EDEMA - What causes swollen legs and feet?

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Edema is the fancy medical term for "swelling", and peripheral edema is the term for swelling of the legs. In this video we discuss common causes and answer a viewer;s question about how peripheral edema is linked to fluid in the lungs.
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Whoever is watching and reading this may God bless you and your family and may He give you happiness, wealth, health and successful life


My mother developed edema in both feet and ankles in the last couple of years. I decided to take amino acids myself for general health and also gave my mother two servings a day, around the amount of protein in four eggs. I was surprised and happy to see that this resolved the edema.


I’m not even 2 minutes in and this is already life changing. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


Thank you for speaking clearly, hesitating & delivering great info - easy to understand. Hesitation allows time for the listener to think about the info given & develop thoughts as the story continued! Great job!


I love the way you explain edemas . please keep educating us and let us know everything we can do and what what we need to ask our physician. Thank you!


Thank you so much for this great information on swollen ankles, feet, and other parts of the body. She delivers the information straight up, and easy to understand, thanks!


For three years I have been going to my doctors trying to find out what is wrong with me the swelling started in my ankles now it’s going right up to my thighs and I’m beside myself with worry that I’m just gonna drop dead. So glad I found you a video im taking it to my doctor . I live in Australia and we are supposed to have one of the best health care systems in the world it’s all bull.


You explain things so well Dr. Didyk. Thank you for all of your helpful videos !


I'm 67 and have had foot and ankle swelling for the past 3 months or so. I've been afraid to go to the dr. and was glad to see your video. I'm going to try the elevation and compression first. If nothing improves, guess I'll break down and go to the doc. Thank you!


I am very happy to come across this.
My dad is 59 years old, he developed serious Edema of the legs and later when taken to the hospital, he was diagnosed of pulmonary tuberculosis.
He had been placed on medication for 2 months now but the edema is still not improved rather it had gotten to he's lungs now, as he as well finds it difficult to breath especially at midnigts after lying flat on the bed.

He's condition is really confusing because he has been placed on water pills like Furosemide yet the edema still continues.
I dont know if it's TB that's responsible or venous insufficiency or even heart failure..


I had edema for OVER A DECADE! Tried plethora of treatment including those tormenting pressure socks which just transfer swelling, and are more painful that edema itself for me. doc's were perplexed. For recent infection, was prescribed doxycycline by a doctor for infection. Side effect was that Edema also went away quickly, infection not so fast. Edema has never returned. YOU MUST TRY THIS!!!


I have experience with this and know that doctors know nothing about how to help one improve the problem with edema. They don't seem to know as much as this doctor, or they just don't want to take time to explain. No help from doctors. I think that we are moving into a total self-help situation with our medical questions.


For me its it depends on how much carbs i eat because the more i eat the more my body swells up mainly my hands feet and legs. After getting up in the morning is when my legs will be the least swollen but the swelling is never fully gone unless my carb intake from the previous day was minimal through the keto diet. I just want to be sure and know that after i go some time on the keto genic diet that when i go back to eating carbs in a-healthier way that my legs wont go back to swelling . Thanks for the vid i like this was more of a personal situation rather than the explanation of the medical condition.


What a great explanation of various leg swelling. Very lay person friendly.:)
Thank you. Your voice is very genuine, feels one one one.


Thank you for explaining why I have swelling in only one leg.


Mine was caused by iron deficiency caused by gluten intolerance. It lasted 2 weeks but went away when I switched to GF diet and started taking probiotics.


I have swelling in my feet and now my knees are hurting also. I read some where that a lot depends on how you sit..ie you need to be in proper position so there is circulation going on. I used to get cramps in legs at night..I started taking apple cider vinegar daily and helped..also if you press your finger under your nose..the pain stops. I unfortunately put on a lot of weight which has made pain go into knees...I did Qui Gong for Seniors today and feel 100% better today though feet still swollen. I also have thyroid problem but doctor does not know how to deal with..I refuse to take any kind of meds and will continue to try natural products ie teas, herbs. I have to lose the weight but not that easy with thyroid problem. We should start an Edema Club!


My feet started swelling up about 30 years ago and are now so permanently swollen that I need special shoes. Many doctors, tests, etc. Other than severe foot and ankle arthritis, no cause of the swelling has been found. I now have lymphedema and lipedema. This was a nice video, but hopefully someone else can be helped by it. I'll keep searching for answers.


Lord Jesus help us navigate through this troubled world. Shine forth your light so that we can find you in this dark world. Let our eyes be fixed on you.no matter what the circumstances. You are our hope and our salvation. 🙏


You made my edema grow bigger by watching this video. I'm going to stop eating for a while while so my foot edema get better and put my foot up too thank you for sharing and careing 😀
