General Winfield Scott Hancock

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General Winfield Scott Hancock has a reputation as one of the finest military commanders in American history, and remains little known today.
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I have heard of him and know of him. He was awesome. As an United States Citizens, a Black Man, I salute this soldier as others.


HAncock is one of my favorite generals during the war.


Excellent, thank you for this video MERRY CHRISTMAS, and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Thank you both for your friendship 😇 🌲


Hi Paul, It must be easy to get kind of immune to all the tributes and memorials in DC and area after a while- This is another gorgeous one and I enjoyed seeing it and hearing some about him. I hope you and Bev had a good Christmas day and have a nice, relaxing boxing day! 😊


Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous and safe 2017. My girlfriend and I walked past that statue back in October and had no idea who he was. She and I rode Amtrak to DC (her first ride) We came across your video about Union Station which was super informative and helped us navigate upon arrival. We noticed that you covered a lot of things in DC that we weren't aware even existed, so we subscribed and now look forward to watching every episode. We're planning another trip in the spring and are using your videos for our research. Thanks again and keep up the great work!


Wow, I can't get enough of your vids. I just love downtown DC. Have you ever checked out the old greyhound bus depot at 1100 New York Avenue. Its the original art deco period depot that was saved and is now used as the front lobby to a high rise office building that is built onto the back of the depot where the buses once pulled in. You can go inside the lobby during the weekdays and there is some information about the building and greyhound to the rear where the buses used to dock. In fact once you enter through the front doors there is an old greyhound dog in the floor tiles from when the depot was built in 1942. These days the greyhounds terminal is in the parking garage at Union Station with an interesting little ticket office within the garage, also worth checking out. Can't get any more american than Greyhound!
