How to Move on from your Past Mistakes | How to Let Guilt, Shame & Regret Go! | Sadhguru Speaks

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If you pick a significant number of people and ask them about their problems, their number one problem would be how to move on from your past mistakes or how to let guilt, shame & regret go in other words.

And this isn't the first time someone like Sadhguru is speaking on the matter of forgiveness and moving on from past mistakes, but I sure do feel he addresses questions like these in the most potent way in this video.

If you choose to watch the video till the very end you should have the answers to the questions like what to do if actions of the past are creating anxiety in you, how to avoid your past mistakes from haunting you, how to let go of past mistakes, regret, guilt, shame, etc.

I understand that some of you may not be able to watch the video till the very end, which is fine, let me relay in short in which direction Sadhguru is pointing at to resolve problems like these.

He points out that these problems exist because there has been no effort made in the direction of understanding what this fundamental entity called mind is.

And because there is no attention paid to it, it has caught on the habit of recycling the old material that you label as the past.

Your very effort to try to forget the past is what will keep the ills of the past alive. The very act of feeding the unconscious movement of the mind is what is referred to as attention.

You have to bring this attention to act by making it a point to feed this attention everyday via meditation.

This video can be your start, through his words, it is this attention that he wants you to bring into your life.

Therefore, watch the video till the very end.

#sadhguru #SadhguruMahashivratri2022 #sadhgurulatest

Do let me know on what topic you want me to create a video on next.

Take care of yourselves and I will see you at the next one!

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You cannot change the past, and most of the time, you cannot fix the past, but in this moment you can end the 'psychological content' that made the mistake. The very content that ruminates in the mind and causes the said regret and guilt. How does one do that? Simple. By not running away or distracting yourself from the regret or uncomfortable experience. Face it fully with a full heart, and you won't believe the beautiful freedom you get on the other side if you can patiently 'stay with yourselves'. Go easy on yourselves. You aren't alone. You never are. You just think you are :)


I gave up pursuing a sport I used to love (tennis). Because my parents said I was a bad at sports-- which was true. My reflexes are slower and my vision is blurry from bad astigmatism. They always compared myself to other college students- specifically the ones that had trophies and were exceptional from young ages.
Fast forward to a year later, my father missed me for not playing tennis at his local court. And I told him that I gave up on that sport because I was bad. I couldn't imagine failing again.


Don't stop posting man, you're doing great job, i really hope you make living out of it. You're doing service to god!


I feel incredibly guilty for having harmed myself and my loved ones when I was in psychosis. My delusions twisted reality for me and I did things I would never ever do otherwise. I deeply regret what I've done. I keep replaying the scenarios again and again. What if I did this this way or that . What if I simply didn't go to that place that day. What if I changed settings. A small change would have changed so much. I wish so bitterly I could go back in time.


When I go through people problems from this comment section.. I've realised that my problem that I've considered as big one wasn't it actually.. I'm working on myself to learn from that, I forgive myself for the thing that happened which I'm not dreamt of... I'm gonna make my life as much simpler and going to enjoy every seconds, not running away from my thoughts about the mistake but I fully accept it and consider it as a lesson or chance to correct it within my present and for my future... Thank you all.. We are all same.. Let's forgive and move on


I have big regret for not understanting earlier what i wanted to be in life, i understanded it only few years ago. Now it's late for me (im 30 yo) to express my full potential on something i should've started young (sport particularly) and im obesessed over the image of what could've been if i would did it, that image of my ideal self that i can never reach at this point.
I wish I had known back then what I know today, so as to be closer today to that ideal self that I am obsessed with...


It's been almost 6 years since I made the biggest mistake of my life while high on THC and psychotic and I still haven't forgiven myself. I love listening to Sadhguru because he provides comfort and wisdom, but his words are much easier than reality.

I don't know if I will ever be able to move on for what I did and the people I hurt, pushing them away from me. And I've learnt to understand them and hate myself for my mistakes. I've fundamentally changed a lot, physically, mentally and emotionally and tried to bury that mistake to never EVER do something like that again but it's such a burden. Always on my back, pressuring me, reminding me of what I did. I don't know if I will ever be able to move on and find peace with myself.

Sometimes, compassion is too much to handle.


I have some regrets about being an idiotic pleasure-pursuing bastard, missing financial opportunities that could change the course of my family's destiny. Not valuing my health - mental and physical - when I valued my finances and some silly crypto investments is killing me in regrets more than the missed opportunity to make a few thousand. Wish I was a better man In general. I'm only 17, atleast I'm happy to have an incredible father and mother who genuinely support me, thankful to Sadhguru, hopefully will take a Sannidhi home in the next few months and hopefully that will transform our family's life for ever, will strive for that and then next goal is to go to IYC in Coimbatore as I live in Bulgaria and it's quite expensive to travel. I have tortured myself long enough in this life, time to stop and let Sadhguru's grace take over. Past regrets hurt but like he says - may something that you have not even dreamed of come true, not your silly dreams and ambitions 🙏🏼🙏🏼, still struggling, hopefully everything will become better soon for my family as a whole as well


Are you fit?
Ride with the waves
You learn/grow
Foc on soln


I was just reminded of something i did when my daughter was two years old. It was over seven years ago. Im going through a healing process and alot of things are coming to the surface. Some things i take complete accountability for and some things were done to me. However it seems like I can let go of what others have done to me but when i do something it gets blown out of proportion. Now i take responsibility for my actions but its like other people try to hurt me with it and its really hurting my soul. I don't know what else to do or say anymore. Im just tired of people hurting me with it


I am regretting not moving forward from a place earlier now I have a sickness because of that and feel incredibly guilty for that


Hey great work man!
I really really needed it badly
Thank you very much bruvv...


He didn’t answer the question. The question was regarding a past mistake, something you regret, and how to overcome the pain and sorrow that your action hurt someone else. I understand the question, but the answer was regarding life expectations and that’s not the same thing. I thing there was lack of understanding the question.


What if one mistake have legal repercution but you are actually a good person there is no evil in you, you are pure love but you cant change that situation or show up what you did because that will harm you and people around you. Nothing crazy like killing or any hard situation like that Im talking about... but a mistake that is legal repercuted, we should move on or we have to be strict to what the law is no matter nothing. Because the guilt can be very painful, we can forgive ourselves but, what about law?


I had an opportunity to buy a dream home. I did not react fast enough and lost it. I really loved it and cried for weeks. I know I am human and can mistakes but it has hard bc I feel
Bad for my kids.


I with billions of others remain to be struggling to awaken ISO spiritual rescue


I wish to go back on time when i fought with my sisters last year on 26th may 2022 and have been repeating blunders before losing temper all the time calling them bad words. I wish i hadnt done that. My sisters not getting along with me . Its been a year they didnt mingle with me. I regreted a lot. I wish to go back on time.


What if our guilt comes from the real events not only imaginations :( can we truly forgive ourselves?


Did you feel this intense energy at the end 🔥🔥🔥


Because of my lack of understandability I messed my sister peacefulness.. everyone including my sister is asking me to leave her alone for some months or days.

I want to be with mys sister and apologise her and she should accept me, then I can protect her..

I don't know how to rectify please anyone suggest what should I do?
