Does your voice shake when you feel nervous?

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The most common question I get on social media about public speaking and communication skills is... How do I reduce the nerves when I'm talking to others?

You have to first understand that when you're in a high stakes situation, such as a job interview, or speaking in front of a group of people, nervousness leads to your body shaking, which leads to a shaky voice. But nervousness comes from a build up of adrenaline because your body is preparing for fight or flight.

That's why I always recommend BEFORE engaging in any high stakes situation, release the excess adrenaline through Wif Hof breathing, star jumps, pushups or a brisk walk.

By doing this, when you enter the high stake situation , you are way less likely to shake because you've removed that adrenaline from your body!

Let me know if this helps!
Рекомендации по теме

I like how she says "how do I get through that", not dismissing it, but willing to accept that it's there. Love it.


I love how this is practical advice rather than the more common "Just be more confident! Don't be nervous!" It's in our body's nature, so you may as well work with it rather than against it.


I like that he showed himself doing all the examples he listed in various scenarios, proving he's just like us and gets just as nervous. It's one thing to give instruction based on studies; it's another to give it based on experience.


You showed your humanity, your flaws : we are all nervous. You have advice to handle it. You're not pretending to be a super hero with no issue. I subscribe


Misheard what you said and I ended up fighting the entire crew backstage at my TedTalk 😪


Wow love how practical this is rather than the usual “ don’t be nervous” “ just be confident “


Officer: “you know why I pulled you over?
*Me: briskly walks away*


I love the fact that you’ve blown up as a coach. Such great content. Shows sticking to it is worth it.


Misheard this and started doing pushups in front of my crush


I love how he's not only providing a smart answer, but he's also exolaining how and why it works !


Interviewer- So what's your name?

*Starts doing pushups aggressively*

(Okay, this is the first time I've edited my yt comment. That's bcoz it reached 33k in 7 days.
I have a 30k+ on insta too, but that took 10w of time...
Just wanted to say,
Thanks... !!!! "


I love this guy…he explains everything so well…


Today I gave a speech in my college and my voice started shaking it was terrible, and now this short is in my feed what a coincidence


This some of the best advice he could have given her. I had to learn this on my own when I was doing opera and choir at 15. I didn't continue in music, but if I had and was asked this same question that is some of the advice I would have given. It helps. If you're nervous, let yourself be nervous. Have your panic session, that's okay. But do it BEFORE you walk out onto the stage. Holding back makes it build and that's when your performance fails. Get it out and done with, then step onto the stage and shine.


never underestimate it! i am a performer and i often get nervous before a big show, literally like 5 minutes before i get on stage i will run on the spot or start stretching, not only is it great for getting rid of those nerves, but it gets you hyped for the show!


That is, literally, the BEST advice I've ever heard for public speaking! I used to have anxiety attacks when giving speeches in class, and also when I go on a karaoke stage I get really nervous and shake a bit (I've been improving). I HAVE to try that next time.


That back stage prep work/helps 100%, I recently spoke at a summit in New York and I always shakes when I’m speaking in public. At the back stage I did exactly what this man demonstrated and I went out there calm and relaxed, did not shake for one bit.


The wim hof breathing helps a lot honestly! Not only for this but for your health and nerves in general!


Doing push-ups is actually really good mentally, too. It forces your brain to change state of mind. I use it sometimes to counteract anticipation anxiety and panic.


I litterally do this, it's really good advice! Turn nerves into excitement, do some exercises, take deep breaths and you're good to go!
