How to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back (Make Him Beg to Be With You?)

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Most times, breakups happen for a reason… but not always for a good reason. And despite what people will tell you, there’s no shame in getting back together with an ex boyfriend. In fact, that’s exactly what I’m going to teach you in this video… how to start fresh with your ex!

My name is Amy North, I’m a relationship coach from Vancouver, BC… I help women like you from around the world achieve their relationship goals. In this case, the goal is to get your ex back.

Now, the key is to getting your ex back is making him want you. This means that despite how much you may be tempted to beg or plead for another chance, you should never do this -- it’ll make you look weak, desperate and even pathetic…. that’s not the image you want to give yourself if you’re trying to win him over again.

Well, now that that’s out the way, let’s talk about how you can get your ex back.

Step 1 - The No Contact Period

This is a clever tactic that you may have heard of before, and how it works is pretty straightforward. You simply cut off all communication with your ex for about 30 days. Now you may be thinking, “But what if he forgets about me?” or “There’s no way disappearing is going to help me get him back,” but the truth is, removing yourself from the picture will make your ex miss you.

Allow me to explain. Your ex expects you to go running back to him, so doing the opposite will confuse him and make him insecure. Since you’re not begging for a second chance, the message you are sending your ex is loud and clear: You don’t need him, you’re strong, and you’re perfectly fine with the idea of finding someone new…. Don’t worry, this doesn’t have to how you actually feel, it’s just important your ex thinks this is the case. As time passes and you’re still not contacting him, he’s going to have a hard time resisting the urge to call you. This means you not only have him thinking about you, but the icing on the cake is that since you haven’t been chasing him or emotionally acting out, the negative memories your ex had of you and the relationship will be replaced with pleasant ones, which may even cause him to question the breakup.

*** More from Amy North: ***
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This sorta works! I mean, I haven’t completely tried to whole thing yet, but I have tried to ignore my ex and he was very upset! I felt so good that day that it worked!


“Dont stick around for him to adjust to life without you” omg that blew my mind


30 days?? I can't even live without him for 30mins😭😭😭


You guys need to give yourself plenty enough time outside of that relationship to heal, grow and rethink getting the ex back. If the ex isn't coming back all on their own, then take your time, slowly move on and don't look back. In time you will get over your attachment to that person who dumped you to begin with. You deserve better and there's plenty of people that are wiling, ready and able to be with you RIGHT NOW.


I tried 30 days no contact. He is now with someone else. I am heartbroken!! When I showed up with his birthday gift and she was there. Now he wants a divorce!


No contact does work. But, unless both are ready to put 💯 into the relationship, and you get back together, it won’t last long.


Well this worked I'm back with my ex🤗🤗🤗 man you are the best you go girl


I'm a guy and none of this has ever worked with me. When I wanted to end it, nothing my ex's could do got me back. When I was thinking about going back, the one's who played 'hard to get' ("no contact period", etc) just made me think they weren't interested, so I kept looking. The best thing is to wait only a week or two, and yes, don't beg, but send a non-intense text like "Hey, do you want to try again?" If he says "No", probably respond with: "Yeah, you're probably right, there's this new guy who's really cute, I was just missing the bond and great sex we had." THEN don't reply, UNLESS he says that maybe he would like to, then say: "Okay. You suggest a time and meetup place." Keep it funny and casual. Wait til he says he loves you BEFORE you say it, but DO say it after he does, but let him say it more. That's how I got my first missus back (after she went on a pre-planned overseas trip 8 weeks after we met). My mistake was to leave her after 5 years just to play the field. I learnt my lesson the hard way (no pun intended).


Great job, Amy! Love this video and the advice here is very sound. :)


Thanks Amy!😁 We started texting again and now we have plans this Saturday.


What if I already fucked up the no communication and staying friends thing


what if by this time they're no long in love with you anymore


I'm only gonna be following step 1. Not the other steps where I'll have to approach him because that sounds like seeking for an attention. And as much as I love him and want him back, I also have my own self respect. He has let me down multiple of times and yet I always gave in whenever he came back. And it might sound weird but I would still take him back if he comes but there's no way I'm gonna call or text him after no contact period. He better do that if he really cares. Thank you for the tips though! :)


This no contact is BS!
Wait 30 days and contact them????
The most effective way is to let the person contact you themselves!
It just makes you look desperate even if it’s been 30 days or 90 days!
Especially for those who have begged and pleaded or the ex knew you didn’t want the breakup!


My ex broke the no contact period in 4 days 🤣


Let me tell you something girls. As a guy... whatever you do, please don’t post pictures with another guy with a caption about moving on if you want us back. It doesn’t work. I just got this and it made me unfriend her on all social media, and turned me further away. Especially since it was so soon after we broke up, that was not what I wanted to see. And quite frankly, no guys wanna see it. We can still be happy for you down the road, but if you want us back; no no nooo. But anyways 2 hrs after I removed her I got a message from her on ig that was unpleasant and she blocked me. So maybe she doesn’t want me back, but if she did, I’m js seeing the pictures with another guy was just like nope I’m done done.


Thanks for the advice! I have followed everything on this video already without even knowing it. We have plans to meet Tuesday! I hope everything goes well, I'm still a little nervous.


I’m debating whether I’m doing this for him to come back or to see if he ever cared in the first place


what if my boyfrnd has blocked me all over could he knew that I'm showing my interest in him


My boy frd leave me because of his family...he said that, his family is more important than me😭
