Why You Don’t Need to Stretch More

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0:00 INTRO
2:20 Dynamic Hamstring Eccentric Kettlebell Lower
4:15 Hinge and Reach
5:34 Hamstring Sweeps

Could stretching be limiting your athletic performance? Curious as to how to stretch the right way? This video will answer all those questions and more!

Static stretching is important...when it is needed. If you aren't dealing with an injury or range of motion limitation that requires a change in tissue length, studies show that dynamic stretching to improve neuromuscular patterns may be more beneficial!

Follow along as Lauren explains the importance of both static stretching and dynamic stretching and takes you through some of her favorite dynamic hamstring stretches!

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:D she's bending her knees in the final hamstring stretch


Nice! As a dancer, the hardest balance I’ve found throughout my years as a performer and teacher is between strength and flexibility. Even now as a CPT now, and wanting to pursue a CSCS - I’d like to bring more of this knowledge to dancers while still keeping the demands the field- regarding flexibility. Obviously pretty necessary to stay competitive. Dancers are athletes in my opinion. Strength based training I think helps refine the technique of a dancer. However, finding a PT who is understanding of the ranges of motion dancers go through/movements they perform is so difficult. (Dancers/gymnasts obviously typically more either lax or flexible than an average client). I would be so interested to see you guys tackle the subject maybe a bit more in depth about athletes who have the demand for their field and the balance of strength with flexibility.


Good one. but yes if you focus on opposite muscle of hammys then it will be much easier and faster release.


Great work!! These are great assets to add for hamstring activation & lengthening. I typically implement dynamic & passive stretching mostly with my athletes & myself! And I enjoy the background music! Keep up the great work! ⚡️


I like the 90:90 for glute hamstring but with an active stretch. Driving the front knee into the ground for said amount of time.


I've done cup therapy along the posterior chain while performing dynamic h/s stretches. Intense for the first few seconds during the movement, but a crazy gains during re-test!


the exercices are very helpful. Is there any research about reasons of tight muscles ? morphology, genetics (elasticity of skin, muscle fibers, fascia, ...), environmental (work, food, posture, ...) ?


Great video! I am all for dynamic warming up! I have a question/comment... you said in the beginning that stretching is good for if you want to change hamstring (or any muscle) "length." Do our muscles actually get longer when we stretch? I thought it was a nervous system response.... When we gain more flexibility I thought it was our nervous system detecting that place was a "safe" place to be. Correct me if I'm wrong!


Oh great! I actually love the Hinge and Reach in seated position and focusing on spinal extension, it's really good and I can forget about the balance challenge and also observe the weight shift at my pelvic bones!


I would like to see what you'd do regarding the groin and even IT band. Kind like PNF stretching but wanna work on kicking mobility.


I also love original strength rocking with leg extended up front and out to the side for inner hammies


Is the loss of "strength" a sustained loss or prior to an activity that requires force production?


if my focus is to improve my hamstring flexibility as well as strength and performance, how many times can we do these exercises a week?


I'm getting caught up in your jargon. I don't see what your doing as dynamic stretching


I often "overstretch" and yank vertabreates out of alignment. then it takes my breath away.


Would a stretch with maximal isometric contraction be considered a dynamic og static strech, with regard to potential loss av strength? I am wondering since there is no real movement going on, just a maximal contraction at maximum muscle length


Isn't the first stretch basically an RDL??


What are your thoughts about the impact of the Dynamic Hamstring Eccentric Kettlebell Lower on the lower back? I have a disc issues in L5/S1 and this exercise seems to overly stress this area. Your thoughts?


Home girl got stellar glutes with small quads & hammies! How TF!? 😝 Glute concentration exercises? Or just genetics lol


I love the information, but that looping background music is annoying, distracting and unnecessary.
