Eat These 7 Foods EVERY DAY for SIFO & Candida

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Eating the right foods can seem impossible when you’re healing candida overgrowth and SIFO! The good news is, there are still great food options that can also help you heal! In this episode, I’ll give you a list of 7 foods to eat every day, what foods to personalize to your needs, and what to avoid in order to fix candida overgrowth and SIFO. Watch now!

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➡️8 Warning Signs of Candida & SIFO (Don't Ignore!):
➡️Get Rid Of Candida & SIFO in 4 Simplified Steps (Works Fast):
➡️8 Signs Your Gut is LEAKY:
➡️Should I Avoid the Elemental Diet If I Have Candida?
➡️This Leaky Gut Diet Fixes the Root Cause of Poor Gut Health:

And if you have any questions or topics you would like covered in the future, let me know in the comments!

👇Read these next 👇
➡️What Causes Candida Overgrowth—and What Can You Do About It?:
➡️The Unexpected Truth About Candida and Gut Health:
➡️Fungal Infections: What Is the Strongest Candida Killer?:
➡️Do You Need a Candida Overgrowth Test?:

Featured Studies
📉The dietary modification and treatment of intestinal Candida overgrowth:
📉Artemisinin May Disrupt Hyphae Formation by Suppressing Biofilm-Related Genes of Candida albicans: In Vitro and In Silico Approaches:

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*Full transcript available on YouTube by clicking the “Show transcript” button on the bottom right of the video.
Рекомендации по теме

1. Low glycemic fruits - 4:37
2. Low carb vegetables - 5:55
3. Whole grain (avoid processed grains) - 7:37
4. Lean meat & fish (avoiding processed meats) - 10:46
5. Unsweetened dairy - 12:06
6. Cooking oils - 12:55
7. Herbs & Spices - 13:55


I only gave my daughter plain yogurt until she started noticing that other kids had fruit flavoured yogurt. We now buy plain yogurt and put our own "jam" in it. This jam is just crushed berries with no sugar, but it does make the yogurt taste better and make my kid feel less left out.


I started eating animal based, and wow. No more blood pressure medicine, no more chronic fatigue or brain fog, lot of energy, I sleep great. No more tummy problems, I had water diarrhea almost every day that’s gone I think that was grain related because when I throw out the bread it stopped.I did had to get used to this way of eating and it took me 3 months for my body to adjust, but it is totally worth it to me.


My recurring oral candida with white tongue (seven episodes treated by doctors over six months ) disappeared when I upped my Vitamin D (800 IUs/day) and vitamin B12. I've been on serious Keto diet for over a year. I'd love to hear others' experience.


I left western diet and back to my Indian diet full of garlic, spices, vegetables and herbs. My body and soul healed. Will never ever make the mistake again by leaving the best diet in the world.


Thank you for this video.I have candida parapsilosis . I am now 3rd week on Fluconazole but also been through a lot of elimination of food..sugar no cakes, pastries, no chocolate etc..mostly berries, watermelon, grepfruit, limes, lemons in water.Didnt have any bread for 3rd week now..Stopped eating potatoes..white flour..Have my meats chicken, salmon, other white fish, octopus...Its not easy but I think I am doing good at eating very low carb..Had some natural yogurt..Had white beans but I ve got only 3 table spoons left to finish and eliminate completely...and not buying it again while on diet. I have quinoa, buckwheat for to cook..or buckwheat and coconut flour. Eat some fresh raw garlic plus I add oregano oil to my drink.
No alcohol...but I didnt drink much before either.
As I was learning, reading what I can eat ..I am still on the jfew months journey.


I just started fluconazole and candida diet with probiotics and candida drops im gonna give the diet 2 to 9 months I pray everyone who has it it goes away and can live a happy healthy normal life I've had this off and on for years I've been to the dermatologist and doctor for years at one point they gave me anti-biotics for months which made it worse only recently was I finally diagnosed with yeast overgrowth I am a male but was prescribed fluconazole a once daily vaginal yeast infection pill for two weeks I'm praying they work its caused me to have dry painful blister like blotches all over my body head to toe all I eat now is eggs beef chicken turkey salmon apple cider vinegar cinnamon ginger tumeric kale garlic i'm not even gonna chance it with berries or fruit maybe lemon water no yogurt either the ones I've tried had little bit of milk and sugar I hope one day to be able to eat pizza ice cream coffee fruit God Bless


From my experience & research GPs here in England don’t even want to acknowledge that Candida is a thing !


One of the best videos I ever heard about sifo, very important point is to remember "try it yourself". We are different, like and fungals can be. Good luck fighting🙂


So glad I came accross your video I had taken antibiotics for dental work which I come to find I don't need anymore to have such a stomach issue like never before and was prescribed antifungal medication and medication for my white tongue but yet I'm still following a diet of the more bland type foods which happen to be some of the foods you mentioned to eat less of. My symptoms are still occurring but I've made progress and now that you mentioned the foods that are better I'm gonna try to help my gut heal because it has been driving me crazy! Thank you!


Pau D Arco bark, this supplement should be taken daily just before meals. A clove just suck on a bud. Helps keep a white tongue at bay.


Ever since I had chemo (carboplatin & taxol) to beat tonsil, tongue & lymph node cancer I’ve had a whiteness on my tongue. I took two rounds of a horrible drug for candida, and it did not go away. I kept asking my Dr’s what is on my tongue? I brush it, scrape it and it has gotten a little better since I had the treatments 2 yrs ago, but when I eat sugar or dairy it flares up again. My oncologist said it was chemo tongue. I was on a feeding tube for 20 months and only consumed Kate farms thru a peg. I’m going to take this info and try and cure whatever is on my tongue. Thanks Doc.


In 47 perimenopause, just discovered I have Trush ?White tongue, 👅 I have flu like symptoms hot flashes and low energy, sleep problems and stomach pain not sure what’s wrong w me but your information makes sense thank you ! I would like to visit a menopause doctor but now in days are private concierge type office !


Can you treat SIBO and SIFO AND histamine at the same time ?


Dr. Can you make a similar video about histamine intolerance ? Thanks


weird! Keto has HELPED my energy, sleep, and has FIXED my cycle from 21 days back to a normal 28 days! Just celebrated 5 year ketoversary and can't imagine going back to the 27 healrh issues it has healed - including diabetes and low thyroid and lost 100 lbs! it also got rid of my candida thrush ... UNTIL a dog attack that has caused years of therapy & stress & created SIBO & histamine intolerance & return of candida thrush. 1 month into SIBO/HISTAMINE diet & probiotic therapy and thrush is gone.


Thank you, Dr. Ruscio. This is supremely helpful!! Your videos are always great, thank you so much!


Your videos & Elemental Heal helped me to resolve my symptoms after I acquired Hpylori and went through 3 different antibiotics which did nothing for me. I’m on my second jug of Elemental Heal. Thank you so much!


Since getting leakygut about 7mos ago, now I'm seeing a little bit of white on my tongue. This seems to slowly morph into other issues and compound health problems. My sis gave me some products like diatomaceous earthpwdr & liquid minerals plus got on a supplement protocol 🙏🏼 This is very helpful information I'll start today


He recommends some seed oils which are extremely inflammatory I would steer clear of these and just go with Cold pressed olive Olive and avocado oils As well as MCT For those who can tolerate it I love MCT personally But I haven't been using it long
