Dr. Paul Mason - 'Why your doctor thinks cholesterol is bad - Big Pharma deception'

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Dr Paul Mason obtained his medical degree with honours from the University of Sydney, and also holds degrees in Physiotherapy and Occupational Health. He is a Specialist Sports Medicine and Exercise Physician.

Dr Mason developed an interest in low carbohydrate diets in 2011. Since then he has spent hundreds of hours reading and analysing the scientific literature.

For a number of years, Dr. Mason has been applying this knowledge in treating metabolic and arthritis patients who have achieved dramatic and sustained weight loss and reductions in joint pain. Dr. Mason has recently become the Chief Medical Officer of Defeat Diabetes.

Defeat Diabetes is Australia's first evidence-based and doctor-led program that focuses on the wide range of health benefits of a low carb lifestyle, particularly for those wanting to send into remission pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and other metabolic illnesses.

Founded by Dr. Peter Brukner OAM with support from a medical advisory panel of doctors and dietitians, the Defeat Diabetes Program is delivered via a mobile app. It provides 100+ hours of video from health professionals, masterclasses, cooking demonstrations, recipes, a meal planner, and a rich library of resources, with new content regularly added.

Created by Australians, for Australians, the Defeat Diabetes Program simply and effectively enables Australians to take control of their pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes.

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My late father was a GP who retired in 1993.
He was adamant throughout his medical career that Cholesterol was the biggest health lie of the 20th century, and he said butter was the best thing of all time, and that a tiny little bit of toast under your butter was acceptable.

Most people thought he was a bit mad - but it turns out that he was right all along.
Thanks, Dad!


After some poor response from my Dr. about me not wanting any statins, I came up with a solution. I would just take the bottle and the problem was solved. A couple months later the dr. Wanted to follow up with my high cholesterol. My LDL WAS down 60 points but my HDL WENT Up a full 10 points, she said that’s fantastic, so are you happy you took the statins? I said I never opened the bottle and she was done talking to me. 😎


I finally found a doctor that knows cholesterol levels mean nothing. I'm strict carnivore and he approves of my high cholesterol. He looks at insulin levels, HDL and tryglicerides along with my thyroid and testosterone. I'm 66 and he marked A+ on my bloodwork sheet. I'm stoked!!!
He also called me athletic....yet I really only trian once a week. And I was once 400 pounds and dying.
Now no meds and really don't need a doctor at all.
Meat heals.


Yesterday I saw a befriend young doctor for a long time and she was surprised about my metamorphosis. So I told her. I lost 20kg in 5 months on OMAD and Keto. She wasn't real happy, a little sceptic (information bias? confirmation bias?). Then I told her I threw out all seed oils and eat meat and saturated animal fat (bacon, butter, eggs). Now she began warning me! I should go to my GP immediately and check my cholesterol! And everything else I did was effectively wrong. Strange because she began with a compliment and when the answer didn't fit her narrative, I was bad. The literal proof of my right, me, was standing in front of her and she didn't see it!


I’m showing this to my GP! I have always had high cholesterol and a few years ago was told I’d need statins when my cholesterol hit 7.2 the doc said I was “a heart attack waiting to happen”. I said I’d prefer to try changing my diet. Did WFPB vegan for a year, got cholesterol down to 5.4 but ended up with an exacerbation of RA for which I was taking biologic meds, suffered really debilitating interstitial cystitis, vertigo, TMJ, night sweats, itchy skin, brain fog, terrible anxiety, sensory sensitivities, hair loss… so after countless inconclusive tests and scans another GP suggested I try carnivore diet.
It reversed all symptoms. I no longer take medication for RA and have had no flares. I went back to the first doctor recently who ran a full blood panel and freaked out at my 10.6 cholesterol reading. Basically told me I’m going to die if I don’t change my diet back to WFPB. Even after I pointed out that my blood pressure is low, my weight in the healthy range, I don’t smoke or drink and walk an hour a day, my glucose levels and all nutrients were optimal, my CAC score was 0, my CRP and ESR well under healthy and, in fact, now lower than they were when I was on biologic immunosuppressive drugs and eating a zero fat vegan diet and my triglyceride measures 0.6!!!! 😮
He’s telling me: “Nobody walks around with a cholesterol level of 10.6”
Yet here we are, doc…. Here we are! 😂


Those of us who are “enlightened” therefore refuse statins/baby aspirin should NOT be labeled as a “non-compliant “ patient. That’s an abusive term and rather should be conveyed as an “informed patient” of big Harma’s narrative.


My mother once considered going into medicine, but her master's degree in nutrition and dietetics would only give her a single quarter's worth of credit... so, she didn't do it... (She eventually left the American Dietetics Association after realizing that their national conventions were funded by the likes of McDonald's and PepsiCo.)


Ahhh yes. Always ready for a lecture from this gentleman.


When I told my Dr I was doing a 6 month keto trial which meant cutting out most sugars and consuming more fat, these being cooking in coconut oil and a table spoon of cold pressed olive oil each morning , she was horrified,

After 3 months, I lost 5kg
Blood pressure went from
140/90 to 120/70
Long term blood sugar dropped to 5.8 from 6.1

I'm now going to stay on this program for 12 months, getting bloods every 3 months, my Dr doesn't realise she's being re educated following these amazing results .


