The dark history of statins - from causing cancer to billion dollar lawsuits

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The first cholesterol lowering drug to enter the market, Triparanol, was an unmitigated disaster and left a trail of human wreckage behind, even after it was pulled from the market.
It was replaced by statins, shown to cause cancer in dogs before they even reached the market, and surrounded by controversy ever since. To this day, independent researchers do not have access to the data which could reveal the truth about statins.
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Excellent lecture doctor! Keep up the great work; I'm going to share this because people deserve to know the truth


I was told by a doctor in Australia, that because my cholesterol levels were above a certain level, by Australian law he had to prescribe a statin to lower my cholesterol. I told him he could prescribe anything he wants, but that doesn't mean I'll take it. After viewing this, I'm happy I didn't take his advice.


When my regular GP of over 10 years retired I went looking for another. One of the GP's I 'interviewed' did not like me questioning him. He said if I would not do as he said he would not treat me and kicked me out of his surgery.
Not a loss, I admit, but indicative of the arrogance and ignorance of some doctors.


I'm a doctor in the USA. Dr. Mason's research on diet and metabolic syndrome is very convincing. Fantastic work.


I worked in a very large internal medicine clinic with 45 doctors. Looking back now, I can see where we had almost every man over 40 on a statin. It was like clock work. No discussions on ‘what are you eating’?
No class on nutrition and the benefits of cholesterol. Nope, they were immediately given a statin according to their LDL level.
Now, we see that folks with a higher LDL live longer!! We also saw a huge increase in metabolic syndrome!!


I refuse to take ANY cholesterol lowering drugs...most especially statins! I have shared this! I hope my friends who believe in them will watch this video :)


My mom took many years statins(doctor's advice) for no benefits, but muscular problems, cataratas, thining hair came along. NOw she takes nothing and is in much better conditions, eat low carb and with 84 is she kicking around, my lord!


In the USA patients over 65 receive Medicare benefits, and part of the benefit is a yearly check-up which is often performed by a Nurse Practitioner. During that check-up the doctor or nurse will discuss the possibility of prophylactic treatments such as flu shots, or low-dose statin to lower cholesterol. In truth, these treatments are sometimes encouraged, which causes me to wonder if pharmaceutical companies have undue influence on the health care providers giving these check-ups.


Snake oil has been a part of human culture from the beginning. In modern times, the institutions that train and credential snake oil salesmen are financed from profits from the sales of snake oil. It's a well designed and insidious machine. Kudos to Paul Mason for his closer look.


From my own personal history of problems with myself and family members I can honestly state that most UK GP`s, surgeons and so called specialist have been an absolute disgrace and that is putting it mildly. I was told over 10 years ago that if I didn`t take statins I would end up in a wheelchair. Basically I had a blocked artery in the brain. I changed my diet to a keto lifestyle, (fats and proteins.) No breads, white salt, or sugars. No tap or bottled water (only purified through RO system) No junk foods. Meaning anything that is sold in a packet or tin. No processed meat etc etc. Now over 10 years later the blocked artery has not changed and I am in almost (lol) perfect health. DO NOT TRUST ANYBODY THAT CALLS THEMSELVES DOCTORS OR SPECIALIST. THEY ARE SIMPLY PILL PUSHERS FOR THE BIG PHARMA COMPANIES. THE WHOLE UK HEALTH SYSTEM SHOULD BE CHALLENGED AND CHANGED.


Thank you Dr. Mason for this concise overview of the sordid history of statins. Its a great primer for those unacquainted with the subject, and it is a quick way to disabuse people of the notion that these drugs are safe.


I fall in the LMHR phenotype; all my markers and I mean everything, are excellent except high LDL. Cardiologist won’t hear my low carb viewpoint, my NMR analysis (dropping sdLDL) and suggests I consider a plant based diet and go on a strong statin. That ain’t happening, heck I have no need for a cardiologist anyway!


I love the way you turned the tables on the effects of memory loss, good job.


My doctor prescribed me some statins at least 20 years ago. For some reason I googled them, and found out the side effects that people had, even after stopping taking them. So I told my doctor that I wasn’t going to take them and I haven’t done since. I’m very pleased that I haven’t after hearing this video.


I'm 68. So, if I take statins I will live an average of 5 days more, having lived the last 25 years of my life with diabetes, muscle pain and weakness and the last 15 with dementia. Wow! What can I lose? 😂 Thanks Doc. Your videos are saving lives 👍🏼


Thank you, Dr Paul Mason, for this much needed information.


I haven't heard the term "Beavering away" in decades and oh it's so appropriate. I love it.


I haven't trust a doctor in many, many years.
This is the most believable talk from a doctor I have seen in years.


Thanks for a great presentation and also the references. Love your review of the stats and use of numbers


'At the end of the day you have the RIGHT to question your healthcare professionals and to ask them for the evidence upon which they base their advice'.

Heated agreement Dr Mason; have you mentioned this to the State and Federal Governments of Australia! 

Aussies would do well to be asking a lot more questions on a range of 'health mandates', not just taking statins.
