Are Statins Really Safe After All?

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Are statins good or bad? There is no doubt that statins can be dangerous and cause harm in some people. However, does the benefit outweigh the risks?

Ultimately, every individual needs to have an informed discussion with their doctor about statin risks, and ask for evidence they work for your age , gender and medical history.

Statins do lower cholesterol, but newer science now indicate that the size and health of your cholesterol is important not just the absolute amount in your blood.

Another important consideration is that cholesterol is one of the most important molecules in the body - without it, we would not be able to function.
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The Heart Disease Code channel is educational content to help people make diet and lifestyle adjustments to support people in reducing their risk of heart attacks, strokes, myocardial infection and coronary artery disease. Millions of people die each year from heart disease as it is still the leading cause of death. Although medication like statins can be helpful for some people, taking preventative steps to help the body stay healthy is important. We also discuss topics such as high triglycerides, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity which are all risk factors for heart disease.

Disclaimer: All material in this publication is provided for information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this publication; instead, viewers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The information and opinions provided in this publication are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to the producers, but viewers who fail to consult with appropriate health authorities assume the risk of any injuries. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. The material in this report has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The products discussed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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I’m on a statin. My arm and legs muscles are like a concentration camp victim. My memory has deteriorated, and I have severe pain in my right shoulder. To make matters worse, depression and ED! I have taken the decision to stop taking it in a few weeks! I will take my chances and hope to return to normal again


This video just solidified the information that I have gathered over the years not to ever take statin drugs. I am so convinced that all statins are nothing but poison to the body. We all know it and how i wish that my own personal doctor will listen to this video and stop trying to convince me to take the drug which i will never take. I refused to take it since 25 years ago and I am convinced I made the right choice not to take it. As you stated that it is the quality of one’s cholesterol that matters (I totally agree), and if I may add that it is also the particle size that matters. … just my personal opinion. Thank you for this video. I do appreciate it.


I am 64yrs old. And currently not taking any medication. I eat everything in moderation and nothing to excess. I am 6 ‘ tall, weighing in at 90kg and my cholesterol HDL is 6. I train 5 times a week most weeks both cycling and weights and can ride 20 miles in 1 hour. My heart rate is around 46 at rest. I have my bloods done every year and they seem normal.

I went for a my yearly check up and the nurse said I needed to loose weight. I am a solid unit. I ignored the advice. I then subsequently received a phone call from my GP offering me statins I was 14.5 like to die and she wanted me to be a 10. Talk about high pressure sales. So I went through my numbers and said “why would I need to do that when I am as fit as an Ox. The call ended with her saying to contact the surgery if I ever changed my mind.

I’m still here nearly 5 yrs later doing my thing. By the way I didn’t take the jabby thing either🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


The statin drugs was the most horror in my life. I was about buying wheel chair and got to sit, sleep with memory cushions! both shoulders almost fell apart. Almost no legs or arms, back bone. Came back to normal health after 3 weeks! WHY they make medicine like this and praise like miracle.


My brother had a heart attack at 43. He was a heavy smoker. After his stent, he quit smoking. They put him on statins immediately and he took them for 30 years. At 73 he became quite breathless doing normal yard work. He had not seen a cardiologist in 10 years, just family physician who kept his meds current. Luckily, he made an appointment. His stent was like 98% blocked- tremendous calcification. He had the less evasive open heart surgery where they go in through the back. He is doing better but not back to full health. My question is this- did the statins give him 30 good years or did the statins, in stabilizing plaque, cause the calcification to create the 98% blockage? It is a known fact that use of statins increases CAC score. Are we damned if we do or damned if we don’t?


49% blockage in carotid artery!!! Doc wanted to put me on a statin, because wouldn't take statin she said, " no need to see u again if your not gonna listen to me!!! 😊


Kidney failure, cataracts, diabetes, blindness, heart failure, muscle loss and falling sex drive plus a doubling of the risk of dementia (not mentioned in the video but the biggest problem to my mind) etc. What's not to like ?


