Did JK Rowling Controversy Get Harry Potter Series Canceled By Harry Potter Fans?!

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Did JK Rowling Controversy Get Harry Potter Series Canceled By Harry Potter Fans?! Why can't we talk about this more civilly?

Read JK Rowlings most recent response and statement on the Gender Issue:

S U P P O R T T H I S. C H A N N E L:

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I am so damn freaking sick and tired of people wanting to act like a freaking lynch mob because somebody said something they don't agree with. Grow up! Other people have opinions too, and you are not the be-all end-all of society! You cannot force other people to believe the way you do that's one of the things that makes this country great!


I totally agree Andy. Trans people should have all the respect rights and freedoms of any other community. What they shouldn't be able to do is force people through law or social shaming to pretend biological sex doesn't exist. The fact these people in their Twitter bubble think that a lot of people won't watch the show tells us how out of step these activists are.


Me: But I don’t like reading.
Other side: “Reading bad: outrage good.”
Me: Okay I give it a shot.


It's funny. They actually think JK Rowling is finished because of this. They think all HP fans agree she's a bigot.
They live in a twitter bubble. Almost NO ONE knows about this controversy, and much less care about it.
And unlike Lucas... JK still owns HP.
I used to think JK was pandering with her making characters gay, etc... but she's proven that she's not just going along with the crowd.


Thank you for bringing up the sports debate. There was major controversy when a trans female joined an MMA organization and began beating everyone in her division. Her name was Fallon Fox, even Joe Rogan talked about how thats a dangerous issue that needs to be discussed.


My read on this is that Twitter trans activism is a SEPARATE cause than the trans movement itself. There is a segment of woke culture that "stands with" this community (the actual people diagnosed Gender Dysphoria, and in transition, or having transitioned and living their correct gender) but included and conflated in that group are their friends online. Living out their identity largely online because like the gays in 30-50 years ago, the community is not accepted yet by all society. So they don't all come out proudly. A large segment are "in the closet". Because society is still weirded out. They claim its just a mental disorder. A lot of them. They don't just say "sex is real" and defend science. Some use these terms to deny trans -- and these woke mobs are personally invested in their friends (the identifying trans) not being hated -- But, yes, they take it too far and there is a simultaneous feminist war being had over standing with Trans identities or not. JK appears to think that focusing on trans right takes away from feminist rights feminism has fought for all her life and generations before. She is passionate about her beliefs in feminism. She is just stubbornly PRO her definition of feminism, vs being anti trans movement.

People wanna make labels all the time but thats the conflict. She is too pro feminism to see the other argument as valid. Not the people, but the argument.


What do you think of this issue, also what was the last video of mine you liked? Trying to learn whats working in my algorithm. Thanks for the support!


Brave of you to discuss this topic, it always seemed like she was trying to do what was the right thing, but she might be misinformed about certain things, and there are things I dont completely understand too. Its a very complex issue. I think people attacking her so much made it very hard for anyone to fully understand the issue though, people are constantly calling her every name under the sun and saying horrendous things on everything she posts, including pictures children had drawn for her. Wish people would realise behaviour like that doesnt help any side.


I’m no longer referring to “Gen. Z” as “Gen. Z” I’m going to refer them as Gen “Feel.” Feelings seem to be more important than facts and science.


I love Harry Potter. When she was trying to turn everyone into gays for pandering points I ignored it. She was being a fool. Now they want to cancel her because she supposedly hates trans or whatever. I still love the books. Cancel culture is stupid.


A few years back the discussion was that a person could identify with another gender which was described as being primarily a social construct whereas sex is your biological makeup, not something you can choose to change. It seems there was a push from gender into the realm of sex. I have no issue with people identifying however they feel and I believe that they should be protected under the same right as everyone else, but I agree with JK Rowling's perspective on this. There is and always will be a difference between a biological man/woman and a trans man/woman and their lived experiences.


Sorry, but I stand with JK. There is a distinct difference between being what you are and being what you want to be. Nature selected you to be male or female. It is only now, that we have such advanced gender reassignment technology, that it has become easier for this to happen. A kid who's father use to go to school with my boy, decided he was trans. He was 6"2', weighed 200lbs and was not a good looking man. His son no longer wishes to have anything to do with his 'parent '. If you're gay and wish to live as a woman, do so. But don't become something you're not.
It's not just your life it affects.


I think a lot of people are fundamentally missing the point, including JK, which is the main problem. For starters, almost no-one claims that biological sex isn't real. Yes, most people are born with female or male chromosomes and secondary sex characteristics (although intersex people exist and are often conveniently forgotten about). All of the transgender people I know or follow say this. the important thing is making the distinction between biological sex and gender identity, which is the gender you feel you are inside and identify with. I have seen people online trying to explain this to JK, but she seems to just ignore them or refuse to understand. And she seems to feel it's an attack on her own experience as a woman to include transwomen which is just not true. Just because being born a ciswoman affected her experience in life doesn't mean that transwomen aren't women. For me, I don't think I'm really angry at JK for her beliefs, but I do feel intensely disappointed because she seems to be stubbornly misinformed. I don't know if I'll watch the new series if they make it. I love Harry Potter and always will, but it's hard to forget that. I wouldn't get angry at anyone for wanting to watch it though


It's not just what she said it's the people she follows and supports that are saying the real hateful s***


I’m fully supportive of transpeople and think people can identify as whatever gender. However, at a very basic level, biological sex determines what health care maybe required.


If you don't 100% agree with the community they think you are hateful. There's really no other way around it.


I don’t agree with what jk Rowling said but I don’t agree with cancelling the series because of that


Modern day book burners think fighting fascism with fascism isn't fascist - how progressive.


You’re gonna get canceled for saying biological sex is real 😂😂 what a world we live in in 2021


JK Rowling has more balls than most men
