The FASTEST Way to Rid Acne - Dr. Berg

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Try these tips and natural remedies to get rid of acne fast.

For Acne Scars, Check this Out:


0:00 Introduction: Get rid of acne
3:23 What is acne?
4:04 What causes acne?
5:09 What causes an increase in androgens?
8:00 How to get rid of acne
11:55 Mistakes to avoid when getting rid of acne
13:04 The best remedies for acne scars
13:35 Check out my playlist on how to do low carb and intermittent fasting

Let’s talk about the fastest way to get rid of acne. All it takes is the right knowledge, and you can get rid of acne fast.

Acne is an infection of the sebaceous glands. Sebaceous glands are the oil glands in the skin. What’s really behind this infection are hormones called androgens. Basically, your androgens are too high, which causes acne.

Top causes of acne:
• Low SHBG
• High insulin

How to get rid of acne:
• Stop eating sugar and refined carbs
• Stop snacking
• Do intermittent fasting
• Take milk thistle
• Take berberine (or have as a tea)
• Drink green tea (or use a face cream containing green tea)
• Get plenty of zinc and copper (try a trace mineral blend containing zinc and copper)
• Don’t pop your zits
• Don’t over-cleanse or scrub your skin
• Get a water filter for your shower that filters out fluoride
• Avoid dairy

The best remedies for acne scars:
• Vitamin E oil (rub into your skin before bed every night)
• Dermatrophin PMG (take one before bed for 3-6 months)

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching! I hope this helps explain how to get rid of acne fast.
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Imagine a Dr. that gives the most useful advices for free... This dude is an angel, he helps so much people without even asking for them to subscribe, that's a kind man.
Edit : OMG ! I've never had so much likes, thanks guys 😭❤


What has helped me to get rid of the acne completely:

1. I stopped all sugary sweet foods as well as processed carbs (rice, bread, pasta, etc) and practised IF

2. I stopped all the dairy (Way too high in estrogen/hormones = inflammatory) Except for kefir, yogurt and optionally raw milk

3. I added probiotic foods like yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut, homemade lacto fermented veggies and optionally raw milk (fresh from the organic farmer, not heat treated or homogenized, no de-natured proteins, still having all the enzymes and probiotic bacteria alive)

4. I treated my skin with probiotcs as well, in this case Apple Cider Vinegar. Mixing 1 tsp water with 1 tsp ACV. Dabbing a cotton patch in it, cleaning the skin with it, then washing the rest off with fresh water. No other products. The probiotics in the ACV are very helpfull for the natural skin bacteria and it keeps super oily skin dry for the rest of the day.

5. I made sure to get enough Zinc, Vit D3, Vit A, Vitamin E, Omega 3s and B-Vitamins into my diet. Best would be through food (grass fed beef and it's organs such as liver and heart, cod liver, egg yolks), but supplements were ok too (good quality cod liver oil for instance)

6. Green veggies!! Lots of them. I juiced them whenever I couldnt eat them.

-Note on Green Juice:
Green bitter juices are *very beneficial for a congested liver* (mostly caused by fructose overload). A helpful juice recipe could look like: Celery stalks, arugola, dandelion leafes, broccoli or kale, ginger, lots of lemon to counteract the bitter taste. Having this juice daily for a week or 2 can really change skin complexion if fruit has been cut out during that time.

7. I avoided vegetable/seed oils for cooking and stuck with Olive Oil. Seed oils encourage inflammation, in turn causing acne. You can also cook with animal fats, if you like.
Note: if you're a nut butter lover like me, switch to natural nut butters instead of conventional, which are also filled with seed oils.

- Note on healthy Nutella Recipe: get yourself some hazelnut butter with nothing but 100% hazelnut in it and mix in some natural unsweetend cacao powder or molten dark chocolate and add a sweetener of your choice. You just got yourself the most decadent luxurious healthy Nutella there is. No need to buy the jarred stuff ;)

8. Exercise! Exercise lowered my inflammatory response to sugar. Both cardio and strength training worked well for this. Resistance trainig had a longer lasting effect, since sufficient muscles were build in that time
Note: Most of the time, for gym-people who have bad acne it's not actually the carbs, but whey protein and binding chemicals in protein shakes, too much dairy as protein source, highly processed carbs and vegetable oils or nutritional deficiencies. Exercise can take a toll on your body and thus use up most of your stored vitamins and nutrients much quicker than can be replaced.

9. I avoided stress. Especially over-exercising would stress my body on a cellular level, causing dysfunction in my hormone system and causing acne! Gotta take our rest days seriously. We shouldnt under-eat our calories for quick weight loss. We should get on a good sleep schedule.

