SING From Your DIAPHRAGM in 59 Seconds!

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Singing from the diaphragm makes the difference between good and bad singing.

Unfortunately, it's a very weird feeling to learn and seems counterintuitive to good breath control.

Today, I'll show you to improve your breath support and sing from the diaphragm in just 1 minute!
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Meanwhile my stomach already expanded without doing all of this.


what helped me learn diaphragm singing was telling myself to sing from the same place i laugh. when u laugh, its effortless & second nature. u don't have to think about pushing or straining or really anything in order to laugh. it just happens because you're relaxed. u have to learn to sing from that same place. practice laughing for a minute or two, and then try sustaining a laugh (without pushing !!). just let it happen. then try doing vibrato. the way to know if you're doing it right is if u immediately find vibrato to be easier/prettier & u feel NO tension in ur throat. if there's any tension at all, it's incorrect and u need to relax even more. good luck ! 💗


See, that's what I find difficult. I do breathing excersizes and I understand what I need to do, but I just don't understand how to apply that when I actually sing.


This is a true tip. It takes getting used to because we’ve been doing it wrong for so long. I had to keep doing this, now I do it without even thinking about it. All singers and choirs need this teaching.❤


You're the best voice lesson teacher I've seen.... I've practiced your exercise and it has really helped me. I'm glad I found you.


I feel the most important thing you demonstrated here is the first example. It’s how the tone of the voice changes and the correct way sounds like the voice sinks deeper in the bottom. We are always soo focused on projecting and the ring tonality in the voice and forward position.

But that first example is gold. People need to record themselves doing the same exercise of what bad sounds like and what good sounds like and reference them as well as how each feel.

It’s not enough to know just how the good feels and sounds you need to know both, because you’re body and particularly your voice is not exactly completely under your control all the time and sometimes before you know it you’ve been doing the wrong way and not even realize why things aren’t working like usual, so it’s best to constantly be able to know how the right way and wrong way feel and sound.

I keep a pretty detailed but short list of of things to remember when singing, that I have found to help me with my voice the most. If I try something new I write down what I am attempting and I give it really only about a week to see if it’s a good way or not, and I mean by what’s safe on my voice.

Truth is, some things you might love to hear in a singing style or approach you do, just is not good for the voice. I predominantly use front vocal placement, roof of the mouth or top back placement. But in my style there are times I want the tonality of the throat placement, so I’ve learned to use it sparingly and lightly lean on it, like it’s a gas pedal. This gives me the effect I want at times without too much strain on my voice.

Learning to sing things, as clearly as possible is usually the result you’ll want. Get a good recording of you singing it clean, meaning no push or extra grit. Then listen back and it’ll give you a map of what you like and don’t, and where you actually want some difference.


I learned this today in theatre camp and OMG I thought I just couldn’t hit high notes but it was that I didn’t have enough breath to hit one so my voice would fall out. I just wasn’t breathing right!


If the stomach is allowed to slowly collapse instead of maintaining the same “posture at inhalation” in which we sing through— wouldn’t that create forced breathy air pressure by allowing the stomach to release air versus resisting the collapse?

Edit: I was partially wrong. Yes, we need to resist the breath but our chords handle it as long as we inhale silently, sternum/chest raised so nothing is in the way, and inhale or relax the stomach muscles at the end of a line, to allow the air to rush in. The body doesn’t need your help to allow the air to release/vocalize. Relax relax relax. This video is on point. The only reason I misunderstood is because I saw his stomach go back in quickly. Which is realistic with shorter pop lines versus long classical singing lines. That air needs to keep moving. Keeping the stomach expanded should not induce rigidity or stiffness, nor should it happen at all costs.
Think of it this way, if the stomach isn’t allowed to descend SLOWLY, there won’t be enough moving air to support your singing. The stomach has to deflate. Our job is to just not let it all collapse once we start signing, but to also not tense you any muscles from the stomach to the pubic bone region.


Thanks to this video I SUPPORT UP TO B4 TODAY, MAY GOD BLESS YOU 😭


Looks like I'm gonna workout then


Thank you! Well put demonstration, i feel like i could understand and start from here with how to breathe/use diaphram


I’m 15, and I have a very deep, gritty, diaphragmatic voice. With some practice and warming up, I am able to reach almost the Colter Wall type style, just a little higher since I am younger. These practices do work though, good advice 👍


Getting back into singing after over a decade. So lucky I was trained to sing in a church choir by my choir mistress so I still have a bit of muscle memory in using my diaphragm, but it feels so clumsy and inarticulate after so many years without use. I've got the volume but not the fine control for more complex notes.

The difference in volume and projection between singing from the throat (as my teacher called it) to fully using the diaphragm still amazes me!


I have no idea how my breath will expand in my stomach 😭


My stomach goes IN when I inhale... I already failed


Very simple and so helpful. Thank you Bro!


Piece of advice, go watch Ken Tamplins tutorial on diaphragmatic support! Dude is the real deal!


I kid you not, I watched the first 5 seconds and tried singing all of you at full belt all magestically, once I was done I realized I naturally sing from my diaphragm


This is so much better than many 10 min lectures


The most difficult/complicated thing I find doing! Feels that inhaling makes the stomach (or diaphragm?!) go Still Practicing!
