Why Did The Left Turn Against J.K. Rowling?

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If there’s one thing we know in 2022, nothing is safe or sacred from the left. And no one learned that harder than J.K. Rowling.

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#DailyWire #JKRowling #HarryPotter #LeftistMeltdown #Trans #CancelCulture
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Actually, Hermione was described as white in Prisoner of Azkaban. "Hermione's white face was sticking out from behind a tree." Hermione being white is canon.


They turned against her because she said something truthful for once, it really tends to irritate their bubble when that occurs.


This just proves true feminism clashes with the trans movement in a HUGE way, and she was FORCED to pick a side. She is definitely still very much a feminist.


Honestly, hearing how she has stood her ground and refused to take back what she said makes me respect her even more. She is an incredible role model, overcoming crushing adversity and wrote my favorite series ever. And even after everything, she still responds with kindness and grace to the very people shunning her and shouting hate.


I’ve been a Harry Potter fan since I was a kid, all those times Rowling kept making all the characters gay and changing their races through twitter I just went “ok, I still enjoy the story and won’t let the authors politics effect that”. Seeing these “adults” meltdown over something I dealt with at 15 is extremely funny.


500, 000 Ethiopian's have died from War and famine in 16 months.
Would have thought I would have heard from the BLM crowd on that one.

It's almost like there not what they say there


JK Rowling needs to leave her books alone and quit changing things in her books. Her intentions for writing Harry Potter novels was for entertaining, especially for the youth. They are fantasies not real world. Her stories are great just the way they are when she wrote them.


Because she said something sensible and the woke left don't like that.


Candace Owens is my favorite talk show host of color who menstruates


if not for JK Rowling, Radcliffe, Grint, Watson, Felton, Lewis, etc. wouldn't have careers!!


I was just at universal studios in Orlando Florida! The Harry Potter area was crazy packed!!! Her haters are doing a terrible job of trying to cancel her 😆


We need to stop caring about the left's anger and start laughing at it.


I've always been left and I was pretty shocked at how viciously the left turned on Rowling. I remember I went to read her essay at the time and didn't find it hateful at all, so I couldn't understand why people suddenly hated her. The left failed Rowling very badly. I wasn't on Twitter at the time so I had no idea what was going on over there. When I joined and saw for myself what a kind and brave soul she is I became disillusioned with stupid social justice brigades. I can understand now why the right wing call out "the church of woke".

I'm still left wing and have liberal values, but I've learned me lesson; never let anyone demonize another human. (Incidentally this is what this video is doing, telling right wing people everyone in the left wing is a brainless nutter out for blood.)

All this polarization is making us behave awfully to each other. We should be coming together to solve problems, not sticking rigidly to whatever our current party mantra is.

Going forward I'm going to make more of a conscious effort to listen to the concerns of people who don't agree with me. We have to start somewhere. It makes me so incredibly sad that we all seem to be held in the death grip of My Tribe vs Your Tribe.


"But remember, to be on the Left is essentially to be in a cult. You can't go in halfway. It's all or nothing. Anything they say or decide goes... Full commitment to the cult means agreeing with every Leftist talking point imaginable no matter how insane or ridiculous you think they might be..." I have heard various descriptions of a cult and think he nailed it...


Liberals: Must believe women, except JK Rowling.. 😅🤣😂


Jk Rowling didn't say anything anti trans. If you read what she actually said she basically states that she disagrees with the political agenda that representative of the trans community are pushing. This is just a lazy way for the far left to back her into a corner because she refuses to ride along on their train. She expressed a difference in opinion on certain topics, which is completely within her rights.


JK Rowling is standing up for women. She supports trans people, and women in general. People don’t menstruare, but biological women, such as myself, menstruaste. Trans women should not play in women’s sports. Us women are being stripped of our rights left and right. It sucks. I’m so proud of her for standing up for what she said, because what she said was absolutely correct. Trans women are biologically male, and vise versa. I love Harry Potter, and I love the movies. I love everything about her. #IStandWithJKRowling


I read entirely her so called "hate maniphesto against trans" and failed to see where the transphobia was. She is a good person and not transphobic at all. I support her 💜


A lady who created a magical, fantastical universe where Harry Potter is and isn't a horcrux - has more connection to reality than these people.


Rowling acknowledges the difference between fantasy and reality. That’s why they hate her
