Cultish: Is Seventh Day Adventism a Cult? Pt. 1

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Join us as we continue our conversation with Colleen Tinker and Nikki Stevenson Co-Hosts of the Former Adventist podcast on whether or not Seventh-Day Adventism is a cult.

This episode goes into detail about the great struggle that Walter Martin author of "Kingdom of the Cults" had when trying to pin down certain doctrines that the SDA believed.

From the book "Questions on Doctrine" that was published by SDA, to other proponents of SDA Doctrine stating that the "Questions of Doctrine" were misleading at best, this episode brings to light the great controversy of our day which is whether or not Seventh-Day Adventism is a cult.

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I have heard the gospel preached clearly by Walter Veith


Incoming all the SDAs who are mad about the veil being pulled back.


I never quite understand how someone can say… “Yes, my Church might believe that, but I do not”…. When it comes to some of the core doctrines. If you are going to an SDA Church… and you realize that they have many core doctrines off, amd you don’t subscribe to them… why are you still a member and going to that Church?!?

A lot of these comments say things like “Yes, I realize SDA lifts up Ellen G White’s writings along side scripture… but I do not and I am SDA” or
“Yes, I know The SDA stance is ….Christ took upon His sinless nature our sinful nature. Christ took our nature and it's deteriorating condition. I know This is false. Christ had a sinless human nature. Christ took our sin punishment, not our sin nature.”…
Many other things. If you realize these teachings are false… why do you stay in SDA???


Wouldn’t this podcast benefit from an SDA theologian debating the anti-SDA? I think that would make more sense.


I do not know much about SDA but I do know a lot about Mormonism, and it is a cult, any so-called religion that claims Jesus is a different Jesus than what is in the bible can be labeled a cult!!


Theology an adventist who is questioning all I can say is that I 1, 000% relate to what these women are saying. That in and of itself is proof they are on to something, and SDA puts a veil over the real gospel! I have never been moved by a sermon. Never felt the church really cared about whether i attended or not. Never understood the bible, and honestly felt God was scary. I am excited to leave SDAism....just need a plan.


I would love to see these two ladies debate doug batchelor and walter veith. It is absurd to think that adventists don't know the gospel. Can you please set the debate?


1:08:30 If someone is willing to lie about a little, they are willing to lie about a lot. Amen Sis Colleen. Amen.


Is this older woman a former SDA?! She needs to know that many Adventist do know the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


About 11 minutes in she makes a strong claim that James White sold Ellen White's visions to make money out of them...I'd like to see where I can find some substantiation for that very strong claim


31 minutes in "none of them believe in the inerrancy of Scripture"....where does she get that?


I'm no 7th day Adventist but people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones


About 19 minutes in, she's correct in saying that Seventh Day Adventists believe that future sins need to be confessed and forgiven as they are committed, but does the bible contradict that idea or support it? 1 John 1:9 says to people who are ALREADY SAVED and have ALREADY ACCEPTED Jesus "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness" and again in 1 John 2:1 he says that these things he has written that we may not sin, but IF we sin we have an advocate with the Father" which means that there is a court and a judgment, and Jesus is our Advocate (judgement and advocate are both legal terms) before the Father, interceding His blood on our behalf. Regarding the so-called "split atonement", apart from what I mentioned in 1 John there is also Hebrews 7:25 saying that Christ ever lives to make intercession for us, that is, He is continually interceding for us through the blood shed on Calvary.

The idea that Adventists believe in a "split atonement" is predicated on the idea that Christ's atonement is a once-off, when in fact His SACRIFICE is a once off, but the atonement that is accomplished by that sacrifice is a continuous atonement, because according to Hebrews 7:25 there is a continuous intercession our behalf, the intercession does not stop, unless our repentance stops and we don't confess our sins anymore because we believe "once saved always saved" (Perseverance of the Saints, the P in TULIP ---- Is Arminianism a cult? Is Calvinism the standard of orthodoxy or mainstreamism?)


Over the last few day I have had heated debates with several members of the SDA Church and I've learned that SDA veiw points change the meaning of so many passage and concepts of the New Testement such as the Concept of God's Grace, that it gives the SDA a twisted view of the actual meaning as presented in the New Testement. This leads to a lot of cherry picking and out of context passage in an attempt to defend their heretical views.


The Gospel is Jesus Christ fro Genesis to Revelation


Hi, I have watched many of your videos and really appreciated them. However, I have been an SDA for 30 years and in that time not one SDA I have met or known thinks that Christ is a created being. Christ is part of the Godhead and therefore eternal. There are also other misunderstandings based on the two ladies remarks that just aren't accurate. The Holy Spirit is a person NOT a force. I truly believe that I am born again. I pray that God will encourage you to revisit this topic in the future.


Their doctrines are entirely the definition of double speak and contradictions. I was Adventist for 27 years, went to Adventist school for 12 years and we were very involved in the church.

The first time I heard the true gospel was 1.5 years ago. It literally took the veil over my eyes. Ever since then the Bible became a joy to read. It used to be confusing and kind of boring. My husband also got saved almost 2 years ago and a weed/alcohol addiction was broken off of him IN ONE DAY! He became a totally different person, husband, dad…

That’s the power of the real gospel and the true Jesus of scripture. I was never taught the difference between the covenants like Abrahamic covenant vs mosaic covenant and where we fit into all this. We are born of imperishable seed through Abraham’s covenant, NOT the law and NOT the mosaic covenant.

Adventists do not know how to study the greek and do proper hermeneutical and exegetical study. All they do is take verses out of context, not going to the Greek, not reading FULL chapters in their context, Their desire during their study is to make sure it aligns with Ellen White’s doctrine and teaching, not to make sure they are getting to truth because many times they will come to a fork in the road and it will be confusing to them when they see very clear verses that contradict what Ellen and the oven is church teaches. So they either have to say oh better minds than mine have figured this out, it’s too confusing, or they have to choose Ellen believing that she was “an inspired prophetess”, aka believing that she brings “greater new understanding to the Bible” or they believe the Bible for what it says and they unhinge themselves from Adventism.
I did the last one.


So not true! We do preach that Jesus died on the cross for our sins.


Wow I didn’t know all these things about SDA- I was following another podcast who I found out were secretly SDA although they called themselves Christians, won’t be following them anymore.