10. Contraception pills and IUD's.
This one's for the ladies and I want to point out that *I am not a doctor and this is not to be taken as medical advice* but hormonal contraceptives, even a copper IUD (made of copper wire on a *piece of plastic* which inevitably leaches hormonal toxins into the body) can raise estrogen levels above normal. This will trigger it's counter-part testosterone to rise as well (bc the body always strives to stay in a balanced ratio) which can cause exessive sebum production in the face's oil glands, clogging pores and causing acne.
They also depleate all improtant vitamins and nutrients in a terribly quick fashion, causing deficiency over time!

11. If you have PCOS like me, try spearmint tea (not peppermint). It lowers androgens and can help with hormonally caused acne too. Also make sure to eat your daily veggies and get in at least 15 mins of walking in every day. This will help eliminate your bowls very reliably every day, also excreting excess hormones.

Always keep in mind: what worked for me might not work for you. *Know your triggers first* and only then try to use these tips to work on them.

Hope this helps!


For me I cleared my acne by:
1. Stopped eating all sugary foods, and started a low carb diets (not keto but just low carbs)
2. Supplements(which I also learned from dr.berg previous acne video), Zinc, VitD, VitB, fish oils.
Those two advices totally changed my skin, thank you so much dr Berg❤️


The fact that nobody talks about the subliminal affirmations for acne on borlest speaks volumes about how people are stuck in a trance


I can feel my acne go away listening to him 🙏

Edit: Guys, my acne did NOT go away LMAO. Anyways I'm taking pills and it makes my face oily more than usual but my acne is getting better.


1) low carb
2)no snacks
3) Take Milk thystle
4) Drink Green tea
5) Avoid dairy and milk


It is refreshing to have a Dr. come out and explain to you how to get better by changing bad habits vs just prescribing medication that usually has side effects.


Thank you for using your platform to educate acne sufferers on the root cause of acne not telling us to just use some product.


This is the most thorough yet concise explanation on how to get rid of acne I’ve ever come across. Never learned this from any dermatologist. Thank you, Dr. Berg!


My biggest skincare regret was using Proactive when my acne wasn’t bad to begin with. It destroyed my skins barrier, led to moderate acne, and took years to reverse. Hydrafacials, committing to a skincare regimen, moisturizing, not touching my face, drinking tons of water, wiping my phone screen, and washing my pillow cases have made a big difference in my skin


I’ve followed Dr Berg for about a month. This is the clearest my face has been in years. I’m a 50yo female. The dermatologist called it hormonal acne and wanted to put me on spirnalactone which is a diuretic. I declined that medicine. It’s taken me since 2008 to actually listen to people like Dr Berg. I’m a nurse and used to teach diabetics how to get well(ha). The longer I’m in the medical field I realize it’s a big money thing. Change your diet. Yes it’s going to be uncomfortable at first but depression, acne, systemic inflammation are so on and so are not worth it.


Its been only 3 days i am doing fasting as its Ramadan and stopped consuming sugar and believe me my all time acne problem is going away its like a miracle, Thank you so much Dr Eric


I have never written a comment on YouTube before, but now I just can't stop expressing my gratitude for this channel! Thank you so much for sharing all this information Dr. Berg, your work is amazing!


I have been badly affected by acne for most of my life. The one thing which really improved my acne was fasting every year. As a Muslim we have to fast for a month every year. I noticed an improvement when I fasted. I also did water only fasting at certain point of my life. This was around 3 days a week. And that really improved my acne.


I have hormonal acne and I must say this is the MOST informative video I have found on the Internet throughout all these years!


I can't thank you enough for making this video. I learned so much and have been struggling with so much confusion with my acne and scarring.


I'm 25 and still struggling with acne and I glad I found this video.thank you Doctor


I think avoiding milk and drinking green tea has shown really good improvement for me. It’s only been 15 days. I’m going to continue and see the progress!!!


Thank you Dr. Berg. This video was really informative. I began with severe cystic acne when I was 9 years old until around age 37. It was all over my face and back. Sometimes the cysts on my back would bleed. I am now 78 years old. My father was a doctor and he prohibited me from eating chocolate, but he suspected sugar. I was on antibiotics for around 25 years, acne surgery, dry ice, radiation treatments etc. Nothing really helped until I went on accutane when it was still in the trial period. It was a miracle and I reacted to it favorably. We tried every treatment before that. At one point my father had a vaccination made from me. Nothing helped. I wish some of this information was available to me so many many years ago because it was a nightmare, especially the lack of condidence and being bullied.


From Cambodia 🇰🇭 here . I rarely post comment on YouTube. But I’m super grateful to have come across this video. Dr Berg, you have helped restore my self esteem and allow me to take control of my life again. I’m in my mid 30s and I have had acne problem over the last 1.5yrs, I have gone through various treatments and spent a lot of money and time but nth seemed to work. I found this video about 2m back and followed your advice, now I don’t have new acne for 3 weeks now ! I feel a lot better and I’m still doing fasting, limit sugar carbs and diary. Next is to clear all acne scars on my face :)
Thank you so much 🙏🏼🙏🏼
