JK Rowling uncancelled

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She literally named the main british boy "Harry", one of the most common/typical British names, and people thinks she named all these folks to be racist? Lol.


So Rowling was accused of racism for giving a Chinese name to a Chinese character?


Wow, she wasn't invited to the reunion? She made that shit.


Imagine not inviting the person who made an entire franchise to its own reunion 🤦‍♀️


"she gives characters names based on the place they're from" what no way, it would clearly be better if they had a chinese character named Steve and the irish character named Wei Shen


The fact that she wasn’t invited to a reunion that wouldn’t have existed without her…


I am Irish and I do not find it offensive that an Irish character has an Irish name


Actually Evanna is a dear friend of JK, and tweeted something that didn't straight up condemn Rowling, so she had to delete her own twitter because of the storm of hate she got for not cutting ties with her completely. What a mad world we live in.


explain this to me, what exactly is racist about characters having names that are common and easily found in their particular place of origin? is like complaining about hispanic characters having a last name in spanish
what do they want, a chinese girl named Josephine Cortez? An Irish boy named Taro Kuchiki?


J K Rowling is the reason I started reading in elementary school—she was everything to me and changed my life for the better. Cancelling someone for simply talking about the differences between trans women and cis women is such a slap in the face for all the hard work she’s put into making MILLIONS of children lives better. She’s an iconic author—forever and always.


Nice to see JK Rowling getting some respect again. Just because you disagree with her, you don’t need to cancel her


I do not understand how the cast members treated her. They have the careers that they have because of her. It’s fine to disagree with people, but this whole canceling thing is ridiculous. Gone are the days when we could have a different opinion and still have respect and love for one another. It’s mind blowing.


Some of the people just joined the bandwagon of hating her without really knowing what she really said. I am not a fan of Harry Potter but the fact that she was not in the Reunion when she was literally the creator of Harry Potter is just bs and disrespectful. Glad i did not follow any of these people.


Ironically I find it more racist that people are assuming Cho must be chinese just because of her name. The criticism "Cho and Chang are actually Korean names, not Chinese" is just insanely ignorant. There are 5 chinese words with a rough pronunciation of Chang, so:
1. Yes it can be a Chinese surname, just because you're too lazy to do a 2 minute google search does not mean the name has to be Korean.
2. Even if the names had to be Korean and couldn't be Chinese, so what? Yes, Katie Leung is of Cantonese descent, but they never specify Cho's nationality, so it's entirely possible her family is Korean, and if we consider the actress' race then her parents don't have to be of the same race. So she can indeed have a Korean firstname and Chinese surname or vice versa if her parents both wanted their heritage represented.
3. Rowling likes alliteration! Peter Pettigrew, Severus Snape, the founders, Padma and Parvati Patil, need I go on?

Yes, it's lazy, and the books are filled with lazy writing, but racist? Come on. Even if we are to assume these names truly are racist, Hanlan's razor is a more reasonable explanation "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
" Yeah she was ignorant, but she had only just fallen into massive success, can you honestly say you wouldn't be ignorant of how wide of an audience your books are reaching?


First of all can we stop trying to "cancel" people for having different opinions??
Like, you cannot claim to want inclusivity and then turn around and bash people for having their own opinions. Not everyone supports the idea of transgenderism.


They see me Rowling, they/them hating 😹


She's speaking facts about transgender woman not being the same as BIOLOGICAL WOMAN people are so delusional its scary


So they had the nerve and audacity to sit there all together while she, the one who made it all possible and made the universe of Harry Potter itself, and she wasn't invited????

Shame on each and every one of them for agreeing on this bullshit .


Good thing she never named an American character “John Smith”. That might’ve REALLY put her in a bind.


I can't believe that we live in a world where this is happening, she named an Asian character with an Asian name OhhH thE hoRROr!!!! Jesus

Edit :After viewing some of your comments I want to say that I do agree with JK on the fact that biologically she is correct, but not on the context that I did not know at the time of the comment, also about the name I am hearing some people say it's two last names and some that say that's incorrect and are just unusual names like many other characters, I'm against stereotypes but I believe JK did not mean to harm anyone at the time or push stereotypes, just a mistake she did not research further
