MicroNugget: What Are the Changes to Windows 8?

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In this video, Tim Warner covers new developments and enhancements to Windows 8. This includes numerous functional changes to features such as Windows Explorer, the ribbon interface, disk image mounting, and how the OS is designed to facilitate better handling of file collisions.

Windows 8 features a significant number of improvements. Tim walks through all of the major changes and explains not only what they do, but also why they were included from a user perspective. This begins with the ribbon interface, which groups the most frequently used commands together in a logical fashion to prioritize ease of use. This OS also provides much more control over file moves and copies with a running actions interface and better handling of file collisions by leveraging metadata. Another revolutionary change is the prioritization of disk image mounting (ISO, IMG, VHD) as Windows 8 facilitates receiving software via downloading rather than a traditional physical installation.

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Thanks for the feedback and your thoughts. What about Windows 8 do you think is going to be bad?


There's a lot of dislike for the changes, but there was also a lot of dissent around the changes when Windows 95 came out too. I think the difference between who likes what will be between casual and power users.


I have used all 3 Versions of Windows 8 from beta to RP(Release Preview) & I think its confusing at the start but after about 1 hr of playing you get use to the functionality of it.
It is very fast & fluent & will be upgrading 2 Laptops & a Slate PC to the full versions on Oct 26. I think Microsoft have taken a good step forward, thanks for the video :)


you have the most friendliest voice ever! :-)


Thanks, this was very useful information. I am always hesitant to buy into hate without justification. I guess I need to do more digging into windows 8.


The old Desktop shortcuts are much simpler and they don't squirm around when you try to click them, not so bad with a Mouse but terrible using the Laptops Touch Pad.


note the title says micronugget, these are just a few small features in windows 8 :/


In Windows 7, we also had the ability to preview files that were selected, so I don't think that should be included as a new feature in this video.


Hello, crucial question, can you disable auto arrange within explorer? This is vital for many users who wish to move files wherever they like, i.e. aligned to grid. This feature was always there until they removed the feature in windows 7.


Can you disable auto arrange within documents/explorer? This is an important option when it comes to personally arranging your own files.


I found the bundled MS Photo app appears to be buggy or else I wasn't doing something right, when I clicked on a picture it would cut it in half and display it twice side by side, no way to correct this that I could find since like most of the Apps there were no configuration options available, at least not easily available.


biggest thing so far, is the pop up question "what do you want to do with this?" and its usually a .htm extension (open it in explorer, duh !" why am I getting this all the time ?? if I see a hyperlink in a article, I click it, and it asks me that question with 3 solutions... open (wont save), save and save as .. driving me nuts !


As for copying, Win 7 also tells you details about conflicts and gives you the same options for overwriting, or did I miss something?

Oh, about the missing Start Button, they really need to fix that so turning off the PC doesn't require logging off, then clicking to find the power button. Start Button = Intuitive, no Start Button = Stupid.

Sorry for the multiple comments but YouTube only allows so much space.
Overall 8 seems to be a fine system but there are some things that need improvement


Hello, crucial question, can you disable auto arrange within explorer?


There are ways around that so it bypasses the sign in screen as well as the Metro Interface & just goes straight to the desktop, I have a Core 2 duo laptop that took about 1 min to boot on Win7 but Win8 takes only 15sec from Power button straight to desktop.


I don't understand why everyone is complaining about Windows 8. You're stuck in the past, Microsoft is trying to move forward and create an OS compatible from a PC to a tablet. For those of you that don't like the panels or just don't like change, there is a way to make Windows 8 look and feel like Windows 7 with added features.


Just installed it on a Laptop, runs smooth but I don't see much reason for Metro (or whatever) to exist. It's basically just a bunch of shortcuts to programs and App MS thinks are useful but probably don't fit the way most people use a PC.


should i install this is it worth it?


i would like to get my hands on w8 and get a feel of my own but im still sticking to w7 and xp


Sooo... Windows 8 is just Windows 7 with some extra bells and whistles. The one thing I HATE though is that weird menu screen. You have to SELECT your desktop to get to it? That bothers me. Doesn't seem very streamlined in my opinion.
