Flying the Boeing 737 Max 8: A pilot’s view from inside the cockpit

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Boeing logic:
1. Lets reuse an aircraft design from 1967 to save cost, put 2 huge new engines that does not really fit and thereby make the whole aircraft unstable.
2. Then we create a secret software MCAS to stabilize the aircraft.
3. To save even more cost we make the extremely critical MCAS system only rely on a single sensor. (Industry standard is normally 2 or as Airbus does, 3).
4. To make even more money, lets sell the sensor malfunction warning system as an option, but still not tell about what MCAS does.
5. To save even more cost lets make sure MCAS is not described in the manual, nor include any mention about it in the 2hour Ipad training video to pilots.
6. Lets save even more cost by not having ANY indicator to the pilot that the MCAS system is active, and that the pilot is no longer in control of the aircraft.
7. To save even more cost, lets tell FAA that the aircraft is perfectly safe and approve it ourselves.
8. When the first aircraft crashed, lets blame it on pilot error.
9. When the second aircraft crashed, lets pretend it was minor glitch but hint that a very minor software upgrade might be needed. Try to minimize lawsuits but using very cryptic weasel language.
10. Finally lets pretend that this unstable aircraft, relying on a single sensor will become “the safest aircraft ever designed “ and force everyone to continue flying it.Lets pay FAA bribes to certify it.
11. Lets tell the world that Boeing cares about safety

This is total greed and deception. Boeing’s CEO and FAA’s chairman should be sent to prison. All Boeing 737 MAX 8 should be grounded permanently.

Boeing! Do the right thing-Design a new safe, fuel efficient aircraft. Until then....I will avoid this model like the plague.


You're telling me that lack of knowledge is what got over 300 people killed.... Beyond disturbing..


Its a shame that Boeing didn't tell this little piece of information to the rest of the world.


I wonder how many people over the next 6-12 months will check what the scheduled aircraft type for their journey is, and if they see this plane, will choose a different journey with a different plane.

I know I will.


I will not fly on a plane that needs an automatized system for compensating for a aerodynamical design flaw. The flaw is so serious that they do not trust the pilots for correcting it.


56 minutes with an iPad lesson... Jesus Christ


Over 300 people killed and you are saying '56 minutes with an iPad lesson'(blame to pilots) Shame on you!!


Nice ad after two crashes in less than six months


Ipad course GTFOH! This is no cooking recipe.'s people's lives!


"Good plane to fly, " I know four pilots who would disagree with that...


There’s a difference between how something is supposed to function and how it actually does. Boeing admitted to the malfunction of the MCAS. They didn’t inform the airlines and pilots of the MCAS addition to the new models until the crash in Indonesia.
The problem is, when you’re mass producing products at an impossible timeframe because you have a deadline to meet and year-end revenues to fulfill, you start to take shortcuts. You override your engineers when they tell you of faulty parts that aren’t ready for assembly. You disregard the FAA when they request additional testings because you know they’re aware you’re their bread and butter...the result, a recipe for disaster.


This piece of PR brought to you by Boeing!


Two facts that the Washington Post surprisingly neglects to mention in this video: American Airlines, for whom this gentleman works, has 24 of these planes which it refused to voluntarily ground, and the union that he says he speaks for is an in-house union that only represents American Airlines pilots.


I am no expert here but shouldn't boeing atleast notify as well as send tutorials to pilots worldwide about a new software like this. My android phone gives me a tutorial every time there is a new feature in the update. If Boeing does that, then the pilots and airlines can decide on weather the pilots need a specific training. They can't just say its not a big deal. Also shame on FAA, it used to be the flag bearer on passenger safety. What happened here?


This video is brought to you by Boeing ! Please, Washington Post, be less biased next time.


1:39 MCAS = Mass Coffin Automation System


The question remains...did the Ethiopian pilots push the two switches and turn off the MCAS or not? Did they not see the directive from Boeing after the Lion crash? If they did turn of the MCAS and still couldn’t control the plane...what does that mean for Boeing?


They took a short cut and it killed people . Makes me wonder what other short cuts were taken . Bastards !


Boeing and this hair-brained MCAS: 346 people died in utmost terror. I won't be surprised to see travelers refuse to board this aircraft, even after Boeing "fixes" it.


I am an American and always fancied B over Airbus. But in 737 max case - if this is true there should be a criminal investigation on Boeing.