I studied physics at the University of British Columbia, Canada, graduating with a B.Sc. in 1971. I've had multiple careers, but at all times I strove to trust the observations/measurements I made over my {or others'} opinions, & to consciously acknowledge my tendency to fall into mental traps of cognitive dissonance . This has paid off in spades - in collaboration with others I have designed & built instruments presently in orbit around the Earth & others that reside 3 or 4 km deep in multiple oceans around the world. Even without a formal Ph.D, I have been honoured to be named as a co-author of over a dozen published, peer-reviewed papers in the field of geophysical instrumentation.
Facts matter, and objectivity must take priority over opinions & old wives tales. Thank you, Dr. Mason, and all your associates, for shining light on medical/dietary truths & for being willing to risk your reputations by always following the best evidence. Your collective recommendations to eat butter, lard & other animal {saturated} fats while shunning not only trans-fats but most seed oils has {mostly} restored my waistline to its youthful dimensions, eliminated my GERD, and presumably continues to keep me relatively healthy now at age 73. Keep up the good work, sir!


This was excellent information, that you 👍🙏

My cousin was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, her endocrinologist told her to cut down on sweets and prescribed Metformin...she passed on the meds. and did strict 'clean keto'...three months later her endocrinologist told her, her A1C is in normal range, she told him she did it through a proper clean diet and he acted like he didn't hear her 🤔🤷

So, yes...like the doctor in the video says in the end, let's stop glorifying these doctors and also take responsibility for our own health! 🙏


Thank you so much for explaining this.
I'm pleased to have found your channel.
I'm a critical care nurse and I'm feeling some cognitive dissonance and wistfulness about the education that I gave patients (with only good intentions to help, empower & heal them), and the "research" that we were informed about, taught, & that guided my own health behaviours because integrity has always been important to me; I practised what I preached with regards to health & fitness, and eating to maximize health.
I've never been "on a diet" but ate as unprocessed as possible, high fibre, and bought low-fat dairy products.
I'm glad that I reverted to the lovely full-cream versions some years ago, and recognised that I felt better with them, enjoyed them much more, and had an increased sense of satiety and better sustained energy levels.
I also cut out sugar.

I think now about all of the statins I'd give to my cardiac patients, as per their hospital drug charts, thinking that I was part of a team that was saving and prolonging the precious lives of people.

It's only now during the Plandemic (the Scamdemic) that I realise how much Big Pharma, Big Sugar, Big Food, etc are invested in maximizing their profits at the expense of everyone else.
The 'Food Pyramid ' is part of that scam, and we had pictures of that pyramid on the walls in CCU.


Thank you Dr. Changing my diet to low carb has changed my life for the better. 2 years ago I had a fatty liver, eczema, Acid reflux, and was obese. I don’t have any of these problems anymore.


The medical community has suffered a tremendous loss of credibility the past 2 years.


After years under an endocrinologist's care for Type 2 diabetes using loads of insulin, I switched to a keto diet and was able to drop all my insulin while bringing my blood sugar down to normal range. In my last visit to the endo doc, I asked why he didn't recommend this diet to all his patients. He replied that he didn't think patients would tolerate it. I couldn't understand why he didn't at least give his patients a chance to try it. In my case, I've found it is very easy to stay on - I'll take steak with Bearnaise sauce over potatoes any day. My wife only cooks keto, and she's regarded as the best cook among our acquaintances, who don't even know they're eating keto at our house.


I cured my infant son's ventricular septic disorder and the pediatrician was furious with me. He wasn't going to be able to do the open-heart surgery! The mother took matters in her own hands! Uppity and unseemly! Much is WRONG with the medical system/community. It's called greed. Their beliefs follow the money. The dentist was mad at me for oil pulling. No more need for gum surgery. Zero interest by these 'healers' in how or what caused health. My husband's diabetes doctor never mentioned nutrition. It's medications and surgery that makes their hearts beat faster. And chronic patients returning and returning for office visits.



Im an internist, Geriatrician and Obesity Medicine specialist. I prescribe keto or low carb diet and Time Restricted Eating if it suits the patient. I've always been telling my patients about the statin studies and present to them the 2 sides of the coin. One side is the recommendation of the AHA ( eminence) and the second side is the Evidence through NNT (number needed to treat), NNH (number needed to harm) and the BMJ systematic review on outcome postponement. Then I let my patients choose. I think that's the ethical way of practicing medicine.


The system is broken. Controlled by the wealthy universities and politicians


35 year old general practitioner (family physician). Have regularly trained 5-6 days per week for the last decade or more. Generally "healthy" diet but always assumed I wasn't training hard enough when I would struggle to get a 6 pack for summer. Have been eating low carb/high fat for 6 months or more and am in the best shape of my life. Literally had a few people outright acuse or hint I am taking steroids!! My cholesterol has gone way up - a hard thing to accept after years of telling people the wrong information.. Just need to do more in depth testing of the different particles given a strong family history of heart disease.


Brilliant brilliant brilliant! I am astounded that I have heeled my gut inflammation from listening to Dr Mason and others on YouTube after many many years of listening to my GP and other hospital doctors in the UK