My LDL number was 36 points above the top range on my last medical test. This was the first time in my life and is likely caused by my low carb way of eating over the last 3 or so years. Her response was to immediately try to push statins on me. Not a word about side effects. I refused and told her I would never take a statin. Good thing !


My cholesterol yesterday was 7.9 mm, HDL 2.1, trigs 1.5, hdl 5.5. this was just yesterday. The Dr phoned me yesterday and said i need to get on Atorvostatin right away.
After watching this video NO WAY!!!


My Doctor told me not to worry about high HDL clinical trials for 85 yrs old on record. He said....
If you lived this long without any ❤️ heart issues, I think you're fine without statins.


I’m so glad I found this channel! After getting my cholesterol labs with a new doctor, it was high as usual. She tried to immediately put me on statins based upon LDL, and as always, I refused. She was shocked at my refusal and asked me why, and if I had read something. I stumbled trying to explain to her that I didn’t feel my higher cholesterol was an issue, especially since my HDL is always high in the 90s and my Trigs are low. But I did not know how to explain it to her. I decided to look for articles that would help me explain my beliefs on cholesterol and statins. I am going to print out the free e-book and take it to her next time I go.


Thanks for the information. I stopped using statin because I have heavenly joint pain.


Thank you for this informative video. I'm stopping my statin Lipitor. Yikes, this is shocking!!!🤯💯👌I am sharing this on my social media platforms!!!🎉


I was diagnosed with Perifeal (sp) Artery Disease and prescribed 40 mg of statins. I'm a 73 female, 102 lbs, relatively healthy except for clotted left leg. 6 Months of these statins I can't structure a sentence just talking to friends, forgetting simple words. Having to hold on to furniture just to walk through my house. Kidney and liver issues. Horrific medication so without permission of MD I took myself off just 5 days ago and a huge improvement in my memory and . walking ability. Kidney and liver issues still on the agenda. I'll figure this out soon I hope.


I can't thank you enough. Very informative


Thanks for this information. I wondered what else can be used instead of statins. I do feel weak at times and muscle cramps sometimes.


My endocrinologist took me off the statin and told me to grind flax seed myself and have that at least once a day. Also, I stopped all processed food and any soda....


I don't understand why doctors continue to prescribe this. A few years back I went to a new doctor for a yearly physical and renewal scripts for what I do take. We never discussed statins but when I get to the pharmacy, they had a statin waiting for me. I've never been back to that doctor.


I have been vegan for 10 years and though my total Lipid panel did come down, I decided to start doing 10, 000 Steps which is a walking daily challenge. 10K Steps equals approximately 4.4 miles. But the sweet spot for weight loss for me I’ve found is 5+ miles. Since I had my last bloodwork done, I have been doing this walking for 6 months. I’ve also brought my weight down to a normal BMi so I went from 155 lbs. to 125 lbs. All my Lipid panel numbers are perfect, ideal in fact.

Our health should be in our own hands primarily. So many people go carnivore or Keto. I worked it the other way, looking at who lives the longest and how they eat. That is why I chose Vegan over other diets. And the combination of the walking with the low-fat Vegan diet has worked well for me, I feel well and I am wearing the size clothes I wore in high school, size 7/8.

When I first turned Vegan, I was 200 lbs. It took me a few months to get down to 144 lbs. Then I broke my ankle and had to stop my walks. The ankle took longer to heal and had to have Physical Therapy. Put on more weight over Covid, when up to 165 lbs. Got that down getting the junk out of my diet, and got down only 10 lbs. Went back to walking. I am 70 and the walking is brisk but never running as I have a lower back injury from when I was 40 and a disintegrating disk. Running is out, but walking is good for my back. Started Physical Therapy for my back. The trio of diet, walking and doing daily indoor home exercises has made me feel great.


A very good and informative presentation. I was asked by my doctor twice whether I wished to take statins and I refused. It has been printed in the Straits Times newspaper that the Government will be aggressive in prescribing statins. This is because much money is derived in taxes from companies that sell foods and oils that raise your triglyceride levels.
