What is Arminianism? What are the 5 points of Arminianism? What is an Arminian? -Podcast Episode 196

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Is Arminianism biblical? How do each of the five points of Arminianism compare to the five points of Calvinism? What do Arminians believe?



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John Mcarthur said it best IMO
“Do I believe in predestination, Yes, Becuase scripture says so. Do I believe we also have a choice, Yes, because scripture says so. How do you reconcile these 2… I’ll probably never know this side of heaven.” 💯


Why do we have to be either? I personally put my trust in Jesus my Lord and Savior.


If you COULD lose you salvation… you WOULD lose your salvation. You will sin until the day you die… God KEEPS his children. “Salvation belongs to the Lord”…. Scripture tells us. In other words, it’s not yours to lose… you can’t lose something that’s not your to begin with.


Let us keep our eyes on Jesus, not looking to the right or left.


Its important because God's glory belongs to Him because by His grace He saved some. To believe you chose Christ is to glorify self and robs God of His glory. "No man can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him..." John 6:44


Classical Arminianism teaches that we are all incapable like Calvinists, but God provides everyone a moment of prevenient grace that allows them an opportunity to choose. The Word is not sufficient on its own.

He also had several texts he wanted to debates about conditional security although he stated he never taught it, and believed God does not save those He knows would fall away.


Indeed, it is totally incompatible with being a follower of Christ to be poking sticks into the eyes of those with a different view; for no one fully understands the way of God's grace apart from it being by grace—a gift of faith in order to believe. The genuinely saved will love their God with all that they are and love their neighbor. All this talk is just that - a great conversation. Yet, to extend it to hate and anger is not acceptable in the eyes of God.


diminished depravity, basically is total depravity with the help of the holy spirit


Philippians 2:12 so then my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who is at work and you both will and to work for his good pleasure.


Armenianism seems more plausible for a loving God who allows free will. It's the only explanation. Predestination of God choosing people to go to heaven and others to go to hell is not a loving God. So I don't understand how Calvinism makes sense. Understanding of predestination is that people who freely chose Jesus as their Lord and Savior will be predestined to have the reformed body that allows us to live in heaven with God.


**Arminianism** is a theological movement within Protestant Christianity that emerged as a liberal response to the Calvinist doctrine of predestination. Let's delve into its key tenets:

1. **Human Free Will (Partial Depravity)**:
- Arminianism asserts that while humans are depraved due to the fall, they still possess the ability to come to God and accept salvation.
- This belief emphasizes **free will** and the capacity for individuals to respond to God's call.

2. **Conditional Election**:
- Unlike Calvinism, which teaches unconditional election (predestination), Arminianism proposes that **election** (and condemnation on the Day of Judgment) is **conditioned by rational faith** (or nonfaith) of each person.
- In other words, God's choice is influenced by an individual's response.

3. **Universal Atonement**:
- Arminianism holds that Christ's atonement is **qualitatively adequate for all humans**.
- However, its efficacy is limited to those who have **faith** in Christ.

4. **Resistible Grace**:
- Arminians believe that **grace is not irresistible**.
- While God extends grace to all, individuals can choose to accept or reject it.

5. **Security of Believers**:
- Arminianism acknowledges that believers can **resist sin** but are **not beyond the possibility of falling from grace**.
- In other words, salvation is not necessarily permanent; it requires ongoing faithfulness.

The crux of Arminianism lies in affirming human dignity through an **unimpaired freedom of the will**. Dutch Remonstrants, who adhered to these principles, faced condemnation but continued to influence Dutch Protestant theology. Notably, John Wesley, a key figure in Methodism, was also influenced by Arminianism, which played a role in shaping Methodism's theology


We have 100% free-will and yet God is sovereign and knows 100% the future. This is like quantum entanglement.


Jesus is Jesus Christ loves you God bless you Christ with you


Characterizing foreknowledge the way you did makes it seem like God learned something. God’s knowledge is exhaustive and infinite. He does not learn He knows His (believers) and knows unbelievers. He does need to look into the future to decree that salvation is conditional on faith.


How can they have free will if they are spiritually blind? 1 cor 2:14, 2 cor 4:4


Amen, Jesus is the only way, truth, and life, not close. Let's be careful .


Doctrines derived from a single verse should be avoided. Instead, we should understand the context and purpose of the Bible as a whole.

What are the main points of the Bible?

>> Some angels are rebelling. They do not want to be under the authority of God. Instead, they want to have their own ‘kingdom’ with their own rules (aka hell).
>> In their kingdom, they need servants. These servants are potentially us.
>> Why do we want to be servants of the rebels? Of course, we would not choose to serve the rebels if we were to make that decision based on complete and accurate information.

>> Under total compliance with God’s will, we are predestined to eternal and peaceful lives.

>> Enter Satan (the dragon, that old snake). He is tasked to mislead us to the kingdom of the beast (aka Lucifer).
>> How? First, stopping us from complying with God’s will (the Fall of man). Then using lies - e.g. the Big Bang theory and theory of evolution which in effect erase our knowledge of God. We would be our own God and follow our own will. With free will and lies, we are likely to choose to serve the rebels in hell (the rebels’ plan). God will respect our choice and let us go to hell.

>> Enter Jesus. He is tasked to lead us to SALVATION (to New Earth to serve God instead). In the Lord’s prayer, he asked us to pray “Father … YOUR WILL be done on earth as it is in heaven”.

>> What is the difference between serving God and the rebels?
… Serving God is similar to serving our parents. They serve us as well (and even more).
… Serving the rebels is similar to working as slaves.

So Lucifer and Satan know they will be defeated by Michael and his angels but this does not matter. Their plan is to be away from God’s authority and have slaves serving them for eternity.

Jesus has asked us to have faith (believe and trust) in him.

>> Matthew 24:24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you ahead of time.

>> The lies by Satan, Lucifer and other fallen angels will be insidious and will slowly creep up on us causing many to fall away from the faith. From the point of view of the rebels if they do not have slaves this will be disastrous for them and will therefore be relentless in their lies to turn us away from God.

>> Daniel 12:11-12
11 “From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1, 290 days.
12 // BLESSED IS THE ONE who waits for and reaches the end of the 1, 335 days. //
// It is during the 45 ‘days’ after the tribulation that most people will fall away. Some may be because they were not ‘raptured’ or others ‘lift their guard’ and fall for the lies. //

Remain faithful to Jesus’ words till the end.

God Bless!


Well the world on john 2:2 is interpreted on john 11:50-52


Maybe have a guest from the Arminian camp to explain their theology on your YouTube channel. Some of your explanations of Arminian theology are inaccurate. To be honest i is a bit surprising and disappointing. Dr. Matthew Pinson from Welch College in Gallatin, TN would be an excellent choice.


When thealogins say things like "because this way of thinking is closer to the truth" or "our church is biblically based, " do they not realize every other pastor or church says this? Please stop doing this. Just make your points and if it stands, allow people use their own descernment.
