Could the God of the Bible Really Be Satan? By Billy Carson

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Could the God of the Bible Really Be Satan? By Billy Carson


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As a Pastor's kid this knowledge hits different, wow am I intrigued and flabbergasted. I knew something wasn't right. I feel such freedom and power that i have never known in religion.


Year one I used the Bible as a tool to help purify my heart. Year two I read the Bible in chronological order and started asking questions like “why would I believe that the God I praise and love would be so horrible and evil” I kept reading and kept asking questions, eventually it lead to a spiritual awakening which is how I made it here to this page. I’m so grateful for your teaching and will dedicate to learning the truth.


Your a brave man to put out content like this. Too many people are comfortable with their head stuck in the sand. They don't want to discover the truth that has been lost or hidden.


Imagine how much better the world would be if we all understood that we are all connected and that god is in all of us and everything!


I at ( 69 yrs. of age ) have spent most all of my life searching for the truth with the limited knowledge of the Bible to go on . In my journey I was lead into becoming a Jehova's Witness thinking they had the truth with their New World Translation of The Holy Scriptures
(their bible) BUT, I knew i was just not finding satisfying answers to my questions .Then i was made aware of ending my prayers w/Amen & it's real meaning so kept searching . Many people have revealed truths about religions, Christianity, Catholicism & the Vatican as well as signs & symbols and politics being used to keep us enslaved & their servants . So after years of giving up hope and trying to find answers I decided to listen to Jordan Maxwell and listen more intently to his lectures which eventually lead me to you . So after watching this video I just want to say most sincerely THANKYOU ! Now I look forward to turning 70 and learning
more & more !


I'm 39 brother and I've Always thought different than my family. What you just said is the Greatest selling point I've Ever heard. Most True Believers only Believe because of Fear, Fear to go to Hell. Your brilliant brother. I wish more people would wake up. Thank you


I’m a pastor’s kid too. I was also homeschooled, I remember my mom encouraging me to try to read the whole Bible. I figured it would take a year or so, I was about 10. I started with Genesis, I remember asking her how there were other people who existed outside of the garden if they were the only ones, she had no answer and brushed it under the rug. Then I kept moving on and much to my horror read the whole of the Old Testament in just about 3 weeks. I was shocked and disgusted. The senior pastor of the church used to love using the verse on Sundays, “God is the same yesterday, today and forever” but little 10-year-old me knew better, I knew that was a lie. The Old and New Testament gods were completely different, acted loving one day then murderous the next and did unspeakable things to families and children all in the name of a loving God? Needless to say, my eyes have been open a very long time. It was hard growing up feeling and knowing this but having to put on a smile and attend church all the time. But I got through it, I teach my kids better now.


As a native American i never believed what killed my people.


I never grew up with religion but I did stumble across a book called “God: the most unpleasant character in all of fiction”. This book highlights all the terrible traits of God through the Old and New Testament. Interesting read


Sooo, I spent a good portion of my life studying the same thing you’re talking about. I’ve tried to tell people these exact same things, and no one would listen. Thanks so much for making me feel I had been right for saying the things I said. Feels good! You’ve got a loyal listener.


Everything you said in this video, I’ve been feeling deep in my bones before watching any videos with you in it! I love it! Keep going and preaching the REAL word!!!


My dad just showed me this today and mann this just further led me into my own spiritual journey. I literally told my dad I wanted to get baptized and he stopped me in my tracks saying how I need to do more research before I make my decision and he was so right 😮‍💨


I have given up trying to enlighten my deeply Christian family. They call me evil. I walked away from the faith and l have found true freedom knowing that I am a goddess: l now live in love, light and life. Namaste to all - the divine in me salutes the divine in you. ♥️


Great talk. I was a believer 40 years and spent almost a decade working in Christian ministry, 4 decades involved in the church. When you are brainwashed into it, it's one of the hardest things in the world to leave. It was when I finally allowed myself to think about what I was reading that I left.


I am so thankful to stumble upon this channel.


Growing up Mormon, I knew in my heart religion had too many holes for me to trust it on faith. The last few years I have been guided to more and more knowledge like your's that has proven that my gut was right. Thank you for doing the research and sharing this knowledge with us. It is 100% in alignment of the other research I have done myself. I have changed my life in so many fabulous ways by cutting the cord of news, tv, and false manipulation. It is a long road, but I do believe the truth is worthy of being shared. Now I speak directly with my source and my life continues to be blessed because I use positive energy to my advantage. Once I understood how energy frequencies worked, it changed everything.


I've been on this earth for 55 years and for the first time in my life the Bible makes many times in my life I have felt the spirit in me encouraging me and always pure love and acceptance. Not one time was it at Church. Thank you for all you are doing to wake up humanity!


I always felt that something was being held from me & even lied to me about. I'm 50 years old. I'm finally feeling right with what I'm learning. Thank you.


One thing I don't like about Billy, is that most of the stuff he talks about doesn't present sources to go with it. Graham Hancock at least shows you photos and travels. And debates. But Billy just says, it's in this document. It's in this document.


I have never in my life ever felt so free till now like a burden of heaviness left my body of deceivenes.
Thank you for this awaking ⏰️ ❤️ 💖
