ER Doctor REACTS to World's UNLUCKIEST People

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World's Unluckiest People ER Doctor Jordan Wagner is back with ER doctor reacts to world's unluckiest people fails and unluckiest people in the world funny videos from of luckiest people caught on camera and people who were very unlucky. Everything in this video has a 0.000001% chance of happening to you in real life. These are people who are having a bad day and that are the unluckiest people alive caught on camera before receiving injuries at the world's most dangerous traps gone wrong. Today Doctor Wagner, a real life emergency physician from Experts React Gamology ER doctor will be reacting to funny moments and ridiculous moments of people having a worst day than you so try not to laugh because if you laugh you lose the challenge. TikTok and YouTube are flooded with videos and photos of people having bad luck and good luck. If you enjoy hilarious fails and funny fail videos you'll enjoy this unluckiest people on earth video. So in today's fail review we cover a wide variety of medical subjects such as compression fractures, abrasions, parkour, and more. Which unlucky moment was your favorite in this funny video in this fails of the week? Don't forget to also give this video a like if you want Doctor Wagner to turn this into a monthly video series.


@Doctor Mike - Doctor Reacts to Painful NBA Injuries

@Doctor Mike - Medical Emergencies Caught On Live TV

@MrBeast - World's Most Dangerous Trap!

@Beast Reacts - World's Unluckiest People!

@Dude Perfect - The World's First Square Bike | OT41

@Mark Rober - World’s Smallest Nerf Gun Shoots an Ant



Doctor ER Dr. Jordan Wagner, DO

#DoctorReacts #Fails #DoctorJordanWagner

All clips and images are used for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. See Hosseinzadeh v. Klein, 276 F.Supp.3d 34 (S.D.N.Y. 2017); Equals Three, LLC v. Jukin Media, Inc., 139 F. Supp. 3d 1094 (C.D. Cal. 2015)

If you feel like you are actually experiencing a real-life medical emergency, immediately stop watching and call 9-11 or contact a medical professional. The information in this video is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The satirical nature presented in the video is for entertainment purposes and does not endorse the actions displayed. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace an appointment with your own personal doctor.
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Hope you're having a better day than some of these people! 😅


Patient goes in the ER.
Dr Wagner: What happened?
patient: shows him a videos
Dr Wagner: *Laughs hysterically*, That's awful!


i am a motorcicle instructo, i have been in accidents and i gotta say, you are the first person since my own instructor when i first learned how to use a motorcicle to say how the motorcicle will follow your eyesight. its something ive been trying to share with all those ive met who ride a motorcicle, apart from the obvious "use protective gear" which surprisingly a lot of people ignore, also another thing most people dont know is both the correct technic to stop in a motorcicle as they think is the same as a bike where you mainly stop with the back break, however when driving a motorcicle is the complete opposite, you mainly use the front break, no one is going to go flying off above the motorcicle just by using the front break! lastly also use your legs to hold onto the motorcicle, if you are scared or in an emergency, IF its not better to ditch the motorcicle and get out of the way of danger, hold onto the motorcicle tighter WITH YOUR LEGS, not your hands, using your hands will make you accelerate when you probably dont want to, specially if you are trying to come to a halt.
There are many other technics but i think this is more than enough to cover my main worries of other bikers


Смотрю ваши видео с удовольствием, вы лучший доктор 😍👨‍⚕️ 🧡


These videos just goes to show how resilient the human body is


I love the channel. I was in a motorcycle accident about 10 years ago. I honestly don't know what happened. I had always ridden them, but this was a crotch rocket. XR 1200 for anyone that knows. I had just started riding this one. But I think the helmet kept falling down in my eyes. I didn't know it was a different helmet than I had been using. I don't really know what happened. I wrecked in a sharp curve. I feel like the helmet fell in my eyes. I think by the time I saw the curve it was too late. Unfortunately I can't remember anything. I remember pulling out, and I remember waking up about 2 weeks later. I don't really know if it was a medical induced thing, or if I was in a coma. Luckily I hit nothing, I wound up going right between a building and a pile of metal scaffolding, how I hit nothing amazes me. I was life lighted. Broke my collar bone and clavicle, they popped my arm back in, said if there was one more inch of pressureper squareinch or whateverthey would have had to take it at the shoulder, broke all ribs in the left side of my body. Flail chest. But because all my ribs were broke my chest couldn't expand. I have terrible nerve damage, I can feel my lungs every breath I take. Took about 2 years to use my left arm at all. Another year to grip anything. Another year to raise it over my head. I've worked hard to get where I'm at. I'm pretty close to 100 percent. Not quite. But you wouldn't know at first glance.


I don’t think I ran into any medical bad luck. But a few years ago I was at home eating a small bowl of ice cream. I was sitting on the couch watching tv and I was wearing a V-neck T-shirt. I was leaning back into the couch at the time, and when i was about to take a bite of my ice cream, the ice cream fell off of my spoon and down my bra. The middle of my chest and the inner sides of my breasts were freezing cold due to the ice cream being there. I wouldn’t call this situation “medical bad luck”, but I was worried my heart would stop if I didn’t get the ice cream off my chest quickly. I’m assuming my heart would only stop if I had severe hypothermia. Correct me if I’m wrong. But damn! Getting ice cream down my bra was cold as hell! You totally should’ve been there! It was hilarious!😂 🤣


damn, these were both painful and funny


Husband is 72 and still rides his motorcycle. He has also fallen off a few times. Last time a few years ago, both arms and legs scraped crazy with road rash. Here in Costa Rica the doctors believe in scraping the heck out of injuries like that, so for several weeks he endured the painful scrapings daily. ER in the States sent him home with Tylenol, no weeks of scraping after another fall.


