How To Move On After A Breakup When Still In Love and How To Get Over A Breakup Or Ex

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Coach Lee lays out how to move on after a breakup when you are still in love with an ex boyfriend or ex girlfriend. If you have been left and feel it is time to move on or get over a breakup and your ex, this powerful video will help you see the way forward and how to move on.

If you want to know how to move on and how to get over a breakup and get over your ex after a long term relationship when you are still in love, the task may seem impossible or extremely difficult. Coach Lee explains why this is the case and how you can make progress in moving on after a breakup with a boyfriend or girlfriend into an emotionally healthier place and, if you want, to find a loving romantic relationship in your future.

The best way to move on after a breakup and how to get over a breakup is often not the most obvious or what well-intentioned friends might often tell us. Understanding the process, including how grief works, can be extremely helpful in this type of situation when moving forward seems out of reach. Be sure to watch the steps to moving on that Coach Lee discusses in this powerful and helpful video.


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Hello Mr. Coach Lee. I truly appreciate the wonderful aspects of your legacy and establishment into an empire. I believe you change millions and millions of people in every different shape and form. I’m not talking about me but I’m thinking among the whole world. Whether it’s male or female including all races who thanks you. I want to bless you for everything. I’m sorry for the paragraph but I never express to family, or ex friend. I don’t think no one care about. I dream about an ex friend plenty of times but I don’t understand. I guess it does not mean anything. Thank you if you do listen or I don’t know.


First I accepted the horrible heart break then I cried and cried then I stopped and now I can smile. Even though I still think about him it hurts a little less each time I do. I’ll be okey. Someone out there will love me unconditionally.


It's like a death in the family. There will be some grieving which will take some time to get over.


40 year marriage ended. lve been mourning for 6 years. l think it's high time to get off my couch and start living. After all, l am 66, what am l waiting for.


Its 6am and im here watching this video while crying over the facts that somebody i want to spend the rest of my life with let me go so easily without fighting.


When I move on I will not forget you guys. I will come back here and tell you there is hope, but to remain in NC for your dignity and for your future. Keeping the lines of communication open will slow down progress!


My ex has taught me a lot about relationships. I accept that our relationship wasn't ideal but at least I have more awareness of my flaws and faults. The most painful thing is that I thought to myself if I accepted her flaws she would be able to accept me but it just didn't happen.


The worst part is that I feel robbed. I feel robbed of all the time that I dedicated to him. I feel robbed of all the love and affection I gave him. I feel like I wasted a year of my life caring about him and trying to fix our relationship when I was the only one making that effort in the first place. When I told him "I love you" he responded: "I'm too young for this". I just really wanted somebody to give my love to and I was completely blind to the fact that he didn't deserve me. At all. And chances are that if you're watching this video, trying to "fix things" and to become a better version of yourself for this person, they don't deserve you either. You don't need them. Loving and respecting yourself is always more important than loving someone else.


5 months after being dumped.. it has been a rollercoaster of emotions.. how she just packed her stuff and drove away.. I was broken..but contact helps..she’s fading away.. and now I making new friends, back in the gym on my own time, enjoying freedom.. I guess I’m moving on. But still I watch these videos.. yes, it’s a few steps forward and one backward at times..


It’s not just that I’m still in love. He was my absolute best friend in the world too. To lose both is doubly difficult. I feel completely lost.


Hi everyone, today I have decided to finally close my ex’s chapter in my life and to start a new chapter for myself. Coach Lee’s videos gave me strength every time. I listen to his videos while I’m driving, and whenever thoughts crawl in my head. I will still watch his video but only this one, for moving on. We all deserve someone who doesn’t leave us questioning what we did wrong. We deserve someone who will stay with us no matter how difficult the situation is. Love and light to y’all! 😊


I tried to forget him - but couldn't -
until one day I said to myself: "He's not the man you think he is.
If he was the man you thought he was, he would love you and care for you."
That's when I realized I'd been in love with a figment of my imagination -
and then I realized I was free!


1. embrace the idea that you don't have to move on immediately
2. separate the love from the loss
3. take one day at a time
4. Q&A session with yourself
ask yourself this question
can I move on from this
your answer... YES!
5. focus on the non romantic relationships around you (mom, dad, brother, sister, friends, cousins)
date only when you are emotionally ready


I bought the emergency breakup kit and loved it. Even though a small part of me misses him, I know I deserve better. No person is worth your dignity and self-respect. Coach Lee thank you for all your support. It's people like you who have made me see the light.


"Can I move on from this?

Yes. And I'll have to do that whether we get back together or not.


7 months of NC and even though I still have bad days sometimes, for the most part things have gotten significantly better. If you're struggling, have faith in the process and keep going!


"Can I move on from this? . . . Yes."
That is absolute gold.


binge watching coach lee’s videos is the only
thing that helps me not cry myself to sleep every night 🥺


Sometimes the other person never feels the loss.. but accepting that gets easier with time and stops hurting eventually.


To all the new heartbroken people ur gonna be fine don't worry u r going to get stronger every single ex came back after two months of no contact and he made me choose between getting back together or staying just friends( he didn't want to lose me again) and guess what i said! I told him let's just be friends and this is thanks to coach lee cuz he helped me so much by these encouraging videos and i realized a lot of things during no contact that made me choose me by staying only as friends
