made me feel guilty even at hospital, he was on phone for baby sitter, yet on days I'm well no baby sitter cause he broke.
Its over now, and thank God I moved on. These videos have helped me alot about unanswered questions, but I think its all about wrapped up.
Thank you fir letting me understand my insane life w a narcissist.


Although you have a serious condition I think you may have saved my life sir! I appreciate what you are doing with what you have!


My ex did this on my birthday 😅 I was dressed and on my way only for him to get sick and start throwing up so I wouldn’t go out cause he needed me. While I was on my way to a hair dresser appointment. I gave him some ginger ale and went about my business 😂 f him! Lol narcissist free almost 2yrs now🎉😊


I got a lung biopsy and my parents came to help take care of me. The narc agreed that she could take care of me while I was down for 2 weeks, mind you, I can't get up on my own, I can't drive anywhere, walking hurts, speed bumps hurt, basically I had to lay down and recover. After day 2, the narcissist told me I was being weak and was telling me to "man up" and that I was being sensitive. It was ridiculous, but this was before I knew what a narcissist was.


I had was really sick for weeks so one night I attempted to get in the car at night to take myself to the hospital. their brother was over with some friends and they saw me in the car doubled over and I told them i wasnt well. they had to tell his brother to convince him to take me to the hospital . he was mad but did it . i found out i had acute bronchitis and did a breathing treatment at the hospital. then on the way home he was pulled over and got a ticket at one point and was mad at me because he "had" to take me or he wouldn’t have gotten a ticket.


I caughtCovid and my narcs initial reaction was crucial!!!! He said, " I know you don't feel that bad, wear your mask, I can't afford to get sick etc. I only had the taste for certain things ice cream, soup, etc and he hated going out to get me stuff. I'm so glad I'm away from him!!!!


I underwent a root canal procedure and the doctor forgot to prescribe me the necessary painkillers. So as my brother rushed to get them, the narc stood at the doorway of my bedroom with an emotionless expression on his face, watching me curled up in a fetal position trying not to cry out loud. The narc then suddenly said to me, " I wouldn't have thought you are this needy and weak when you are sick!" I kid you not. I couldn't believe that he would even think to throw that at me when at my lowest. They really are weird people, SMH.


Yep but when he got sick I needed to drop everything and take care if him he actually told me to spoon feed him his food and medicine I said no been free 4 years


Yeah… my ex-narc stepped over my body when I fell and miscarried our baby. And he left. I found out later that his exes had all attempted to take their own lives. It took me years, but I finally got away from him. I didn’t know about narcissism back then.


Take some medicine. Yep. Heard that a few dozen times. Like a pill will fix anything and everything. But let them get sick 😫 Big babies! Ugh. Thanks for this. Again, I feel heard. Keep on KEEPING on!


If you ask him to help he refuses- if you ask someone else, he is insulted


Thank you for this honest display. My channel is on this topic, and I truly dig that you spread awareness from your perspective. Love you for that, but I could talk to you for hours about your details, story, path to enlightenment, etc. We need to keep getting the word out. Education and empowerment.


He would've got a pan upside his head with that disrespect!


Mine gets angry when I'm sick and have to take off work. He gets shitty and short tempered and snaps at me, like I'm doing something wrong. Asks me what "I'm REALLY doing" like I faked being sick to stay home and cheat even after I started riding in to work with him to sit in the car in the parking lot all day just to prove to him that I actually was not doing anything behind his back.


I'm constantly having to tell my narcs indoor voice.


Probably why I didn't show I was not feeling well around him. I got a tooth pulled and needed him to get me soup and meds he acted like it was an inconvenience and left way before he said he was going to. Thankfully that was the last time I ever asked him for anything. But I realized I have or had a friend like this too she would ask what could she do and then half do it or back out. I'm done with both of them.
Yeah they a cross between big babies and acting like they don't want you to do nothing for them when they not well. Smh
