How Much Protein Powder Should I Take A Day?

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00:00 💪 Protein supplements like protein powder are meant to fill in the protein gap that food alone cannot cover.
00:53 📊 Scientific evidence suggests aiming for around 1.6 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day for optimal muscle growth.
01:47 🥩 Getting protein from food is preferable due to additional nutrients it provides compared to supplements.
02:43 🌱 The source of protein (animal or plant) matters less as long as daily protein intake goals are met.
03:10 🤢 It's generally not advisable to consume excessive amounts of protein powder in one sitting to avoid potential digestive issues.
03:38 🥄 Aim for about one scoop of protein powder per day, which can cover around 20-30% of your daily protein needs.


Another amazing video thanks brother! :)


thanks, needed my weekly reminder to have enough bro-tein lol, interestingly enough some new studies that mention their may actually not be an upper thresh hold on protein intake (thomas deluar did a dive into this recently and i think so did DOAC) just some food for thought but when thinking of survival mechanisms brought forward it makes sense (man didn't always have the convenience for food we do personnally i just keep it to 2 grams per lb of body weight to keep it simple


Personally I just slam 500g of cottage cheese (60g P) for breakfast and 300g of some kind of meat (60g P) at some point during the day. Outside of that I can whatever good food I feel like. Very manageable and unrestricted in my opinion - no need for protein powder 😅


Absolutely amazing video as always! Perfect timing for the video because I was just wondering how much protein powder I should consume in a day. I’ve been consuming 4 scoops of protein powder for the last couple of weeks. I’m trying to get about 130-150 grams of protein per day and I was struggling to reach those numbers as I’m lacto-vegetarian and I find it hard to eat enough to get majority of protein from food. I do consume lentils, beans and soya products but I still struggle to get enough protein. I’m definitely considering getting more protein from food and taking 2 scoops of protein powder instead of 4 scoops. Loved the video! 🙌


@PictureFit this video was very informative. 😃 next video topic should cover is "music" and its affects on the brain and body. Sometimes i can feel i can do 1 more rep with my music on, rather than with out it. Im sure theres a ton of research out there for that. Like how soft music relaxes the body, or how harder music "amps" up the body. If anyone wants to see PictureFit cover this topic, give this comment a like. 😁🎵🎶


One scoop a day? I go all out with triple scoops in the morning and at night! 😅


These days people care more about protein than workout itself


Protein powder shouldn’t be classified as a supplement when it’s a natural milk protein


He said "Protein" just TOO MANY times 😂


I take 2 scoops a day (48grms) and Im 6'2 204lbs / 92.5kg I eat the rest. I eat around 150-200grms a day approximately, depending the day


Why is bodyweight, rather than _lean body mass, _ used to determine protein needs? If two individuals both weigh 200 lb, but one is 15 percent bodyfat while the other is 30 percent, the protein requirement would be different.


How Much Protein Powder Should I Take A Day? Yes.


Here is an idea, just now I discovered the existence of LMG(Betaine) hearing amazing things about it, it is something new to me and I'd like to know more.

You do an amazing job, keep up the good work!


I normally shoot for 1.2 gr of protein per kg when I am in a normal workout cycle. It’s easy to reach. I occasionally use protein powder as in Europe we got a cottage cheese like yoghurt which has so much protein… one 500gr container has less than 500 kcal and 40-45 gr of protein. Almost 0% of fat and some carbohydrates. Add fruits and oat meal and your good to go. Absolute cheat code to stay lean and to get your protein in. That stuff fills you up.
When I am cutting I go way higher. 2gr normally or even more. I had good experience with that and some studies seems to back it up. If you’re on gear you might wanna increase your protein to 3gr or even more. I don’t recommend that… just saying


1, 6g of animal protein for your body doesn't equal to 1, 6g of plant sources, based on DIAAS index. Plant protein is lacking some amino acids, that doesn't allow your body to fully use that protein


My experience showed a lotta difference between animal and plant based protein


I love my cartoon bro!!!😊he's so adorable and educational


Even more good news, it's based off of the weight of your lean body mass. So if you know your body fat percentage, you can subtract that weight from your body weight before you do the calculation. Btw, it's 0.71 grams of protein per pound of lean body weight if you don't want to math in all grams.


If you’re trying to recomp, then having more protein than you think you need is good because it’ll convert to less fat than if you had those calories as carbs
