5 Types of Fiber with Almost ZERO Benefit (eat these instead)

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Timestamps ⏱

0:00 - Intro
1:47 - Cellulose
2:28 - Psyllium
5:23 - Resistant Starches
8:13 - Fructooligosaccharides & Galactooligosaccharides

Please watch: "Costco Diabetes Haul | Best Foods for Diabetics & Insulin Resistance @ Costco"
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I have been taking psyllium fiber in a large dose a half an hour before dinner for the last 25 years. It has lowered my cholesterol and thereby lowering my blood pressure. It also makes me eat less because it makes me feel full.


Cellulose 1:47
Psyllium 2:28
Resistant Starches 5:23
Fructooligosaccharides and Galactooligosaccharides 8:13


I want an award for making it through this video all the way just to hear that chia seeds are great! Thank you Thomas 🤓


1. Cellulose
2. Psyllium
3. Resistant starches
4. Fructooligosaccharides
5. Galactooligosaccharides


Absolutely love that you had the time stamps for each of these foods. It made going back and listening super easy to do 👍


Wait a minute Thomas. Psyllium husk is a prebiotic and showed benefit for IBD when taken with probiotics. The fact that it's non-fermentable seems like a good thing to me as long as it feeds the microbiome.



Resistant starch (such as potato starch)

Globe artichokes
Brussels sprouts
Flax seeds
Chia seeds


Useless: Lima and kidney beans, leaks and onions, romaine and iceberg lettuce, psyllium (just for shitting), potatoes and rice, fortified breads

Good: asparagus, artichokes, chia, flax, brussel sprouts,


Want a comparison between Psyllium Husk and glucomannon (can’t spell- Konjac root!)


After some bad gut pain along with constipation. I got a colonoscopy they found nothing wrong. They diagnosed me with IBS told me to eat more fiber. I ate fiber and dealt with heartburn and more constipation from it for 2 years all the while still having the gut pain. One afternoon it hurt so bad I could hardly walk. Went to emergency room they determined I must have ate some bad food sent me home. Next morning I couldn’t walk had to crawl to the car. Three hour wait at emergency room. Rushed to surgery with a burst appendix almost septic after a couple surgeries and wearing a drainage bag for a couple months I’m better.
I mean better no more bathroom problems no more gut pain and no more IBS. Doctors can’t explain it! Best of all I quit eating all that damn fiber!


There's a difference between insoluble and soluble fibers...

soluble= water loving and allows for fermentation to occur and increases transit time. Artichoke is an example for this one.

Insoluble= increases bulk for the stool; non-fermentabile and decreases transit time.

I was eating a diet that had over 90% soluble fiber in my diet and became extremely bloated/constipated as there was no bulk in my stool. Once i took chia seeds (they actually have MORE insoluble fiber than soluble) and cellulose powder each morning, I went to the bathroom within the next few hours. So to anyone that has watched this and was like, huh :/ You aren't alone. This is not exactly a good take.

What works for me is a 75% insoluble and 25 % soluble fiber diet. If you are anal, take butyrate supplements. Thats what I do along with my soluble fiber intake.


Thanks for sharing! Wow! I was confused 😐…. Information was too complicated! Make it simple and straight to the point.


My body has difficulty processing fiber. So I have to have cooked veggies, instead of fresh, although I prefer fresh. I can't poop most of the time, when I have raw veggies, it's even worse. I don't understand why.


There's way more than the 5 or supposed good fibers mentioned in the video and it's more than just butyrate that you need.
Acetate and proprionate are still important as well.
Acetate helps to keep your gut environment stable and nourishes other beneficial bacteria species in your colon. Acetate accounts for the highest % of SCFAs produced by your gut bacteria and is still integral to our overall health and wellbeing.
Propionate lowers lipogenesis, serum cholesterol levels, and carcinogenesis in other tissues. It stimulates the release of PYY and GLP-1 from human colonic cells which has satiation effects, helps you lose weight and helps to reduces intra-abdominal adipose.
Inulin has benefits though may not be suitable for all individuals. It is rapidly fermented in the colon by bacteria. The resulting product draws up the water in the colon and releases gas. This is particularly a problem for individuals with IBS, who might experience gas and bloating. In mice, inulin introduced in the diet caused liver cancer, but only in those with a gut microbe imbalance. When given with a high-fat diet, it worsened microbe imbalance and increased the incidence of liver cancer.
If you want a healthy diet and you are able to tolerate fibers, eat a wide variety - both soluble and insoluble. If you CANNOT tolerate fiber, then you will have to stick to a low FODMAP diet. This includes anyone with SIBO, SIFO, IBS, leaky gut etc.
You want diversity in your microbiome. Decreased diversity, considered an indicator of an unhealthy microbiome, has been linked to different chronic conditions such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. Good news is that you can eat more than just 5 or 6 items 365 days a year ;)


For me cellulose has been hugely beneficial. There is only minor fermentation, but it still speeds up transit time through the intestine and creates volume, therefore releasing SIBO symptoms.


Thomas this news you’re sharing with us is great .I do eat a high protein diet and low carb .and I’m still having trouble with pooping.I eat a 4 to 5 eggs pretty much after my 20 hrs fasting. I try to save my carbs dinner. I love my salmon and bacon and burgers. And pizza. I feel like I’m not eating enough fiber.


Regarding psyllium husk, a 2019 study found that psyllium husk had a small but significant effect on the microbial composition of healthy adults. The effects were more pronounced on adults with constipation. The name of the study was "The Effect of Psyllium Husk on Intestinal Microbiota in Constipated Patients and Healthy Controls". Your video title suggests that Psyllium fiber has "almost ZERO benefit" which I think is misleading.


#1 Chia #2 flax #3 quinoa
#4 Amaranth (popped)
all equal parts
16.66 % each
33.3 %
#5 sesame #6 hemp
#7 alpistle #8 millet
all equal parts
8.3% each


Thomas, you mention "high-amylose starch produced the most short-chain fatty acids".
However, the study's excerpt (you display in the video) states "increased short-chain fatty acid production in the cecum" ... "potato starch had the greatest effect and high-amylose starch the least".
Hence, potato starch had the greatest short-chain fatty acid production!
Excellent video overall.
Especially the artichoke and asparagus you mention to consume, which has significantly improved my digestive health!


I am always amazed by what a great researcher and teacher you are.
