I QUIT GLUTEN F0R 30 DAYS (actually saved my life)

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Gluten really is that girl but sometimes she be HURTING my stomach and sh*t... Trying out 1 full month without gluten and being gluten free.

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#glutenfree #30daysglutenfree #foodchallenge

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I have celiac disease and I just want to share some information that you might find helpful.
1. Please be very careful seeing a functional medicine doctor, it can be a lot of stress for something that isnt rooted in science.
2. There is no gluten allergy, you can be gluten intolerant, celiac, or have a wheat allergy but there is on true gluten allergy.
3. You cannot eat gluten free for 30+ days and then do your testing as you may have a false negative, so its important to begin eating gluten again.
4. Celiac disease requires an intestinal biopsy to be diagnosed, do not believe/trust any medical professional who tries to diagnose you with celiac disease from blood work.
I hope you find this helpful, I dont want this to come across in a negative way, but I also dont want you to have to live a life without gluten if its not for sure something you need to avoid (being celiac is REALLY hard, being gluten free isnt too bad)


I always feel better when I scale back on gluten. I still include it in my diet, but not much. Because...there are some items that have gluten that I love and there is no replacement...in my opinion. HA HA HA!! Honestly I have none or to very minimal of my symptoms now that I just limit gluten.


Love this Kayla, I relate to the rash! Having Hashimotos Thyroiditis, I'm gluten, dairy & goitrogen intolerant. Gluten inflames my entire body & changes my mood, though soy is my true kryptonite. Having clarity on food sensitivity is a game changer, so best of luck with the testing ❤


Loved the video! This felt like one of the OG videos that attracted me to your content originally. I love the way you affirm and love yourself. You're the best, Kayla 😘


I have celiacs disease, fully diagnosed, I was super sick before, but would have never guessed it was the gluten. It has been life changing, I am fully diagnosed by a professional. Note I had to eat it prior to the testing to see actual proof but I think they would have seen the damage either way because it was so bad in the first place. Glad you didn't bash the gluten free diet for my sake 😅😂. One thing negative about fads, is people then don't take it seriously, one thing positive about fads it pushes companies to produce more gluten free options.


At the end I felt like you looked brighter! Like you really did feel better!! Your always beautiful!! I need to watch again to get the butternut squash recipe! The food all looked yummy!! 💖💖


Nice! Hope this helps to heal your gut ❤I did a mistake once doing a month gluten free and then testing for celiac antibodies ( apparently one needs to add gluten to produce them if there is an issue). Doing it right this time having bread and pizza and will test again. Good luck to all of us with "hot girl stomach issues"!😊


The breakfast sandwich prep is genius thank you!!!!


I know multiple people from the US who are gluten sensitive there and not here in Europe (depending on processing level).


Thank you for sharing 🥰miss you making these types of videos and trying and committing to them for a month but I know how hard it must be to record then edit them. 💞 great job I appreciate you so much for doing it❤


Loved this one! Reminded me of your 30 minutes a day walking one which brought me to your channel


Everything happens for a reason 😅 thanks for sharing. Love these challenges 🎉


I super appreciate that you did the challenge for a full month - it gives us a more well rounded review! Thanks!


Love Love Love the sandwich recipe! I will totally be using it! One of my favorite breakfasts in the fall is oatmeal in acorn squash. So good!


I love this video! I completely agree that some things may work for you, some things won’t. I’ve been told that I need to go to the gym and count my carbs but it just doesn’t work for me. I’m like you and I’ll just eat when I’m hungry and stop when I’m full. I like to pick out different exercises for different days because I easily get bored. One day I might jump rope and then resistance bands the next. I’ve also been on a health journey when it comes to naturally dealing with my migraines. I completely stopped drinking alcohol because the migraines that it causes just isn’t worth it. Some people don’t get that but to me it just makes sense. Thank you for showing the GF options! My NP said that I may need to do a food allergen test later on if my migraines done improve with vitamins. Apparently gluten can cause some people migraines so we’ll see.


Thanks for making this video. Very informational.


Tip, most gluten free pizza's cost And are disappointing. A simple way to have a great gluten free pizza. Biquick has a gluten free crust recipe that is sooo...good. I add onion powder, and garlic powder and top the way you like. Yummy😉💞


My pet bird started chirping when he heard that toy at 3:36😂


Would love to see u do the Grow with Jo 10, 000 steps workout for a week. 😁


Love your diet experiment videos! Have you thought about doing whole30??
