Invigorating Yogic breathwork for morning hours

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Contraindicated for those with Stroke, Heart disease, high blood pressure, pregnant.
Good for those tired, need blood movement, fatigue. Use in morning, not night to start your day.

Face East toward the rising sun:
1. Nadi Shodhana: 9 breathing method.
2. Bhastrika pranayama: bellow breath 11-13-15. External kumbaka with Mahabandha. (root, stomach, throat lock). spine breath. strong inhale chest, natural exhale.
3. Kapalbhati pranayama: breath of fire 30-60-90. Strong exhale belly, natural inhale belly.
4. Kaki Mudra: Crow breath. Internal kumbaka with Mahabanda. 3 is fine. Hold without strain.
5. Vipassana/still body/silent internal speech/spaciousness of mind and consciousness. Watch the breath. Zen, merge with Tao, Brahman, Nirvana. Satchinanada (Truth, bliss, consciousness)
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