Statins and Holes in Memory: Transient Global Amnesia

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In 2006, Dr. Duane Graveline published a book entitle "Lipitor(r) Thief of Memory."

In it he details his experience with a condition known as "Transient Global Amnesia" which he makes good case was caused by his use of Lipitor. It had been several years since I first read his book and I hadn't thought about it much in several years; in fact I can't remember opening it at my new house, so it's been about 5 years at least, though I recently did mention it in the description of an earlier video.

In February 2023, I experienced a similar event. I review that in this video.

Update: Since recording this video I have seen a neurologist. Basically nothing permanent happened from this event and there's not really anything to do about except maybe be vigilant about what could have triggered it (i.e., if it happens again, try finding common causes.)

Dr. Graveline died in 2016 at the age of 85.

Dr. Graveline's Obituary:

Dr. Graveline's books may be found easily on Amazon.

National Library of Medicine, brief article on TGA:

DISCLAIMER: The following presentation and all presentations in this series are for informational purposes only and should not be used to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Please consult with your personal physician when deciding whether to treat or not treat any condition with pharmaceuticals or by any other treatment or therapy. In particular, never change dosage, stop taking medications, or change a therapy because of something presented in this series without discussing your options with your primary care physician or other health professional.

The author is not a medical professional and is presenting his own story, research, and opinions as they apply to himself, and himself alone.

If you think you may be experiencing a medical emergency, immediately call your doctor or dial 911.

Theme Music:
Music Title: Inspiring Optimistic Upbeat Energetic Guitar Rhythm
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Update: As of this writing, it has been 8 months with no recurrence. I completed a 5-week 480 mile solo backpacking trip in May/June on the Appalachian Trail with no issues; my blood pressure is back to normal (typically well under 120/80, occasionally slightly higher) and not on BP medication. I have been to the neurologist who confirmed the diagnosis of TGA, but really he couldn't do much more but confirmed the general statistics I give here. I wrote to a prominent researcher on the brain-statin connection about this incident and she agreed that in my case there's no way to know if there is a cause-and-effect there, but speculated that perhaps because I did have memory issues while on statins, that may indicate that I was at higher risk of such memory problems. (i.e. statins may have brought it out, but not been the root cause.)


I had 2 serious episodes of TGA already. I believe I have had memory problems for a very long time, zero memory of having been places, done things, taken photos of events. So, I have to learn as much as possible about what is going on. Now I want to remain quiet and keep as organized as possible. I have to check and recheck driving directions of places I have been going to for over 15 years. It's really an issue of people telling me I have told them something already. Thank you for your excellent lesson on what TGA is.


My husband had this just this past weekend. I thought the very same thing your wife did. he looped for hours. But I have to add this- we had never heard of this before and I can tell you he DID know that something was wrong. just FYI. Thank you for sharing this! He just went to the store ( his first outing since his episode) and I can't wait for him to see this when he gets home. I'm relieved you recovered so well but I'm going to be worried about him till he gets back.


Just an FYI, I’ve had it happen to me twice in my life.

If you want be to come on the show I can tell everyone about my experience

I had two episodes within 1.5 years

Thanks for taking the time to do this video for us


I had transient epilepsic amnesia. I have permanent problems. It has happened several times since. I had to relearn keyboarding, spelling, and other things. It has changed my life completely. But the worrst symptom I have had is in a drastic personally chang. I am a total different person. In fact people tell me that they miss the old me. My neurologist told me that he has never seen a case like this.



I had an episode of TGA this past Tuesday ( 10/10/23). Similar experience of those commenting here. What’s interesting is that I STOPPED taking Lipitor approx. 3 weeks prior to this episode( 9/20/23). Just wondering if there is a correlation.


I had an identical experience a year ago at 70. I came in from mowing the lawn and my wife could tell something was wrong. I told her I had "brain fog", and I kept repeating questions. She took me to the ER, where I got outstanding care that quickly ruled out a stroke, and gave me a diagnose of TGA. The neurologist said that possibly a piece of plaque broke off and temporarily blocked blood flow to my hippocampus. While there, I had the highest BP and HR I've ever had, so I wonder if my body recognized that I wasn't getting sufficient blood flow to my brain, and was trying to force more blood through. Over a few hours I returned to normal, but have no memories of those few hours. No recurrence in the past year.

Like you, I get lots of exercise. At 60, 65, and 70 I did single day "Rim-to-Rim-to-Rim" hikes in the Grand Canyon, 45 miles and 11, 000 feet of elevation gain. After decades of LDL between 160-190, but always refusing a statin, I had a coronary calcium scan a few months ago which showed considerable calcification (score of 350). So I'm probably going to try low dose rosuvastatin and ezetimibe as my cardiologist is recommending, but I'll be watching for side effects.


This happened to me several times when I was on Lovastatin. I was prepping my tomato garden when my shovel hit something.
There are no rocks in the soil in eastern NC, so I was curious, so I started digging. What I dug up was a CD in it's case...I was preplex how it got there. Then I remember I was foing to play a cd on my computer. I held it up and the rest is a blank. How long I was out, no clue...I also had other episodes where I'd get lost in the back yard and would have to search for a shed to find where I was.It also happened in the grocery store.I told my Dr. about it and she just kew it could be the statin cause I'd taken it for 2 years. I stopped taking it and refused to take it again.Symptoms went away.
Also, did you have pre diabetes symptoms, like wounds healing slowly?
I read you have a 36% chance of getting doabetes, , Which the Doctor will "treat" ...It's ok to die of diabetes as long as your col.' numbers are pretty./s


I have had two episodes of TGA and hospitalized both times. My concern is with panic in a crowd I feel my brain is wondering off and it will happen again. I have never taken statins but was on the job RN the first time and ambulance took me to the hospital. Second time I had been flying and returned home and was in church and it was quickly noted I didnt know what was going on, so then to my local hospital. I have also suffered a grief related heart attack with no blockage last year. It seems this must be stress doing something to the body but all tests were clear and now I try to "stay calm" and hope my brain doesnt turn on me.


I wonder how was your diet prior to the first occurrence of TGA? How much animal protein & fat did you eat?


I have it once every week and I’m ten yrs old I’m scared