This is one of my favorite videos yet. I would love this to be a series!


I love your channel because you help learn new thing every single day Thank You!


Great vid! Do another one of these, please!


"That's awful! MUWHAHAHAHA!! 😈😂"


I love how the guy just kinda sat there as the weights fell onto his face lol


I sometimes wonder if us laughing at People getting hurt is a medical problem itself.


I know there’s no video of it, but I would love to see/hear your reaction on the guy that got struck by lightning seven times throughout his life.


I was lucky with my bike accident. I was cycling along and a guy walked by with some small dogs, knowing what small dogs are like they yapped at me. My initial instincts had me react with my right side and on a bike, not a good idea as your right hand has control of the front brakes. My bike went verticle from the momentum but thankfully no further but I did tumble sideways and over a small fence. Thankfully the fence was small enough that the area behind my knees was what landed on it so my legs naturally bent at the knee as I landed on the grass. My legs were kinda trapped by the bike but I wasn't injured. Had the fence been any higher, chances are I would've had some injuries. worst part was? the guy with the dogs didn't even check to see if I was ok. There was another man who was walking some distance behind him and he made sure I was ok and even he commented the the guy was rude in not checking to see if I was ok from the accident his dogs caused me.


Yeah, long time Biker, here... AND I would like to point out that returning to "Parking Lot Drills" is a good idea THE ENTIRE TIME you continue riding. The basics are great to get through the MSF course, and then continue with basic controls and coordination on the bike, BUT at about a year or two, while you're starting to feel confident, it's time to start practicing some of the more advanced drills... Riding in circles to the left, and LOOKING to the right (for instance)... It starts in small "doses" with regular glances out to the right, while maintaining controlled circling to the left, and then going right and looking left... AND you build on it. You look away more frequently and a little longer... while you get comfortable with being able to "make the disconnect".

Yes, we ARE taught "Look where you want the bike to go" because that DOES dramatically improve our handling and precision IN THE BEGINNING. BUT at some point, we HAVE to accept that we're not always 100% in control of our gaze, and the ability to control the bike while not necessarily staring directly at where you want to go IS a benefit on the road. We STILL DO have to be cognizant of the trouble with target fixation or "tunnel vision"... BUT every "tool" you can get into your "bag of tricks" is an advantage when the chips are down.

In the meantime, even if you're strapped for time to do much of anything else, a few minutes spent on "Figure-8's" and "Break and Escape" practice just a couple times a week is a HUGE boost in the skills that come to matter most for keeping control and for getting out of trouble. I'm talking as short as 5 minutes on a drill... and just switch them up from one visit to the parking lot to the next. AND once the drills are done, hit the street and go on with your day.

Finally, for the FIRST "advanced skill" one should seek after MSF and getting your license is "Trail Braking"... Yes, "Slow, Look, Press, and Roll" is the standardized cornering technique taught around the U.S. by every course for "beginners", BUT there ARE going to be corners and curves that are misleading, blind, or out of camber from "the norm". Sooner or later, you're GOING to "miss your guess" about the entry speed, even by just a tiny bit, and you CAN NOT afford to be shy with the brakes because the MSF told you to slow BEFORE the curve... SO it pays dividends to ease into braking ALL THE WAY through the curve... trail off (ease up pressure) the brakes as you lean and turn, but don't completely release them, and discretely continue to slow all the way through... only releasing the brakes when the bike is pointed OUT to the next straight-away, when you can go directly from braking to accelerating...

Obviously, be sure the rest of the roadway is relatively clear, so traffic doesn't snarl around you... BUT so long as you can manage it safely, trail braking skills can only really keep you safer, giving you options when you might've got to a curve a little faster than you're comfortable with. It certainly beats the hell out of running off the side of a mountain, careening into oncoming traffic, or having no option but stand up the bike and slide out of control as you panic-clamp down a fist full of front and stomp up to your knee into the rear brake... AND it's a relatively easy "advanced" skill to build on your own. Just be easy on the brakes at first, and they're actually more forgiving as long as you keep SMOOTH on the controls. Bikes really ARE engineered for a lot of self-correcting physics... Amazing and WONDERFULLY FUN machines to ride. ;o)


5:53 This story is how a helmet really saves you and why it's important. I did get into an accident lol. I recovered this year. I had fractured my right clavical bone, and my left hand's ring finger, the entire back side of my right hand's palm was shredded and my left palm inside too. Pain in the ribs, knees. Well I realised that later coz the pain in the other parts overpowered ig. Well I had a really thick jacket, and my helmet. And I'm alive because of all that I was wearing. My helmet was cracked and scratches and my jacket completely shredded and jeans too. I was riding at night, far away on the highway alone. And it was dark. I was really fast like 100kmph. And suddenly out of nowhere a speed bump came and it sent me flying straight ahead. I don't really know what happened coz all I could see was road then sky then road then sky and just streaks of lights yellow white. Next thing I know is when everything stabilized I tried to move my toes, they worked so I'm relieved. Fingers too, eyes too, so everything was fine. Few people came to pick me up, , they said "man that was really bad fall your bike man I hope it was insured".
The worst part was that I was living away for my studies, living alone, and I told my parents I'm sleeping and my friends just had droped me home. And I was on a totally new road nobody knew about.
So it was scary af coz if I was dead it would be really hard to let anyone know.


I can't believe it, thanks to doctor er, Now I want to be a doctor, every time he talks about something medical he inspires me (for some reason)